Chapter 28

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Izuku's POV

My eyes fluttered open slightly before snapping shut again. I hissed at the bright light being let in from the window. I forced my eyes open and threw my arm over them to block out most of the light. I laid in a comfortable bed and the walls were a fair shade of pearly white. There was a desk and a dresser....

Kami's dorm. I sat up so quickly I thought I gave myself whiplash. As soon as I did I regretted it, my vision went black momentarily and my brain swam. I blinked a couple times and my vision went back to normal.

Wait. I'm in Kami's dorms. On his bed. I looked down to my hands and brought them together. I could feel the slightly warm flesh of my fingers. I shakily brought my hand to my face and rubbed my thumb over my smooth cheek. I could feel my hair tickle my fingertips.

I was alive. My breathing picked up. I could feel my mouth pick up into a smile. My head snapped up at the sound of talking on the other side of the door. I backed up into the corner of the bed. The door opened to reveal Kami, Shin, Monoma, Kiri, Sero and Aizawa.

I could feel tears brim my eyes. I can cry!? I plopped down as they cautiously entered. I let out a ragged sob.

"Hey, what's wrong!?" Kami asked quietly. I sat down on his black and yellow bed and I threw myself onto him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as my warm tears wet his shoulder.

I heard the click of the door as it closed.

" were right Kam's. He is pretty...and emotional." Monoma said making me giggle. I lifted my head and scrubbed at my eyes. The fabric was itchy and uncomfortable. I looked down to see I was still wearing the suit.

"We didn't want to change you so..." Kiri said as he scratched the back of his neck. I nodded.

"Y'know problem child, I've never heard your voice besides the yelling in class." Aizawa said leaning against the wall. I smiled and Shin winced.

I stood up shakily. My legs hit the floor and I lifted my weight onto them.

"H-hi. My name's Izuku Midoriya! Ughmmmm. Sorry for causing y'all so much trouble?" I said crossing my arms. Kiri squealed and ran to me.

"Your so cute but manly at the same time!" He said circling me and messing with my hair. I stood still.

"Well we need to get to class. It's lunch break. Kaminari? Stay and deal with him, figure up a decent excuse to be late for class." Aizawa said opening the door. They all said they're goodbyes and Kami gave Shin a kiss before closing the door.

He turned back to me. His lower lip shook.

"I'm so happy! We're gonna have to lead Kat into knowing slowly. We can't just throw it at him. It would completely ruin his mental stability." Kami said pacing as I scratched at my wrist.

"They say your dumb but you seem pretty educated when it comes to mental health." I said thoughtfully. I didn't miss the slight wince from him.

"How about we get you out of this? Since you were...unable to grow your still quite small so my clothes should be alright." He walked to his closet and grabbed a hoodie and some shorts. He tossed them to me and I snatched them out of the air.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Nice reflexes." He said. I chuckled.

"Okay so there's the bathroom," he said pointing to a door in the corner.

"If you get hungry well..." He ushered me towards him waving his hand. I stood next to him as he pushed the clothes that were hanging from the pole aside. Behind them was a gray fridge. I gaped.

"How?" I asked.

"I got Hatsume to help me." He said opening the fridges door. It was packed with goodies and treats.

"And there's ice cream in the freezer." He said pointing to the smaller door above the fridge. I nodded.

"Well I've gotta go. I don't trust you to bolt for the door as soon as we're gone to find Kat so your locked in here." Kami said running to the door, opening it, then slamming it back. That's a good idea...

I crept over to the door after his footsteps faded. I pulled on the knob. Locked. I could still feel the need to be close to Kacchan. But I could...feel that he was fine. Sorta like when I still had my guardian angel status. I sighed. I pulled the uncomfortable clothes off and shoved them into Kami's hamper. I pulled on the soft hoodie and the shorts. The shorts were almost my size and were a little lose around the thighs.

My stomach growled loudly. I hadn't eaten in... somewhere around a year and a half. I walked over to the fridge. I pulled open the fridge. But I wasn't craving any of it. I opened the freezer part and immediately grabbed a tub of cookies and cream. I searched for Kami's stash of utensils. I found them in a side container attached to the fridge.

I grabbed a spoon and turned on his TV. This is gonna take awhile to get used to. I would be able to speak and grab things without being careful. I flipped to YouTube and watched funny cat videos.

I took a bite of the ice cream and moaned at the creamy cold sweetness. I could feel the bits of Oreo as I ate out of the tub. I laughed as a black cat dipped it's paw into a inground pool. The person recording yelled and the cat jumped and fell straight into the water.

I sighed when I was done with the ice cream. I looked over to the trashcan. Ah, right...I can't teleport anymore. My eyes watered slightly. It was like being told 'you don't have a quirk.' all over again. I flinched when I was suddenly next to the trashcan. I looked back to the bed. I didn't get up? I threw the tub in the trash and put the spoon on the dresser.

I focused on the bed. I was once again faced with the TV with the blanket under my thighs. No...a smile blew up on my face. I imagined Kami's bathroom and was faced with a mirror. My smile slipped off my face. I had looked in plenty of mirrors but I couldn't see myself. Like a vampire...I moved my hand and watched as my reflection copied the motion.

I stared into my eyes. Big green puppy dog eyes stared at me. My freckles stood out on pearly skin. My hair was still a green curly mess atop my head. I ran my hand through it and cringed at the stiff feeling of it. I walked out of the bathroom and over to Kami's dresser. I grabbed a faded blue t-shirt and another pair of shorts.

I would need to figure out the whole ordeal with my teleportation. It may not even stay, it could just be a side effect that will wear off soon. I may only be able to use it a certain amount of times before it doesn't work anymore. It could also fail me when I need it most. If I have my teleportation (maybe) will I have any other benefits from my guardian angel? I'll worry about this later.

I placed the clothes on the counter. I turned to the shelf and grabbed one of the white fluffy towels and placed it on top of my clothes.

I twisted the handel's and put my hand under the cold running water, waiting for it to become warm. It felt refreshing. I put the plug in and the tub began filling up. I squirted some soap into the running water and watched as foamy white bubbles formed on the surface of the water.

I stripped and turned the water off. I slipped into the warm water releasing a sigh at the warm water. The suds stuck to my skin and floated around. I looked at the burn mark on my arm. I rubbed my fingers over it. The skin was silky and pinkish. I grabbed a rag and put some soap on it and scrubbed the stale smell out of my skin.

I dipped into the water to rinse off and soak my hair. I grabbed the shampoo and poured some of the pink strawberry scented gel into my hand. I scrubbed it into my hair scratching my scalp to get the stiff feeling out and the smell. I rinsed it out and lathered my hair in conditioner. I let it sit and then rinsed it out. My hair felt silky under my hands. I drained the water and turned on the cold water to rinse off the remaining suds.

I grabbed the towel and scrubbed my head since my hair wasn't very wet anymore.

I dried my body and slipped the clothes on. I grabbed the previous gray hoodie and put that on as well. I cleaned up the bathroom and plopped back down on the bed. I looked at Kami's clock see I had taken longer than I thought. It was almost 4. Kami should be back soon. I sighed and grabbed a mini sub from the fridge and put on The Sorcerer Stone cause why not?

I drifted off. I closed my eyes with the peaceful background noise.

Kaminari's POV

I unlocked my door with Shin behind me. I opened the door to see Izu passed out on my bed with a Harry Potter movie playing. He had changed clothes and looked less disheveled. I walked in quietly with Shin. I closed the door quickly and locked it. I put my bag down. Monoma and the others had informed us on what had happened while we were gone and I was about ready to commit a felony. Monoma had detention.

What no one else knew was that it was with Aizawa and it only lasted a week because he though the fake hero completely deserved it. I heard that he is temporarily deaf. Good. I walked over to the bed and lifted Izu's head and placed it in my lap. His hair was now fluffy and soft. Shin sat behind me and I leaned on his chest.

The atmosphere was calm and it made me drowsy. My eyes dropped as I tried to focus on the movie but failed as my eyes slipped closed. Though I was tired I couldn't sleep so I just kept my eyes closed and played with the fluffy curls as Shin played with mine. I sighed contentedly and snuggled into his chest.

I hope Kat is okay. Hawks has him and he also has Dabi. He's in...good hands? They treat him very well even though one of them is a villain. I liked him. He was fatherly and knew how to take care of Kat's needs. I wonder if the rest of the league are actually nice? Was Toga really just a psycho or was she just trying her best? Was Shigaraki really all that or was he just struggling?

What if they are actually really nice and family like? I would like to see that. I bet it would be funny. And chaotic. Is Shiggy like the...mother of the group? Or was he like the bratty child? Toga seems like the favorite. She is the only girl as well. Does she force the others to do girly stuff? I giggled quietly to myself imagining Shigaraki in a pink frilly dress.

Shin's chest rose and fell with his deep breaths. His heartbeat made it easier to fall into unconsciousness, dreaming about Dabi and Shigaraki doing ballet and swirling around in too-too's.

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