Chapter 23

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I just want to say you guys are so awesome!! Y'all leave the funniest comments and they always make me laugh!

Thanks for loving and supporting my story loves!!!❤❤❤

Also a little cute and funny chapter for y'all. (Is this starting to turn into a love story??)


Chapter 23: Together Again


"Do you know why Eleonora call you?" Viktor asked me as we walked to my old office.

"Not a clue Viktor."

"Hey, are your parents still together?" Not this shit again.

"Viktor if you keep trying to get with my mom I will kill you."

"Ah old friend, your mother is a goddess. I remember when I visited your father's vacation home in Sorrento and she was in that swimsuit-"

"I will kill you."

"Fine I'll drop it." If he weren't my best friend I would kill him. But sadly I value our friendship so that might never happen. Unless he actually sleeps with my mother. Then I'll kill him.

"You're so fucking disgusting. And you did not have to come with me."

"Well I was with you and I want to see your beautiful-"

"Fucking gross man!" We opened the doors and walked in. My mom was sitting back in her chair in her phone. When she finally looked away from they thing she smiled.

"Ah if it isn't my handsome son- is that little Viktor? You've grown into a fine young man!" She said getting up and hugging Viktor. I groaned when I saw Viktor's smug smile. If he lowers his hand anymore we will have a problem.

"Oh Eleonora! You haven't aged a day. Still with your husband?" He said taking her hand and kissing it.

"Jesus Christ! Viktor!" I pulled his away from my mom and they laughed.

"Ah you're so cute!"

"Well as you can tell I'm not a child anymore-"

"Alright! Back in the fucking hall Viktor!" I said grabbing him and pushing him out. Once I got him out I turned back to her. She had a tight smile on her face, oh this is not a good visit.

"What can I help you with Mother?"

"I don't know why you said Kelin couldn't go! Your actions are really making me rethink your role in the business son."


"Did I say you could speak? Am I going to have to treat you like some lackey?" I shook my head no and she smiled. "Now, Kelin is going. And if I hear you tried to stop him we will have a problem son. Now get out." I nodded and headed out of her office. So Carney went to my mother so her precious boy toy could come along huh?


*On the jet*
So to be on time I came two hours before the departure time... but I'm on a freaking jet! I could've came later!Kelin didn't tell me that! Oh and he is coming. Someone might have called Mama, but I'm not gonna name any names.

"Ma'am would you like anything?" The attendant asked me.

"Oh, um... Can I get a tea?"

"Yes Ma'am, I'll have that too you soon." He said smiling and walking off. This looks like it's gonna be a great trip.

*Two Hours Later*

Son of a bitch! I mentally yelled as I saw Dante get out his car without freaking Kelin! Where the fuck is Kelin?! Okay Carney calm down. You've been able to handle him so far. But others were around so that don't count stupid. Did I ask you me?! Great! I'm fucking crazy! When I heard the pilot greet him and quickly grabbed my phone. Okay! Gonna read some books, good idea!

"Well that's incredibly rude petardo."

"Don't call me that." I said glaring at him.

"Hmm, cute." He said walking passed me to the back of the jet. "Diana! Come back here!" He yelled and the female attendant rushed to the back. Oh? Looks like he couldn't stop being a ho? No surprise there. Ugh, and he just has to do while I'm here.

"I'm so sorry sir! I will change those out before we take off!" She said quickly running back to the front. Oh? Not having sex for once?

"They told me you got here two hours early... why?" When I looked up and he had a smug smile. Okay, I didn't know this was his fucking hey alright!

"That's what normal people do. And if I got here later would you have let me on?"

"Well of course, but we would have to make a deal."

"Looks like getting here early was a good idea."

"Actually, I can have you escorted out anytime I want to. I could've had them kick you out when they told me you were here."

"Why do I not like where this is going?"

"I'll make you a deal Carney."

"Of course!"

"There are only two rooms on board, one for me and on for Kelin. And you are definitely not sleeping in his room."

"I'll sleep here then." I said while patting the seats.

"Not on my jet."

"So what? Want me to lay in bed with you? Is that bed even clean? You know? Given your history with women."


"Seriously Dante! It's not like it's hard for you to get with women! They throw themselves at you! If you need a cuddle buddy call up a girl." I said annoyed with him.

"Sorry but you beat up my usual girl." He said with a small smile and I couldn't help but laugh a little. That bitch had it coming though!

"Dante... seriously I can sleep in these chairs. I'm not having sex with Kelin and I don't want to sleep with you... Why can't you understand that?" Dante sighed and sat next to.

"You know I tried changing for you?"

"How?! When?! The only change I've seen is that you're not abusing me! Oh! And you didn't kidnap me this time!"

"Then what the fuck do you want Carney?! I've given you money, clothes, anything you could want! And we weren't even fucking!So what was the fucking problem?!"

"I don't want those things! I'm not some gold digger!"

"So what? What is it then?"

"Dante... I don't know... try being sweet? Can you even be affectionate?"

"Sweet? You want some kind bullshit Prince Charming?"

"Dante... I don't know why I even said anything." I sighed looking down. He's never going to get this.

"Is that what you want Carney?" He asked gently, cupping my face so I looked directly at him.

"No- not exactly. I don't think we could work anyway... And I don't want you to be someone else, because it will be a lie." I tried pulling away but he didn't let go.

"Seriously? So what exactly do you want from me?"

"Be yourself? Not your tough guy act. But the real you, the one your mother tells me about? Could you please?" I asked as I put my hand over his.

"Holy shit!" I jumped out of my skin and pulled away from a annoyed Dante. When I looked at the entryway Kelin, the flight attendants, and pilot were standing there. Well this is embarrassing!

"Kelin!" I said happily standing up.

"N-No don't mind me! Continue, please!" He said grabbing his bags and stepping back. I looked back at Dante but he was already headed to the back. I sighed and looked back at them. "If you don't carry your black ass back there!" Kelin yelled pushing me.

"Damn it Kelin stop!"

"Go! Now!" He yelled pushing me harder.

"Fine!" I yelled at him and walked to the back. But we do need to finish talking.



Sooooooooo what you guys think?!?!!!!?!

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!!!!







(•́ ₃ •̀)

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