AN: Read and see the end for note
Tris POV
So, it's choosing day. I've been working with Tobias and we've decided to present ourselves as Six and Four to the initiates. I've been working on my tough voice and my ability to beat people up. Zeke, Uriah, and Will went home the other day with a bunch of bruises after I knocked them out in five minutes. Tobias was so proud.
I can handle a bunch of untrained 16-year olds, no problem. Tobias and I are staying at the net so that we can "meet" (aka terrify) the kids. As they jump, I realize most of the Dauntless-born are staying, but not many transfers this year, maybe 10?
The list that I wrote down is as follows: (a few of these are my friends, and one is me, figure out which one. And I'm giving one more week for names, so if anyone's interested, write me a comment)
1. Brittany, Candor, tall, with hazel eyes, and auburn hair
2. Ananya, Erudite, tan-skinned with curly black hair and glasses
3. Brianne, Amity, brown hair and blue-grey eyes
4. Pete, Erudite, tall with black hair
5. Austin, Abnegation, really tall with good build, with shaggy brown hair
6. Caylee, Candor, tall and blond with grey eyes
7. Annalise, Amity, short with long red hair
8. Raul, Candor, tall enough to rival Austin
9. Ally, Candor, looks a bit like Ananya
10. Jake, Candor, tall with slight build and blond hair.
11. Shay, Candor, short with curly brown hair and bright eyes
I did notice that Brittany and Ananya had a bit of a argument as to who would jump first, and Ananya and Brianne knew each other well, which is odd. An Erudite and an Amity? And I get the feeling that a few of them are Divergent, so this is an interesting mix.
Four smirked and said,"Welcome to Dauntless. Being that you are all transfers, Six and I will be your trainers, and my name is Four,"
There it was, the snicker that comes around every year. Four and I look at each other to see who would take care of it. I nodded, and headed in the direction of the snicker. It seemed like Ally was quietly laughing.
"What's so damn funny, initiate?"
"What kinds of names are Four and Six?" She started laughing outright.
"Don't be stupid, Ally. It's probably a nickname, duh." I heard Pete comment. Huh, finally someone gets it.
We escorted them along with Uriah and Christina, who were the Dauntless-born trainers this year to where the Dauntless-born would split off from the transfers.
Before we opened the doors, I said, "What you will see now is the pit,.."
Four completes, "Someday, you will like it."
They gawked at us like we we had something on our faces. It's fun scaring initiates. Tobias and I had agreed not to divulge that we were dating. See how long it takes for them to figure it out.
We sat down to lunch along with Christina, Uriah, Will, Al, Zeke,Lynn, Marlene, and Shauna. As we sat down, Ananya, Brianne, Brittany, Shay and Caylee showed up next to us and sat down.
Four asked, "Who gave you permission to sit here?", in his really scary voice.
To their credit, Ananya and Brittany looked at each other and snarkily replied,"Who said we couldn't?". Brianne started laughing her head off while Caylee just smiled tentatively. A few minutes later, Austin joined them, and they seemed to click really well with each other.
Ananya and Brittany are the loud ones, but Ananya and Brianne and Caylee have a really interesting friendship. Caylee and Ananya have similar interests in books, while Ananya, Shay, and Brianne have similar interest in music. Brittany and Caylee have similar interests in sports, and Caylee and Austin are both well equipped with jokes. Shay and Ananya have apparently been friends from when they were like 3. This is the group to watch.
Before I could help a struggling Austin with his lunch, I noticed that they had already fixed up a hamburger for him and were trying to get him to eat it.
I also noticed Pete looking over at our table a lot, with... Was that a lovey-dovey look in his eyes? And was Ally staring at Four with...longing?
Not this again.
AN: Hope you liked it! Nice long chapter, and don't worry there will be more humor soon. Maybe I'll update again today, my teachers took pity on me today. And thanks to lisab13579 for commenting as well as Cbadgett. Thank you to Cbadgett and bartschkt for voting for the story, and trisfourtobias666666 and bartschkt for following me. If you guys want characters, let me know. I will add you as initiates to the story.
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