Chapter 32

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Y'all ain't ready for this chapter🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

I'm sorry but I had wrote it one way and it was too perfect you know? Like too easy and she wasn't hurt. But then I thought no, imma hurt some damn feelings. Shit imma hurt my damn self lmao😅😅

I really... REALLY... didn't even plan on writing it like this... oh lord please don't hate me.


Chapter 32: Almost Free


My knees ached with pain while the rest of me became numb with pain. My eyes closed while my head pressed against the floor. My clothes cut up in shreds below me. I few cuts here and there still beaded with blood. With arms and hands bound behind my back with ropes. I had gone numb. It felt like forever since he untied me and I fought him with all I had. But blow after blow everything went black and I woke up bound once again. My arms and hands lost feeling first then my knees. Licking my lips I tasted my blood from when he knocked me about. He was gone but I knew that if I moved he would know. And he would be here before I knew it. This crazy ass old man is definitely scary than Dante. He's way worse.

"I've always wanted a Genovese woman to bow before me." He said walking in. His bare feet barely made a sound as he seemed to have glided across the room. Still I said nothing. He circled me, then came to an stop in front of me. I held my breath waiting for what he was gonna do next. Soon I felt his hand grasp on my coiled fro and pull so I was looking up at him. "You may speak. I can tell you wanted to say something." Licking my bruised lips I attempted to speak my mouth and throat were dry but I managed.

"But I'm not a Genovese women." I said and he frowned.

"You're close enough. I know that boy wants to marry you." He said letting go and I rest my head once again. Where the fuck is Dante? I tear built up and hit the floor, and I saw myself. From my disheveled hair, bruised cheek stained with blood, brushed lips, and swollen eye.

I'm broken.


"Where the fuck is this bitch!?" I shouted slamming my hands as we are met with another dead end. My phone vibrates and it's that bitch again. But this time she called. My mother looked at me with slanted eyes at it rang on the table.

"Who's that? Why do they keeps trying to contact you?" She is looking at it as it's now an unknown number.

"It's not any ransom, just some bitch I used to fuck." And then her eyes darkened.

"You've been stepping out in her?" She said and it made me more upset than anything. Here I am trying to find her and because of her dumb ass ex she's fucking gone! And she wants to get all pissy over a fucking bitch?!

"No this was before, I broke off things when I got with Carney." I said and she held my phone as she sent another text.

"Could she be behind this?"

"No, never she's too dumb to even- fuck me." I stood up and paced. That fake ass bitch! How come I didn't see this before?! I quickly walked out and grabbed my coat.

"What?!" Mom yelled following behind me. We passed the concerned and angry faces of my family.

"I just remembered her full name, it's Crystal Gallo- Lorenz!" Mother's eyes widened and her cheeks got red. Her mother was married twice!

"Dammit boy! Call that bitch back and bring her here! NOW!" She yelled tossing me my phone.


I walked the grand hall to her Master suite, she took measures today. So she is behind it... when arriving I noticed the extra security, they were so obvious but I won't hurt the bitch... unless she forces me to. I came to her door and knocked. Quickly the door swung open and an quite drunk and half naked Crystal answered.

"Hey baby, I've been calling texting..." she threw herself on me, I held her as I closed the door behind me. As she kissed and caressed me I backed her against the wall and lightly choked her. She finally opened her eyes and saw the rage on my face.

"Where is she!?" I yelled and she just shook her head.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" I firmly gripped her until she gasped and clawed at my hands.

"Don't play with me Crystal! Where is Carney?!" I slammed her harder against the wall and she broke out in tears. I could care less for all her theatrical shit! She cried some more and I gave her a chance to talk.

"What's so special about that bald headed bitch! What's ever so special about them Dante?! I could've given you everything but you keep choosing other ugly bitches!?" She said and I just laughed. And she thinks her ass is pure? More holy than I? Who the fuck does she thinks she's talking to?

"How many times did you sleep with other people?! And me and you had a very clear understanding of what we had- nothing! Nothing more than a decent fuck on speed dial!" I said and she just smiled. A smile I've never seen on her face, it was something dark... damn near sinister.

"Well then... my uncle is gonna busy that bitch wide open- I've witnessed his other pets in past Dante. The bitch you love now is gonna be an empty shell...only loyal to my uncle."


"Come on now, stand up. Stretch out a bit." I rose to my feet slowly, afraid of falling over and busting anything else. It was hard because I was numb and plus I was still bound. Head still dropped I stood, my body ached all over. But I kept trying to think of happier times. Something to keep me distracted, make the time go faster so before I know it Dante will be here. "Look at me." Time froze and I glanced at him, he wore a disgusting smirk with a bottle of liquor closed to his lips. I silently prayed he wasn't too drunk. Once again I shrunk under his lustrous gaze. "You just look so damn good... that hate and anger in those eyes... so damn sexy."

"Hmm." I said and raised a brow.

"But what's really turning me on is the fear..." He walked over to me and grabbed my breast roughly, bitting my lip I bit back the cry. "You know what I wanna do to this body, what I will make you succumb to. And before you know it you'll be like a dog in heat for me. Obeying only me, fucking only me. Oh yeah... I'll slit your little ass in two..." he grabbed at me harder and I whimpered. "And I heard you've never been with a man...?" He looked into my eyes and smirked. I had the answer written all over me. "Lucky you... I'll be your first." His hand ripped at the front of what's left of my dress, and exposing me. Fear filled me up instantly and I began to sweat as my body went cold. He pushed me back and further back until I landed on what felt like a tablet. I yelled out in pain and discomfort.

"P-Please don't." I cried and it only made him make a fake sympathetic smile before he brought his fingers down to my womanhood. Tears flooded my eyes and cheeks making it hard to see and breath. In that moment the numbness was gone. I had felt everything.

"Now... let me see how tight your pussy is." He smiles while licking his fingers.


"Alright, y'all already know how we operate. The boys are gonna go first to get his men going to the front. And well slip in through the side and find Carney. We good?" I asked everyone in the van.

"No problem bro." Matteo answered with a smile.

"Imma bit rusty but I'll manage." Damiano said putting his gloves on, but I saw what was in his eyes. Now that one is a sick little bastard.

"And don't kill him if you get to him first. I'll handle him." Mom said placing her hand on my shoulder and I pulled away.

"Mom, I'm sorry but I really want this one." I said and she shook her head.

"Me too dammit." We all laughed and geared up.

"Alright everybody, lets go."


I felt his disgusting fingers breach my entrance and I cried, wept, everything but he didn't stop. I tried moving and kicking but he held me down. He laughed. He laughed me knowing how this was going to end. He was going to have me. Take me with force. My adrenaline was long gone, but I couldn't stop. And then everything shook, the lights went out and a siren went off. And emergency light came on, making his room look more ominous. Hearing the sound of men running, guns shooting, and sounds of something's crashing or blowing up calmed me. I knew what it was. What was happening, who was finally here. Dante. But instead of trembling or running around like a chicken with his head cut off Lorenzo stopped what he was doing and sighed. All too calm for me.

"Looks like your lover has found us my love." He stood up, hand around my throat the other unzipped his pants. Unable to breath a gasped at the little air I could gather.

"S-Stop!" I managed. And he squeezed down and my head drummed and my eyes bulged as the ached in pain.

"And it looks like I can't take my sweet time with you either, looks like I'm going in dry."



Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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