Not A Chapter (Soooo Sorry!!!)

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Sup guys?

Just wanted to let you know that the frequency of my updates will decrease. Algebra 2 is killing me right now, but at least I'm not failing like everyone else is. Anyway, more study time will mean less Wattpad time. I will update once every 2 weeks or so, unless I have something super crazy.

I also wanted to ask all you guys who are Percy Jackson fans to check out my Caleo oneshot, my PJO and THoO Mother's Day oneshot, and my Percabeth wedding fanfic. Just click on my picture as you read this and you should see my stories. I also have a Harry Potter oneshot up there for those of you who are interested. My next project will be a Post Blood of Olympus fanfic.

Love you guys and Don't Forget To Be Awesome (Nerdfighteria, and Crash Course!!!!)

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