Chapter 29

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Hey y'all!!! Sorry to make ya wait!!


Chapter 29: Family Secrets


I giggled feeling Dante's lips softly graze my forehead as he slept. Oh I love cuddling up with him... now. It's still so strange to me. How could I love this man? After all he's done to me... I love him. But, he's changed so much since the first time we met. Maybe that's why I forgave him. But still deep down I still have my doubts. I mean, he's been nice and loving before but it was all an act for his mother. Then it was because he just wanted sex. And now here I am surrounded by his family. What if this whole romance is a lie? If he's still using me to get on his parents good side? I've seen the type of women he would bring home, his date to his high school prom. Some of them were plastic but still beauty queens. And he's way out of my league-I don't want to think that he's using me but I'm overthinking. God, this is why I hate being alone with my own thoughts.

"Hmm, what's wrong petardo?" Dante asked still half asleep and I froze. I didn't mean to wake him.

"W-What? Nothing!" I said and he rubbed his eyes.

"You sure? I could feel your heart beating faster." He said and I hugged his side a little more.

"I was just thinking- well overthinking and putting myself in a... bad state of mind." I said and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"It's alright petardo. Children can wait." What the hell is this fool talking about?! I laughed shaking off my self doubt and cuddling up to Dante.

"Dante I was definitely NOT thinking about children but... us." I said and looked up at him.

"Us? Really?" Dante smiled and looked down at me.

"Yeah... I just want all of this to be real, and not something to please your family." I saw his mood immediately change to being pissed, a face I'm too familiar with. Dante got up and out of the bed. "Dante? I didn't mean to make you upset." I reached for his hand but he just stepped away from me.

"Are you fucking serious Carney?!" He yelled and a scooted back.

"You don't have to yell at me!" I yelled as he started pacing by the side of the bed. "I said I was sorry Dante!... I guess somethings never change..." I sighed and leaned against the headboard.

"I'm so fucking pissed-I can't believe you would say some shit like that to me." He said, still very pissed.

"You wanted to know! I'm sorry for thinking that you've changed Dante!"

"I thought this is what you wanted! That you loved me?! Or was that all just some shit?"

"Dante?! I NEVER said I didn't love you!... I was just having a moment of weakness and my nonexistent self esteem was eating me up inside-I was just overthinking... please come back to bed Dante?" I said while opening my arms for him. Dante sighed while rubbing his temples as he sat down.

"Dammit Carney. You really pissed me off." He grabbed my ankle and pulled me to him. I yelped at the sudden action. But I'll admit I'm still a little scared. He pressed his forehead against mine. "Carney... I'm not using you. I love you. I'm sorry for getting pissed but..."  Dante paused and I wanted him to finish what he was saying. I reached up and grabbed his face in my hands making him look at me again.

"But what Dante? Talk to me? I whispered, looking him in his chocolate brown eyes.

"Carney, I've never told I women outside of my family that I love them. Even if I was using them for personal gain. Never. And I don't know... I just got upset when you said that." He said and it clicked.

"Oh Dante, I didn't mean to hurt you."I said and he looked confused.

"Hurt me? I was not hurt. Just pissed." I rolled my eyes at him. Can admit you got hurt huh? Big old baby.

"Okay, whatever you say." I giggled pulling him in and he held me. I really do love this Dante.

"So Enzo said you guys want to start having kids?" Valerie asked as we laid by the beach. I really need to stop drinking with her. But I'm limiting myself this time.

"Aha well I was just having so much fun with him I thought about having my own. But it's not set in stone." I said and she started laughing.

"If you're marrying into this family it is." I wouldn't be surprised, that's all his mom wants.

"Well... I don't think we're ready for children anyway. Me and Dante still have our... problems." I mumbled sipping my wine.

"All relationships do Carney. But I do want to see what Dante's offspring will look like. But because you'll be the mother in sure they'll be beautiful!" She joked, I love this woman!

"Oh thank you!"

"We totally need to visit each other when we get back to the states." She said and I smiled, I couldn't wait for her and Jenn to meet. I know they'll click.

"I would like that." I said and my eyes wondered the beach and I spotted Kelin."Oh! Kelin!" I yelled and he waved at me then walked inside the house. "Kelin?" What is wrong with him?

"Oh Carney don't get too close to that boy." Valerie said and it kinda caught me off guard. If she only knew how he was there for me. And we became good friends she wouldn't be saying this.

"What does that mean? Kelin is a good friend." I asked and she shook her head while sitting her glass down.

"Listen, his mom is a snake and so is he. He's just like his mother, so don't get too close to him unless you want Dante to off the bastard." She said and my jaw dropped.

"Look, I know families have their own secrets and all but you are so blinded by whatever his mother did. That you can't see his genuine personality. Kelin is a great friend and he's an honest, and loving person. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go talk to him." I got up and grabbed my sandals, leaving Valerie there with her mouth wide open. You're not going to talk bad about the only person that kept me sane!

"Wait!  Carney!" Valerie grabbed me, stopping me in my tracks.

"What?" I asked her.

"Why does it sound like you have feelings for him?" What the hell?

"I'm just tired of seeing my friend hurt around his family! Of course I have feelings for him! Just like I got some for you right now!" Valerie narrowed her eyes at me and squeezed my wrist harder.

"If you're playing my cousin, I will beat your ass. This shit is NOT happening again!" She yelled getting in my face.

"You better let go of me now!" I pulled away from her hold and hit my back against someone.

"What's going on petardo?"


I think she's fucking Kelin!" Valerie yelled and Dante looked emotionless.

"Not possible Valerie. So you need to shut the fuck up." He said darkly and pulled me into him. Valerie's face turned red.

"Really? Not possible? How do you think Kelin got here?!"

"Not possible because the only one popping this cherry will be me. And I told you before Kelin is loyal and Carney is too bad of a liar to cheat." I laughed a little knowing I am a terrible lier... he's not wrong.

"R-Really? You're a virgin?! Dante put a ring on it before hitting it?!" Valerie shouted loudly and I got embarrassed. Mostly because his family started peeking through the windows and turning away from the beach to watch us. Some of them were even giggling.

"Listen Valerie, I may not know what's going on with this family but I know Kelin. If you're judgment was so clouded you would see him for who he really is." They both for silent and and looked at each other.

"Fine... I'm sorry to have upset you Carney."

"Well I think all of you should apologize to Kelin but yeah. I accept your apology."

"Carney, lets go out. You need some fresh air." Dante said while pulling me by my hips.

"Okay! Bye Valerie." I said quickly as he pulled me inside.

"See ya guys."

"So what is the deal with Kelin and his mom?" Carney asked as we walked back home. Not my idea obviously but she wanted to. I'll most likely carry her the rest of the way.

"Well... His mom and my uncles first wife were best friends. She was like an Aunt already to all of us. But she was sleeping around with my uncle and he married her. But Kelin is not related to us by blood but marriage." I told her and she shook her head looking confused.

"But why is Valerie so pissed."

"Because that uncle is her father." I said and her eyes widened.

"Oh... well that explains it."

"Yeah. She means no harm but she doesn't want the same thing to happen." I told her, Valerie is a good person but after the divorce she was never the same.

"And it won't."

"Oh I know it won't. Kelin knows better and you... I trust you Carney." I said and she laughed.

"Now you do." Carney said while rolling her eyes. I pulled her closer and she held onto my side.

"I love you you know?" I said and she smiled.

"I love you too Dante." She said getting on her toes and kissed my cheek. I smiled and picked her up. "Whoa! Put me down." I captured her lips and protest stopped as she melted... I could definitely see myself spending the rest of my life with her.



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Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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