Indestructible Henry

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Arabella's POV

"Oh, this is all my fault! Aw, I mean if it wasn't for me this never would've happen to Henry." My dad groaned with worry as Schwoz examined Henry's body for any damaged body parts. My dad and Henry went to a clock store to stop a C-5 Disrupter that was planted somewhere in the store and they needed to disarm it. They did not prevail and it blew the whole store up. It wouldn't be as bad if Henry wasn't inside it and it exploded. Now Henry is injured and my dad is concerned about his sidekick.

I'm freaking worried about Henry. I hope he's not seriously injured, I don't want to lose him. He's my best friend.

Best friend...

"I caused this. I'm to blame!" My dad exclaimed.

"Yeah." Charlotte and I agreed.

"Okay, does that hurt?" Schwoz asked as he scanned Henry's back.

"Nah. It tickles." Henry giggles and Schwoz smiled.

"I know, I do it to myself sometimes."

"Come on, Schwoz! You've been examining Henry for twenty minutes!" I berate Schwoz. "Will you say something?"

"Will you and Charlotte order me a corn beef sandwich?" Schwoz asked and Henry laid back down and I rubbed his back.

"Schwoz!" My dad snapped.


"Is Henry gonna be okay?" My dad asked with worry.

"I think so." Schwoz said.

"Oh, thank god!" My dad sighed with relief.

"Yay." I smile.

"I'll take a tuna salad on whole wheat." My dad ordered me and Charlotte.

"Hey." Charlotte and I say.


"We're not getting anybody any sandwichs!" Charlotte yelled.

"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt, but my butt still hurts!" Henry interrupted, pointing to his butt.

My dad snickered.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"He said 'but my butt." My dad laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Now Henry, pull your knees forward a bit." Schwoz instructed and Henry did that.


Schwoz began to scan his butt.

"Now try to wiggle your hips."

Henry began to wiggle his hips.

"More wiggle."

"More?" Henry asked, stopping and Schwoz lowered the scanning device.

"Yeah. Wiggle them like you're a hula dancer, trying really hard to get a hula job." Schwoz explained and started to scan his butt again. Henry wiggles his butt really hard and we heard a snap.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Henry cries and grabbed his butt.

Charlotte and I went up to Schwoz, who was thinking because he put his glasses on.


"Henry has a dislocated buttock." Schwoz declared and we turned to the sidekick.

"What?" Henry said.

"Well, how do we fix him? It! You know, the buttock!" My dad frantically asked.

"You and Bella grab his ankles. Charlotte and I will grab his wrists." Schwoz instructed and we followed his orders. My dad and I grabbed Henry's ankles, while Schwoz and Charlotte grabbed his wrists.

"Wait, what's gonna happen here?" Henry asked.

"On two, everyone yank and shake." Schwoz instructed and we nodded.

"Yank and shake? That doesn't sound good at all." Henry objected.

"One, two!"

We began to yank and shake Henry's body.

"Ow! Ow! Oh my god!"


After about a minute or two of yanking and shaking, we almost had it.

"Almost got it!"

Moments later, I heard a crack and Henry moaned in pain as we let him go.

"Ahhhhh!" We looked at him. "Woo. I think it worked." Henry wiggles his butt on the gurney and he seemed okay.

"Do you feel any pain?" Schwoz asked him.

"Nope." Henry smiled and stood up, shaking his hips. "Thanks, guys! You relocated my buttock!"

My dad put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, I'm sorry you got hurt, kid."

"C'mon, it wasn't your fault. I'm the one who ran back in the store." Henry remarked.

"I know, but you're just a kid." My dad reasoned. "What right do I have to take you around with me, and put you in all kinds of dangerous situations?"

"Hey." Henry protested. "I wanted this job. And you need a sidekick."

"I know, but maybe it's too risky." My dad said.

"You take the risks." Henry argued.

"But I'm indestructible."

"I wish we could make Henry indestructible." Charlotte wondered and this caught mine and Schwoz's attention.

"Yeah. Too bad the machine that made me indestructible was destroyed." My dad said, lying and this confused me and Schwoz.

No it wasn't.

"What are you talking about? The densitizer was never destroyed." Schwoz protested.

"Yes it was, remember?" My dad questioned us and got closer. "The accident that destroyed the machine?"

"Why are you talking to us like this?" I asked, copying his weird movements. "The machine is still downstairs."

"Jeez, what do you two not understand about this look?!" My dad gritted through his teeth, repeating his odd gesture. "It means lie! I wanted you to lie! Why won't you lie?"

"You lied to us!?" Charlotte asked.

"No!" My dad lied, turning to Henry and Charlotte, before turning back to us and doing the weird movement. "Right, Bella and Schwoz?"

"We can show you the machine right now." I offered and my dad groaned, angrily.

"Ray, the densitizer's been here the whole time I've known you?" Henry asked.

"Yes, it has." My dad admitted.

"Then why can't Henry be densitized?" Charlotte asked him.

"Yeah, why can't I be indestructible like you?"

My dad sighed. "You want to know why?"


"You really wanna know why?" My dad repeated.

"I do."

"Cuz I'll show ya. I'll take you to the densitizer right now. I'll show you the machine that changed everything if that's what you really want." My dad offered.

"That'd be great." Henry said

"Okay, let's go."


The five of us went downstairs to the storage room to see the machine.


We got down to the storage room and my dad switched on the lights.

"This is the room of storage!" My dad presented.

"So, where's the machine that made you indestructible?" Henry asked.

"Right over there." My dad gesture to the tarp that was covering the machine. "Schwoz, pull off the tarp."

"Aye." Schwoz walked over to the tarp and ripped it off, but it got stuck on the machine. He yanked on it and got tangled up the large tarp.

"This is the trans-molecular densitizer." My dad informed ignoring Schwoz, who was on the floor and was struggling with the tarp.

"Can someone please help me?" Schwoz begged.

"So, this is really the thing that made you indestructible?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah. Way back when. I remember it like a well-edited video." My dad smiled and I watched him go into the memory of him being densitized.

"...God, I was a handsome kid." My dad smiled, after reliving his memory. "Makes sense on why Bella is so good looking."

"But I'm not your actual-"

"Don't ruin the moment."

"Right." I replied to Henry.

"Okay, come on!" Henry anxiously smiled. "Let's fire this thing up and make me indestructible!"

"No." My dad and I denied.

"Hey! I can't get out of this tarp!"

"Why can't Henry be indestructible?" Charlotte asked.

"Because it won't work." My dad answered.

"Why not? If it worked on you, it should work on me." Henry reasoned.

"That's what my grandfather thought." I cut in. "But it didn't."

"After that thing made me indestructible, my dad and his team of scientists tried it on other people." My dad explained.

"And what happened?" Charlotte asked.

"You want to know what happened?" My dad asked.


"Do you really want to know?"

"I do."

"Cuz I'll show ya. I'll take you over there and I'll show you what—"

"Just show them! Just show them!" I snapped, cutting him off.

"Okay, lets go."

My dad led us over to the tv, stepping over Schwoz's body.

"I'm having trouble breathing!"

My dad took out the VHS tape from the box and this confused Charlotte and Henry.

"What is that?"

"This is a VHS tape." My dad explained. "It's how humans used to store videos. You need to watch this."

"Okay." Henry said and as my dad was getting the tv ready, Henry and Charlotte took the tape. They were confused on what to do and I rolled my eyes. "Uh, where do I tap?"

"I don't even see a screen." Charlotte said.

Henry turned it over and smiled. "Oh, I know, I know!" He put it up to his face like a VR headset and I giggled. He looked around with it and my dad snatched it from him.

"Give me that!" My dad slide it into the tv and it turned on. "Now, after I was made indestructible as a kid, my father tried the same process on three other men."

"So, what happened to those guys?"

"Did they become indestructible?" Henry asked.

"Oh no." I chuckled.

"Oh no." My dad said with horror. "But the machine did change them."


"You wanna know?" My dad asked and I rolled my eyes

"Yeah." Henry said with annoyance.

"You really wanna know? Cuz I'll show ya-"

"Oh my god!"

"Stop that!"


"Here's what happened to Dave Macallan." My dad played the video and Dave appeared on the screen. Screaming was heard, but the source was unknown.

"Who's making that noise?"

"Watch." My dad tells Henry and Dave lifted his shirt up to reveal a screaming face on his stomach.

"Ah, jeez!" Henry gasps and Charlotte covered her eyes.

"Turn it off!"

My dad fast forwarded the video. "Here's what happened to John Walker."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" John cries at his hands that are feet. "Why are they feet?! Ah!"

"That's just wrong!" Henry stated and my dad fast forwarded the video.

"And here's what the machine did to Glen Livet." My dad played the video and we see Glen standing there's

"He looks okay." Henry said.

"Sure." I say. "Until a little arm comes out of his ear and pokes him in the eye!"

"Oh, come on!" Charlotte exclaimed.

"That can't happen." Henry laughed and right then we see an arm appear from Glen's ear and poke him in the eye.


Henry and Charlotte yell in horror. The poking kept happening from right to left and it was horrible.

"Please god, make it stop!" Glen cried.

"Press stop!" Charlotte cried and my dad stopped the video.

"Now, you see why the Densitizer can never be used again." My dad said and I see Schwoz finally standing up from the tarp.

"If it worked on you, why'd it do such awful things to those other guys?" Charlotte asked.

"No one knows." I shrug.

"Well, I got tickets to see Loggins and Messina. Lock the door when you leave." My dad kissed my head, before walking out of the room.

"Well, too bad." Charlotte sighed and I see Schwoz throw the tarp to the side.

"Yeah. Do you know how cool it'd be if I was indestructible?" Henry smiled, touching the Densitizer.

"Y'know what? I say you can be made indestructible." Schwoz declared.

"How?" Henry asked.

"I have a theory. Come on, I tell you out there." Schwoz began to leave, but I didn't move.



"Airy, let's go." Henry told me and I shook my head.

"No way."


"I don't want to see you grow a face on your belly button!" I protested.

"Just listen to what I have to say-"

"I can't hear you!" I yell and plug my ears, sitting down in a wagon. "Bloobidy-bloobidy-bloobidy bloobidy-bloobidy-bloobidy!"

Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled and I see Henry pulling the wagon out of the room.

Oh god.


"You see, when Ray went into the densitizer, he was a young boy, just like Henry is a young boy." Schwoz explained to us.

Schwoz drew this whole design on the chalk board and I was still in the wagon I sat down in.

"Right, right, and the other three guys they tried it on, when it failed, were grownups." Henry continued.

"They were grownups! Now their mutant freaks!" I exclaimed.

"Airy, come on!"

"I'm not gonna watch Once Upon A Time with you if you have arms coming out of your ears trying to poke you." I objected.

"Bella, has a point." Charlotte agreed.

"Really? Char?"

"Yes, really." She said and Henry rolled his eyes.

"Listen, I've seen the security tapes. Not only was Ray a young boy when he was densitized he was also on a skat-board." Schwoz explained.


"Skat-board?" Henry asked.

"Yeah, you know, a board with the twirly wheels on the bottom." Schwoz explained.

"He means skate-board." Charlotte pronounced.

"Oh." Henry and I say.

"Yeah, skaeet-board." Schwoz emphasized and I got up from the wagon.

"Right. He was moving." Henry agreed and I sat down in the chair near the elevator.

"Yeah! So, I think if we re-create that same motion, with a boy who's not yet a grownup, like Henry, the machine will work on him the same way it worked on Ray when he was a boy." Schwoz exclaimed and I sighed, looking at my phone.

"I say we go for it."

"Fine, whatever, but if arms come out of your ears, you're sitting alone in science class." Charlotte agree with a sigh.

"Yes! Yes! I go prep the machine!" Schwoz cheered and he hi-fives Henry, before racing downstairs.

"Airy, let's go!"

"No!" I deny and Henry freezes, but Charlotte followed Schwoz.

"Come on!" Henry said and ran over to me. "If this works, I'll be the best sidekick any superhero ever had!"

"And if it doesn't work, you might end up with eyeballs on your butt!" I protested, gesturing to his butt. "Have fun in the bathroom."

"Pfft, Nah! Schwoz is a genius." Henry argued. "He thinks it will work."

"Then play with Schwoz and Charlotte, I'm not moving from this chair." I turned away and scrolled through my phone. Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled and I turned to see Henry was pulling the chair.

"Man, I need to start sitting on things that don't roll."

Without Henry knowing, I hopped out of the chair and took off.


"Catch me if you can!" I laughed and Henry leaped over the couch and landed in front of me. "Go away!"

I tried to get by him, but he tossed me over his shoulder and I yelled.

"Put me down!"

"Nah, I'm good."



We went down to the storage room and I was very against Henry going into the Densitizer, I mean what if he turns into a mutant freak? I don't want my best friend to have an arm coming out of his ear and have a face on his belly. Henry was standing at the entrance of the storage room with a skateboard and Schwoz was setting up the machine.

"Okay, Henry. Are you ready?" Schwoz asked him.


"Is there anyway I can talk you guys out of this?" I pleaded.

"Nope." Henry denied.

"Okay, Henry - Now don't forget to say: "Hey Daddy! Daddy! Whoooaaaaa!" Schwoz explained to Henry.

"Hey daddy! Daddy! Whoa! Got it!" Henry repeated and got ready on the skateboard.

"Okay background and...action!" Schwoz exclaimed and Henry rode the skateboard straight into the Densitizer.

"Hey, daddy! Daddy! Whoooaaaaa!"

Henry landed right in the machine and his body was surrounded by millions of colorful particles and his body shook like crazy. I watched in worry and hit Schwoz's arm, making him him turn the machine off and Henry fell forward.

He breathed heavily and stood up a little dazed.

"Are you okay?"

"How do you feel?"

"I-I don't know." Henry breathes and Schwoz moves around him to get something. "I mean, it felt like the inside of my body was on fire, but like in a good way, ya know?"

"That makes total sense." I remark and Henry nodded, breathing out.

"Well, do you feel indestructible?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't know. Maybe we should test-" Henry got cut off by Schwoz hitting him in the head with a bat and I cringed in pain. "Owwww!"

"Did that hurt?" Schwoz asked.

"Well, yeah, you cracked me over the head with a bat." Henry remarked and realized something. "Hey, hey, it stopped hurting!"

"Really?!" Charlotte and I beam and I grab his skull, checking for marks or scratches.

"No scratches, no bump, no throbbing?" I asked and let him go.


"And no side effects?" Schwoz asked and Henry checked his ears and Charlotte raised his shirt for a face.

"Nope! I'm okay!" Henry smiled, doing my dad's catchphrase.

"Oh my god! You're indestructible!" Charlotte beamed.

"This is so awesome!" I giggle and Henry and I hug, then he hugs Charlotte and then hi-fives Schwoz, who was laughing with joy.


"We gotta go tell Ray!" Charlotte suggested.

"No, no! He's at his moosic show." Schwoz objected.

"Ooo, I know!" Henry exclaimed. "We'll come back to work tomorrow, and Schwoz'll break another bat over my head in front of Ray." We all agreed on that plan and smiled.

"Hey, hey." I stopped and picked up a glass vase. "Can I? Just for fun?"

Henry smirked. "Whack me."

I put the vase over his head and slammed it on him. The vase shattered and Henry groaned, stumbling back and I chuckled.

"Wow..." Charlotte laughed an Henry stood straight up, unharmed.

"Heh? Heh?!"

"Wow!" I yell with excitement.

"Haha! I'm a genius!" Schwoz laughs and calms down when he sees our faces. 



The Next Day

I was braiding my hair and getting ready for the day when Henry called me. I answered it and placed my phone on my table, so I could see him clearly.


"Okay. You remember how, yesterday, after I was densitized, you, Charlotte, and Schwoz asked me if I had any side-effects, and I said no, I didn't have any side-effects?"

"No, Henry, please remind me." I sarcastically say, finishing my braid and he gives me a look.

"Really? The sarcasm?"

"Yes, it's my thing." I grin and take the phone into my bathroom. "But yes."

"I think I have a side effect." Henry said and I groaned, setting my phone down on the sink.

"Ugh, I knew it!"

I slammed the door and rubbed my head.

"So what side-effect do you have? Did you grow eyeballs on your butt?!?" I asked, leaning closer and Henry physically moved back.

"No!" Henry denied and I saw him check for eyeballs. "No! No!"

"Then what side effect do you have?" I asked him, taking out my toothbrush and toothpaste.

"When I laugh, fire comes out of my-"

Henry got cut off by a banging on his door. "Henry!"

Henry yelled when he heard Piper at the door.

"Piper's at my door!"

"Okay, but tell me what side effect-"

"I can't talk now! Just come over with Charlotte!" Henry cut me off.


Henry hung up on me and I finished getting ready.


After I got dressed, I informed Charlotte about Henry and we both headed to his house. I hope this side effect isn't bad, but I heard fire and fire can't be good. Sometimes.

We walked into the Hart House and smiled at them.

"Hey. Happy Saturday." Charlotte greeted.

"Hola, Hart family!" I smile.


"Hey, Bella and Charlotte." Mrs. Hart greeted as the door closed.

"Henry! Charlotte and Bella are here!" Mr. Hart called.

"They're here now?!" Henry called back and ran down the stairs only to run into his father, making him spill all the marbles he had everywhere.

We turned and Mr. Hart groaned. "Aw, Henry!"

Henry pushed Charlotte and

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