Fear Landscape...Fun. (Not)

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AN: Hi everyone! Sorry for my long absence, I kinda had a lot to do- so this'll be a nice long chapter to make up for that...I hope...thanks for your continued support! And to all of you who have commented and voted, and put my story on their reading lists, you guys are the absolute best!!!!! I love each and every one of you! My fears are real, but the others aren't, so yeah. Also, in this story, Eric is no longer a Dauntless leader, and Four and Tris are instead. Max is a good guy.

Ananya POV

I was called first for my fear landscape...well, I might as well get it over with, right? It's only the leaders of my future faction looking at all of my fears, and there are probably a lot. Ok, good time to panic then.

Before I can start hyperventilating, Four calls me into the room, smiling just a little at me. He can probably tell that I'm about to freak out. Tris and Max are right inside, and Tris smiles reassuringly at me. I sit down in the chair, while Four brings over a vial of what looks like the simulation serum, but concentrated...NO ERUDITE THOUGHTS, ANANYA, I think to myself. Alright, let's get this over with. Four whispers, "Courage" before I go under.

After 60 seconds, I see a child sitting in a chair, and she is cowering in fear. I turn to the side, and a faceless Dauntless leader says, "Kill her." I turn back, and the child whispers, "My father rebelled against Dauntless, so to punish him, they are going to kill me." I turn back to the Dauntless leader, and say "This is wrong. If the father committed a crime, punish him, but don't kill an innocent child." He says that if I don't shoot the child, he will have to kill me, and I respond by saying, "Go to hell." He raises his gun, fires, and the scene changes.

I stand there looking at the Dauntless rankings and as I scan the list for my name, I see it...nowhere...a sinking feeling fills my stomach, and as I turn around, I see...Jeanine, and the rest of the Erudite labs. She says, "it's a good thing you transferred, because you are too stupid for Erudite," I back away, and say, against every feeling I have, "I would rather be factionless, and I don't care that I wasn't good enough for you."

As the scene changes again, I see my parents and friends in a circle around me...not this fear...and one by one, they are pulled back by ropes into the darkness. I see Caylee go first, then Austin, and then everyone else, even as I try to free them. The last one left is my little brother, who is tugging at the ropes as they pull him back. I run forward, pull a knife from my belt, and throw it to sever the rope behind him. He runs, free from the ropes, straight to me, and I hug him. My surroundings swirl and disappear.

They coalesce as I stand there, holding...an old toy I had...my parents threw it out saying that it was a stupid toy. It was a magic eight ball. I shake it, and ask, "What will happen in the future?"
It responds with "Unclear". I start freaking out, until I decide to throw the damn ball at the floor. It breaks and the scene changes.

I stand in front of an audience and I see...four judges...and a gong...oh no! This was something we had in erudite where if you got the wrong answer for the spelling bee or you weren't smart, they would gong you (based off a real life Gong Show that our school has; I sang with TheSingingBree and we didn't get gonged although I would have liked a better score). They are about to take the stick and gong me when I start singing the element song all I have. They drop the gong and start clapping along and singing along...and I'm lifted off the stage.

Next, I'm in the Pit, and I have a gun on me, and suddenly I feel my hands jerk up and start firing...wait what's happening?! I don't know what I'm doing. I turn around, and I see puppet strings attached to me...I'm being controlled! I try to free myself, but I'm killing more and more dauntless by the minute. I swing myself around so my hand goes in front of the gun. I shoot my hand and immediately I drop the gun. I sigh in relief, and the scene changes.

I am in a room with no windows or doors or vents. I hear people outside the walls and when I call to them...I get no response...nobody can hear me...nobody even knows I am here...I start panicking, screaming for them to hear me! Until I remember Tris's advice...calm your heartbeat down. I sit down, cross legged and breathe in and out deeply in a form of meditation. As my heartbeat calms, the scene slowly fades away until I find myself in front of Four, Tris, and Max again. I look at them questioningly as they are looking at me weird. I ask, "So?" Tris says, "Damn it, someone's finally tied me in number of fears!"

Wait, that would mean that I had...6 fears? No I had 7! I look at Tris and she explains, "I used to have 7 but now I have 6 since I have gotten over one now!"

I ask when, and for some absurd reason she blushes and replies, "The day before yesterday," as Four snakes his arms around her and kisses her head.

Ok, well I exit and ask for Brianne who is next on the list...I hope hers goes well!

AN: UPDATE 1/19/15- I realized I actually only put 6 fears so I added the 7th. Thanks

Yeah, so I don't do the whole smut writing thing, so if you want that go somewhere else. I hope you liked it! It's the first of 3 installments in this chapter so I should have 2 more up soon...hopefully. So to those of you who have asked me to update, some rather frequently to the point of annoyance, (I'm looking at you TheSingingBree ) please be patient with me, and it'll be up shortly! DFTBA guys!

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