"Can you let go of me please..." I said with a nervous voice. He did what I asked I then got up closed my bento and went inside, "Wait!" Umeji called, I turned my head to him "I'm sorry it's just this all feels too sudden plus were only acquaintances." I said with a frown looking disappointed, "Horuda I'm not faking it at all, remember when I saved you this morning?" he replied back, "Yes I remember, but why did you want to save me?" I asked him, "I did it cuz I felt bad for you and that I wanted to save someone before it's too late.", his answer surprised by the "too late" part.
"You too are the worst couple I've ever seen!" I turn to see its the leader of the orange creatures...Museme. "Actually the whore and the punk is a pretty good mix!" she snickered and then went up to me, she pushed me against a wall. Umeji then grabbed his bat from his weapon bag and said "Don't hurt her or else...", "or else what punk, you're gonna hurt me or something it's not like you can actually fight right?", she really made him mad after that he then started to hit her with his bat but not super hard to knock her out! Museme tried to fight back, the battle was broken up when Shiromi stopped them both luckily we weren't sent to the counselor cuz Museme wasn't that hurt and Umeji didn't kill her. For some reason I felt kinda happy and again started to get that feeling in my stomach. "Thank you Umeji!" I said with a warming smile while blushing, "See how soft I am now?" he asked with a legit warm smile, "I guess so..." I left to go to class early.
Time skip to cleaning time...
I grab my daily cleaning tools, looks like I'm on window duty today, huh...very satisfying. I can't stop thinking about him...Umeji....Umeji...Umeji he really is soft like he said and proved to me, I still have that feeling in my stomach when thinking about him. No ignore it...I'm not falling for him, he's just a friend.
Time skip to after school...
Before todays club activity started I decided to go talk to Umeji and thank him one last time, I put away my cleaning tools and then make my way to the incinerator. I wave to him and greeted him he then turned and greeted me back with "What's up Horuda!" he said with a warm smile, "I wanted to thank you again one last time and talk to you for a little!" I said with a happy smile. I'm not nervous now aren't I? "Horuda of course you can always thank me, I'll always be there for you were friends after all, aren't we?" he said, "o-of course we are" I said blushing a little bit.
My heart is beating fast for some kind of reason...do I like her? No it wouldn't be right...I can't like her. "Hey Horuda want to walk home together?" I asked her, "Sure I wouldn't mind that!" She replied back.
We then talked for a little bit. I eventually got a text form Miyuji...
Miyuji: Yo its already 5:00 PM!
Me: Ok I'm coming, don't worry about!
"Hey Umeji I have to go now to my club!" I said, "Ok then, see you afterwards!" he replied back with a smirk. I make my way up to the Light Music club, todays club activity was a little different than the usual.
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