AN: I'm kinda bored, and I don't really want to do homework, so here's a chapter! Review, comment, vote, and the rest of that good stuff. My offer still applies at this time (see previous chapter for details)
As we leave, I hear the girls and Austin planning to head to the tattoo parlor to get a tattoo each. I take a shortcut to the parlor so that I get there first, and start setting up. As they walk in, the expression on their face 😵 is hilarious. I calmly ask each of them what tattoos they would like.
I hear Caylee say that she wants to get a tattoo along her forearm that reads "The cold never bothered me anyway" with a snowflake, in blue, next to it. She said it was from a movie from years ago that she relates to well. It's a reminder to not let bullies get her down like they used to. I assured her that it was a very Dauntless tattoo.
I hear Brittany say she wanted to get a pair of red pouting lips on her bicep, because apparently it's a reminder of her favorite show when she was a little kid. She says that the show helped her get over some of her fears. That's ironic...
Brianne said that since music is her life, she wanted a treble bass clef heart over the place of her heart. She drew the design and showed it to me, and she wanted it in multiple colors. One thing is for sure, I have never done a tattoo like this before. It was interesting, trying to get the intricacies. I had to draw it five times before I got it right enough to actually do the tattoo.
Ananya actually wanted to get two tattoos. One on her arm that read "My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." in a curly script within a thought bubble. It's strangely Erudite but also Dauntless in a way. That's something to keep an eye on. Another was on her wrist and was a small tattoo of a bird flying out of an open cage. She said one this was her way of creating a new life for herself. It reminds me of my birds. Shay apparently didn't want a tattoo until she became a full Dauntless member, or at least passed the first stage.
Austin's tattoo was incredibly interesting. He asked me to draw a fist, that instead of crushing something, is lifting something instead. It reminds me of the manifesto that reads "We believe in ordinary acts of bravery."
They all walk out slightly sore, but elated, because they truly feel Dauntless. I have a feeling they will make it to the final 15. We decided to take more members and slowly expand dauntless to reduce the number of factionless. I'd be surprised if at least one of them didn't come first.
It's quite interesting, and I think about it on the way back to the apartment I share with Four, where he grabs me, hugs me tight, spins me around, and dumps me on the bed. Mmm, that boy can kiss... We're enjoying our favorite activity when Christina shows up, barges in without knocking and gags, getting our attention.
"What the hell are you doing here? Why didn't you knock?" I grumble. Four doesn't look very happy either.
"Well, I was going to invite you guys to a party and have a karaoke contest with some Candor or Dauntless later, but I don't know if it's a good idea for you guys to be around alcohol." She grins. I throw a pillow at her and ask if the initiates can come. She replies, full of pep, that the more the merrier.
I look at Four and say, "We have got to get her to lay off the coffee" and start laughing.
AN: I might update once more later, see if I have time. I have decided to do my homework like a good little A student (boo hoo, I'm a nerd, get over it). Yeah, and maybe this week I will update frequently, but after this week...not likely. So enjoy it!
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