Chapter Twenty-Five

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Snowdrops tend to resemble sympathy and comfort; we're focusing on the comfort aspect here.


Being in love with Lucas just made sense.

It felt natural, like they were supposed to walk hand in hand with one-another.

One could threaten to kill Athanasia again, stab her through the heart, demanding answers. When had she fallen in love?

But in all honesty, she had no clue.

They slipped their hands into one another's frequently, as if they had done it for years.

Bantering, smiling, laughing.


It was a bit awkward at first- Athanasia trying to navigate in her new body, and Lucas having no experience with physical intimacy at all.

Their noses mashed with each other's, and, in all honesty, they were giggling a lot at themselves trying to kiss.

But, soon enough, they got the hang of it. Lucas occasionally picking up Athanasia's hand and laying a kiss on it, Athanasia sometimes hugging Lucas from behind and leaving a small kiss on his cheek.

They weren't exactly vocal about them being in a relationship either- if people knew, they knew. But if not? Whatever, I suppose.

However, as Jennette grilled them both on their relationship, the two are starting to believe not telling Athanasia's sort-of-sister about her dating someone was a mistake.

"How long have you two been dating?" Jennette frowned, her tone demanding.

Lucas blinked, obviously intimidated. "Um- for around a day now, however we've both had feelings for each other for a while."

Jennette raised an eyebrow. "Were you planning on telling me?"


The crown princess's scowl deepens at that, causing Lucas to recoil back in fear.

"Jettie, maybe you should let him go for now? You can demand answers later, when we aren't trying to hunt down this dastardly villain."

Another plus- Athanasia has figured out the nickname 'Jettie' works brilliantly on Jennette. In an instant, the aggression in Jennette's eyes melts. "Yeah, alright... that makes sense."

Lucas looked over with obvious surprise, before letting out a scowl with no real heat behind it. 'Why didn't you do that earlier?'

Athanasia holds back a snort, before sending him a shit-eating grin. 'It was funny.'

Lucas rolled his eyes, before pulling Athanasia into a hug and kissing the crown of her hair. "You're so lucky that I love you."

"I really am lucky." Athanasia smiles, agreeing. Delighting in the way Lucas flushes at that.

"This isn't fair, you're supposed to be the blushing maiden here."

"Am I?" Athanasia asks, feigning surprise.

Lucas lets out a huff, pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead. A way to signal, 'shut up for a moment'.



"I'm going to take you on a date."

Athanasia opens her eyes wide, incredulous. "Now?"

"Why not? It won't hurt."

"I..." Athanasia pauses. "I suppose it won't."

Lucas smiles, content. "Grab my hand and close your eyes."

Athanasia follows his instructions, feeling the air shift around her. A familiar, sickly feeling develops in her stomach, indicating that they've teleported somewhere.

"Open them," Lucas whispers.

Peeling her eyes open, Athanasia lets out a soft gasp.

They were currently in a field of flowers, a gradient of colors covering every inch of the land.

"I found this place a while back, before I met you." Lucas admits, walking forward. "I usually come here if I feel the need to get away from life."

"Have you been here lately?"

Lucas looks back at Athanasia. "Nope. Every moment with you is special, I could never tire of your company.

Athanasia cooed. "Aww, Lucas!"

Moving in to hug her partner, Athanasia beamed.

If she knew being alive would be like this, she would have been more insistent on being revived.

Maybe this was an apology for killing her, in her past life.

As Lucas held her close, Athanasia couldn't help but think it was.



Here, some Lucathy fluff to apologize for being dead.

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