Chapter 1

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Bradley POV:

The first thing I hear are The Gammas laughing in the kitchen, they are all talking and giggling for who knows what. I try to get at least 5 more minutes of sleep and as I start dozing off I feel something very heavy on me and I cant breath. I groan knowing who it is "Tank please..I cant breath" I say "oh no poor baby Bradley can't breath what a bummer" he replies. as much as it pisses me off I don't reply. after all I deserve this. after the X-games I lost a tooth and I broke my leg (after tank threw me) and even though that should have been enough for me to learn my lesson the Gammas however have decided that I deserve more, and honestly it seems fair I left my best friend to die in a fire..all for a stupid piece of gold. But only if they understood why I did it they would know that I have a heart. or did I have heart? I mean I've never felt love before at least I don't think I have. my father always taught me that its best to be feared than loved if one day I was gonna take over the company, that Love was nothing but a waste of time something not worth wasting years of my life finding. I groan trying to catch my breath as Tank got off of me, another part of my punishment was that I had to give up my room and sleep on the couch.

I got up from the couch  and I made my way to the kitchen everyone there gives me death stares or glares.great, what a lovely way to start this hideous morning..I thought. as I made  my way to fridge someone decided it would be funny to stick their foot out and trip me. I fell on the floor and I groaned and got up, everyone was laughing at me and I just did nothing. I opened the fridge and I noticed that the only thing was left was a Chiobani yogurt which I guess would do. I walked back to the couch but someone bumped my shoulder and even if I sound like a pathetic  little kid it hurt a lot I looked away and felt this wave of regret and sadness as everyone in the background was laughing and having fun. I just stood there and soon enough their voices faded and I spaced out. I deserved this right? I mean I almost killed one of their friends, I almost killed someone..of course I deserved this. so if I did..why did I feel like this? why did I feel horrible? why did I feel like an idiot? why? these were just people below my status who I would forget after my college year was over. so why did I care so much if they treated me like this? why? I never cared for skating I only did it because the X-games were something that would boost my popularity if I did them. so why did it feel like part of me was missing? why,why,WHY? I tried not to care but It hurts my feelings.i feel something wet and warm roll down my cheek.. a tear. I quickly snap out of it and wipe it away before anyone could notice it.

I gripped tightly on the yogurt bottle and started walking towards the door and felt something hit my back hard.."Don't forget your Backpack, Brad." I winced in pain and picked it up as more laughter filled the Gamma house and I opened the door and walked out. I couldn't take being in that house anymore. as I was making my way to the building I got a text from my director.

"Uppercrust, there is a freshman student who has been struggling with keeping up with his work, obviously as a tutor it is your job to help those students in need. you will work with this student until all his grades are A pluses. I am trusting you will succeed since you are the most successful  tutor I've had. don't' mess this up."

I groaned, he wasn't wrong about me being his most successful tutor. I knew I would be able to handle this after all his grades can't be that bad? I put my phone in my pocket and entered the building.

End of chapter 1

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