The Fight

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Authors note: Thank you so much for reading! For those of you who had to wait like two years to have the rest of this story, I give you an imaginary medal and I sincerely applaud you. Follow me on IG @caileyhaught and dm me for any questions (I don't use Wattpad that much [clearly]). Next Chapter will be out soon! Enjoy!

     Rainbow Dash awoke the next morning with a sigh. She had been up half the night trying to convince herself that today would be better. She had done a pretty good job in doing so, but she still wasn't entirely sure of herself.
     She groaned, and flipped the covers off of her body. She sat up, stretching, and checked her now ringing phone.
     "Hello?" She asked groggily.
     "Rainbow Dash! Oh I'm so so so happy you responded! Quick, you gotta get to school asap! Scootaloo got into a fight!" It was Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she hung up the phone, racing down stairs with her backpack and keys. She got into her car, and raced to Canterlot High.
     She pulled up into the parking lot, and hopped out of her vehicle, not bothering to lock it. She raced up the steps of the school, and pulled open the doors. She looked around, but didn't see anything. She quickly walked through the hallway, and upon spotting Rarity, approached her.
     "Rarity! Where's Scootaloo?"
     Rarity turned around, and noticing the panicked look on her rainbow haired friends face, responded quickly, "Why, I'm pretty sure they are on the field! I was just on my way over there to check if she was okay! Would you like to co-".
     "Thanks!" Rainbow Dash replied, cutting Rarity off, bolting out the doors and towards the field. She noticed a crowd of people gathered, all shouting. She pushed through, and stopped in her tracks. She saw Scootaloo, her precious little sister, on the ground with tears in her eyes. Standing over her was Soaring, putting his hand behind him so as to cover the shaking girl. Across from him was a bruised Pokey Peirce, listening to what sounded like Soarin's final words.
     "-now you listen to me" He said to Pokey, with daggers in his eyes. "If you EVER do so much as LOOK at this girl again I will mess you up so good that I'll make the old Sunset Shimmer look like a saint. Am. I. Clear." Pokey nodded, and ran off. The crowd cheered, and Soarin turned around to face Scootaloo. He bent down, and helped her stand up. Once she was up, she hugged him tightly and said thank you, before she was pulled from him by tackle to the floor by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Rumble.
     Rainbow Dash was shocked. She always assumed Soarin was just a egg head! She stared at him as he walked off, before she shook her head and went to join in on the hug fest.
     "Scootaloo are you alright! What happened squirt?"
     Scootaloo sniffled before taking a breath and saying, "well I had just finished running my laps when I saw a ball roll past me. I went to go get it and return it to whoever it belonged to, when I heard someone call my name. I turned around, and Pokey Peirce was yelling at me to give the ball back to him. I did, but as I kicked it back, I guess it hit a thorn or something and it popped. Then Pokey got mad at me and started cussing me out and I... well I kinda did it back" Rainbows eyes widened. "As you can imagine, that did not work out so well. He pushed me to the ground, and that's when the people started to gather. He was about to punch me when all of a sudden Soaring came out of nowhere and grabbed his hand! Pokey tried to punch him with his free hand, but Soarin grabbed that one too! Then Soarin made this short but scary speech about how I was better then Pokey in every way and how if Pokey tried anything like that again then...well I guess you know the rest. It. Was. Awesome!" Scootaloo finished with a breath, her tears now gone.
     "You don't say..." Rainbow Dash said, glancing again towards Soarin who was now talking with Spitfire. "Well I'm glad you're okay. Rumble, girls, can you please go with Scootaloo to Principle Celestia? She needs to hear about this. I'll be right there. I just need to talk to Soarin real quick" They all nodded. Rumble grabbed the now blushing Scootaloo's hand and, with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell following behind them, left the field.
     Rainbow Dash watched them for a moment, before she turned and started to walk towards where Soarin and Spitfire were still talking. She approached them, and asked Spitfire if she could borrow Soarin for a second. Spitfire nodded, and left the two alone.
     "Hey Dash, what's up?" Soarin asked her with a smile.
     Rainbow Dash stared at him for a second, and then exclaimed, "What do you mean what's up? You just stopped my baby sister from getting seriously hurt! Did you think I wasn't going to say anything to you?"
     " I mean you would have done the same thing if you were there to begin with. There really is no need to thank me."
     "Yes there is! Look you may not know this, but Scootaloo is one of the most important people in my life. And you helped her out when I couldn't" She calmed. "So... thank you" She finished her sentence, and lookeddown. She didn't like sappy stuff. And she especially didn't like talking about it with Soarin.
     He looked down at her slightly red face, and smiled to himself. She was pretty cute, he had to admit. He coughed, regaining himself, and chuckled. "Wow Dash, I didn't realize you were into the sappy stuff".
     She whipped her head up, her red cheeks fading. "What?! No! I don- you just- shut up!"
     Soarin laughed. "Relax Dashie I'm kidding. Let's just move on, okay? Why don't we go get ready for practice? We gotta stay training if we want to win the game on Saturday!" He winked.
     Rainbow Dash clenched her fist, trying to calm her now beating heart. She shook her head, and said, "Yeah. Yeah. Let's um, lets go."
Soarin grinned, and glancing at her one last time, started jogging away.
     Rainbow Dash stood still for a moment, thinking of how less annoying Soarin became to her every day, before shaking off that thought and running to catch up with him.

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