Chapter two-meeting him.

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A.N-Hallo welcome to chapter two?
This one is longer than the first chapter so enjoy and I'll update again as soon as possible.

"Your research was very impressive"The smooth cultured voice nearly gave stiles a heart attack,he looked up to see who could only be Deucalion settling into the seat opposite him,the huge kinda scary werewolf Ennis sitting at another table across the restaurant looking around makings sure nothing bad happens.

"Thank you?" Stiles cursed himself he had just wanted to eat out,he was bored being stuck in a silent house alone so he decided to come to his favourite diner enjoying listening to the sounds and the people around him

Even though he was sitting alone,or had been

"I mean it,it was very impressive,you have quite the mind all the leaps and bounds it makes,"

"You don't believe it then?" Stiles scowled

"Don't believe? What would make you think that?" Deucalion asked calmly in a way that only riled him up more.

"Because everyone else has said I have been seeing things that aren't there and that I've been jumping to conclusions!"

"I believe we have a misunderstanding here stiles, I not only believe you but I think your right in your belief about this being a darach.I simply meant  your mind made jumps and leaps to conclusions that I believe it would have taken a much longer time for myself or others to come to a conclusion like yours,never mind how much research you have done on the darach and druid rituals."

"Oh." Stiles blinked at him "right."

"The twins have told me that your pack did not believe you at all and dismissed you quite harshly," Deucalion nodded to the waitress when she dropped plates in front of stiles and then himself "thank you kindly"

"What are you doing?" Stiles said dodging the topic of conversation.

"Eating." Deucalion said pleasantly.

"Why are you here,eating with me?"stiles sighed fed up with games and everything in general

"I apologise I did not mean to upset you."Deucalion's demeanour changed immediately.bloody werewolf noses.
"I have a few questions about your research and I have to admit I was quite intrigued about who was behind it.

"Your looking for the darach then?"stiles asked

"Yes." Deucalion nodded firmly. "This person is killing and sacrificing innocent people to gather power for who knows what."

Stiles compensated for a couple seconds "fine what do you want to ask?"

"Please eat." Deucalion motioned towards stiles food,towards his better judgment stiles started eating.

They were talking for over an hour Ennis still sitting on the other side of the restaurant,they talked about aspects of the research he gave him,new ideas Deucalion gave him had his head overfilling with new theories and ideas.

Sitting to the side of his now finished food was a notepad and pen that Deucalion managed to charm from the waitress,stiles thoughts and notes scribbled out all over it

The alpha of alpha's was interesting...his mind just as fast and sharp as his taking in everything stiles says and developing it further making stiles think of even more ideas.

Although stiles did not forget  Deucalion was the demon wolf he was grateful for another person company especially someone who could keep up with Him,who was clearly appreciating his mind and was impressed but if he thought it was a dream.

Deucalion waved over the waitress and orders them both dessert,before turning back to stiles and giving him his full attention,sharing information that he had picked up in his time on druid.

He was actually a bit disappointed when they finished there deserts and he realised he had to leave now,there conversation clearly almost over without more research being done,research stiles was itching to dig into.

"I need to.." stiles said clutching the notepad close to his chest digging into his pocket for his wallet.

"Please,this is my treat I have most enjoyed your company,stiles,your research does not do your brain justice In person. Please if you find anything more this is my number and email address." Deucalion slipped a price of paper across to stiles who hesitated for a few moments before taking it and slipping into his pocket to keep it safe.

"I will think about it" he said but it only made Deucalion laugh.

"Of course," the wolf stood smoothly looking at stiles.

Walking out of the diner and driving back home in his jeep felt still felt like it had all been some kind of odd dream like it was true at all he hadn't eaten with Deucalion he hadn't shared and information but it did happen and he doesn't know why.

It was something so beyond odd that he could not even work out what had happened,why did Deucalion sit down with him? Why did he pay for stiles's

He also felt and ache in his chest when he realised that was his longest conversation that he had had in a long time that wasn't about schoolwork,it was the longest time he's been in the company of another person that he could actually remember.

He couldn't remember the last time on of the pack had took the time to talk to him unless it's telling him that there's an attack or something else going on telling him to check it over then not listen to his conclusions of what's going on, he's given up on trying to tell his so called "pack" about the darach since he had given his information to the alpha pack, plus Jackson kept giving him smirks and sneers mocking him for having been "wrong" and just wanting attention.

He wasn't stupid he knew that pack met up without him, he knew that they spent time together at Derek's loft taking about there fun life's and the alpha pack.

Even though the pack treat him like he's irrelevant he still feels like he's betrayed them by having a meal and having the contact information of there supposed "enemy"

But how many times had they betrayed him? How many times had they let him down? How many times had they left him to cope with everything himself,left him out of things,ignored him,not invited him to many times had he put his ass on the line for them then not even get a thank you in return.when he needed help he didn't get anyone!

None of the noticed when he was hurt by Gerard,none of them noticed when he was taken by him,none of them not one noticed he had been tortured and almost been... none and how did they not smell his panic or his blood!

The alpha twins could've killed him that day and they wouldn't of noticed till hours or possibly days later.

It was more than a little morbid to think about how long he would of laid dead in the preserve until someone had finally found him.

Between researching the darach and talking to Deucalion and digging into things at school...Annnd his morbid thoughts. The days passed by quickly,

Until he found himself standing over another dead body summoned by the pack

Another sacrifice,but this one was not a virgin he didn't think so anyway,he was aware of Jackson,Issac and Erica mocking him,mocking his darach "theory" considering to them it wasn't fitting anymore since the dead guy wasn't a Virgin,he narrowed it down and figured out what Ritual it was,

Once he figured it out he gave some crappy story to get them to go away with that they were all to happy to leave him alone with a dead body,

He made sure they were gone before he called Deucalion,

"Stiles? Is everything okay?" Deucalion's accented voice coming down the phone,as soon as he said hello concern seemingly true in his tone

"There is another body,one that doesn't match the virgin patten,they have changed into another group can...would you...Now that he was speaking he felt foolish, his own pack wouldn't indulge in his theories and his..."

"We will be right with you tell me where you are." Deucalion said firmly.

Riight so second chapter finished thanks for reading I will be righting chapter 3 very soon so look yay to finally having it done :)
-1414 words-

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