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Hi all...

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A small teaser...

Madhu was sitting in her room when she got a call seeing which was private number.

Hello, who is this? Asked Madhu.

That's not important. I want you to do my work.. replied a person with attitude.

Why should I do your work?

I need your help in work, or I will kill you..

What the hell! Who are you? 

That's not important.. just do what I say..

I will not do! What will you do?

Ok then, I'll say Alia and Bulbul the real reason of why you came back to Abhi's life.😈

Wha..what will..you say huh! Do you think they will believe you?

They will and have to as I have proof..

How can I believe you?

Don't trust me.. (he says something hearing which Madhu gets shocked) that's your fault I'll show them the proof good bye..

Hey wait..ok I'll do whatever you say!

That's good.. now do what I say he says something and ends the call..

Madhu sat there on the bed..

One person who was in a dark room said..

You are and will be mine forever and ever

That person smiles devilishly 😈😈

Who is this?

Is this a girl or a boy??

What does he want?

Who is Madhu??



Thankyou for reading 🙏🙏

Lots of 💕💕


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