A.N - the title is spelt like that on purpose, also can we pretend I was given for ages lol :) (still sorry for grammar mistakes)
"Dop loobking ab be line zat!" Stiles said huffily, trying to be a little graceful at wiping his leaky faucet of a nose while five pairs of eyes watching him like he had swallowed a bomb and it was about to go off.
"Are you sure you don't need..."
"Kali! I'b nob going to hobsital for a colb!" Stiles sighed exasperatedly.
"But your chest really doesn't sound good!" Ethan fretted a little.
"Stob listening to it! All ob youb!" Stiles said horrified, clutching his chest as though he were a half-naked damsel.
Honestly, the day after being asked to stay...home due to Kali hole punching Derek, and he had come down with a cold! He couldn't say that he was really shocked to be honest, he had not been living the healthiest lifestyle over the last few weeks, and he had spent far too much time in open-air places - generally with a dead body for company - in the middle of the night having yanked clothes on that were not activity appropriate.
Though he wasn't sure what was activity appropriate for hiking through the forest to find your Banshee 'friend' and a body. Another body.
That mixed with the fact he hadn't been eating properly, sleeping properly, and all the stress of the last year, well, a cold was probably getting off lightly for ignoring the fact that he was human and could get illnesses.
Illnesses that his new Pack did not get, and were clearly well out their comfort zone in dealing with.
"Are you sure it is normal though? What if it is asthma forming, or pneumonia, or tuberculosis!" Ennis fretted.
"Hab you beeb googling?" Stiles sighed.
"It said we should take you to the hospital!" Ennis huffed thrusting his phone at Stiles, who turned it off without looking and shoved it under his pillow.
"I hab a colb! Zabs it!" Stiles said firmly.
"Is there anything that we can do to help you get better?" Deucalion asked with such a mock calm that Stiles couldn't help but snort, and then regretted it when he started coughing.
"I juss neeb rest, orange, soub and meds," He sighed once he finished coughing.
"We can do that!" Ethan and Aiden bounced to their feet.
"Hang on!" Ennis snagged the two of them by their collars before they could rush off, lifting the two of them clean off their feet. "I will give you a list of things I need you to pick up to make soup," He huffed stomping through to the kitchen.
"Honestly, ibs a colb, I didn't even get zis much fuss when ze Wendigo sliced ub by arb," Stiles sniffed, before blanching when Kali stood sharply and headed to the door. "No bore stabbing people!"
"She will find ways other than stabbing," Deucalion snorted, reaching out till he felt Stiles' hair and then running his fingers soothingly through it. I will leave you to rest, but this has brought up something I would like to ask you,"
"Wabs zab?" Stiles asked shuffling further down the bed to get comfortable as tiredness kicked in.
"I would like you to consider taking the bite. I know that this is just a cold," He added when Stiles huffed annoyed. "But it might not have been, it could have been something more serious, and you are running with wolves and well into the Supernatural world, what if the next Wendigo goes through your chest? I know you well enough already darling to know that asking you to not take part in fights and chases will not only go down poorly, but will make you unhappy with us, and that is the last thing I want, but I want you dead even less. Please, think about it," Deucalion requested.
"Ib will," Stiles said after a moment.
"Do you need anything?" Deucalion smiled warmly at him, making Stiles' chest hum happily at the care he was being shown. When was the last time someone had looked after him like this? Probably Mellisa when he was eleven and had to have his tonsils out.
"No, just sleep," Stiles yawned.
"Ok, I will come to check on you in a couple of hours," Deucalion leant forward and brushed a gentle kiss over his lips before standing and leaving his, no their, bedroom, shutting the door lightly behind him.
Stiles lay there for a little longer, his brain spinning. Did he want to become a wolf? There were definitely pluses and minuses. He had insisted that he did not, but Peter had been right that night when he said Stiles' heart had tripped over the lie of not wanting the bite.
A good part of it had been that when it came down to it, he did not trust the Alphas that had been around to be good Alphas, and so had not wanted to tie himself to them that way. He would be putting a hell of a lot of trust in Deucalion if he allowed him to bite him.
But hadn't he already? He had accepted becoming part of his pack, he had not only moved into the Alpha's home, but into his bedroom.
Now the question was, did he want to be a werewolf?
He sighed as sleep started taking him over. He knew that he hated feeling sick like this, and that would definitely be a plus on the werewolf side.
"Peter?!" Stiles squawked, wiggling himself until he was in less of a flat out position and more of a sprawled one so that he could see the werewolf properly.
They had to be miles out of town going by the scenery passing by them, and his arms and legs were tied with soft silk so it wasn't hurting him, but he definitely was not getting out of it either.
"Stiles," Peter sounded confusingly relieved that he was awake.
"Did you kidnap me?!" Stiles spluttered.
"Kidnapped you back more like," Peter huffed. "I don't know what they have done to you, I can smell the sickness on you. I am sorry for the ties, but I am worried that they have done something to your mind as well, and until I can check you over properly it is better to be safe than sorry. Did they give you anything to eat or drink that may have poisoned you?"
Stiles stared at Peter for four seconds before he let out an impressive growl and started kicking the back of Peter's chair with his tied up feet. "Blooby werewolbs! Ibs a colb! A bucking colb!"
"Stop that!" Peter swatted at his legs as he carried on kicking.
"Pull ober! Now!" Stiles huffed still kicking.
Thankfully Peter did as he asked, but then spun around with furious blue eyes, supernaturally bright glaring at him.
"Derek told me that they had kidnapped you, that they were hurting you! And then I sneak in to find you unconscious, smelling of sickness, your chest sounds horrible, and you're telling me it's just a cold?" Peter growled. "Stop that!" He reached over to try and stop Stiles from banging his head against the door of the car. "I can smell chemicals on you!"
Stiles stared at him incredulously.
"Stop that!" Peter snarled when Stiles went back to trying to brain himself on the door, he shoved his way into the back seat while Stiles took the chance to try and kick him. "Stop kicking me!"
"Fubbing werewolbes, you fubbing kibnabbed me! You tieb be ub! You..."
"Stiles they have done something to you, drugged you, or a potion maybe, I can smell the chemicals and sickness on you!"
"I'b really feb ub of werewolves telling be how gross by human sickness is! Ib is a cold, I took cold mebication that is the smell!" Stiles huffed.
"And this?!" Peter snarled touching Stiles' neck where his thick bandage had been - see over protective werewolves - and where the clear claw marks were. He snarled deeper when the scent of Stiles' pain and sorrow filled the car. "See they did..."
"It wab Derek," Stiles said quietly.
"What?" The word was low and dangerous, it held every inch of threat that Peter was capable of.
"Derek dib it. I went to see hib, after Deucalion offered be a place ib his Pack. I wanted to see...if there was anything left for me to stay loyal to. I... if he had shown me one moment of kindness, or of listening to be, I would have...I wouldn't have..."
"Stiles," Peter cut easily and quickly through his ties and pulled him close. "What did he do to you?"
"He...he grabbed be, snarled in my face and...he accused me of spreading me legs for an alpha that showed me any kindness, and giving information to Deucalion on the Pack," Stiles was aware tears were starting to fill his eyes again, and when Peter pulled him into his chest he could only cling onto the comfort. "I thought he was going to hurt me Peter, I thought he might..."
"Right, that's it!" Peter grabbed Stiles and in an unfairly smooth movement had them out the back of the car, slipped Stiles into the front passenger seat and threw himself over the car to climb into the driver's seat.
Stiles blinked confused as the car was spun around and they were zooming back towards Beacon Hills.
"Peter?" Stiles asked cautiously as Peter's jacket was placed over his lap, the low growl filling the car continuously.
"I'm going to kill him, I am going to fucking him! He dared...he dared...I'm going to fucking kill him!" Peter snarled.
"Peter, Kali stabbed hib wib a pole," Stiles sniffled snuggling under the jacket. Peter turned up the heating in the car.
"She did?" He hummed. "That would explain the smell of his blood,"
"I went to the Alpha Pack Peter, I am...I have joined their Pack. They, they treat be with respect, listen to be. They, I feel wanted there," Stiles said softly. "I'b sorry,"
"Why are you apologising?!" Peter asked incredulously.
"I left the Pack, I joined anot..."
"Stop right there Stiles! You have been treated like shit by them! They treat you horrifically, and you do everything for them. I very much look forward to the fallout when they realise that they can not cope without you! You are a natural Pack member, and you deserve to be in a Pack that will treat you as you should be, not the way that they do! You gave them far more loyalty, for far longer than they deserved it!"
"You deserbed it. You broke into a house full of Alphas to rescue be because you thoughb I bas is danger," Stiles said softly. "How did you..."
"I know a lot of spells and tricks that you can use to get around wolf sense, not to mention the training I had to be left hand to take out the enemies of the Pack. It wasn't that hard,"
"Fuck the others...they'll be panicking!" Stiles sat up, cursing his foggy brain as it clicked that Peter had taken him without the Pack's knowledge. "How lonb..."
"Three hours," Peter grimaced.
"Oh Gob..."
"Here," Peter dug his phone from his pocket and passed it to Stiles who fell on it, stabbing in the pin code that Peter had never told him, and then was dialling the number that he had memorised within an hour of Deucalion giving him that piece of paper in the restaurant.
"Who is this? If you have..."
"Deuc!" Stiles said before his Alpha could carry on. There was silence and then chaos on the other end of the phone as it sounded like all the Pack tried to fight to shout over each other, and perhaps get the phone, until Deucalion's Alpha roar shook them, and the two seated in the car, Peter paling a little and grimacing.
"Where are you? What happened? Are you ok?!" Deucalion demanded. "Have you escaped your attacker? Where are you, we will come and get you,"
Stiles felt warmth going through him as he realised that Deucalion respected his brain and skills enough that his thought was that Stiles had managed to escape.
"He is driving be home," Stiles said, smirking when Peter glared at him.
"He is...what?" Deucalion asked sounding baffled.
"I am ok. Derek tolb Peter that you hab kibnabbed be, he came to check, smelt by colb and medication and thought it was true. He thought he was rescuing be," Stiles explained.
"He...Where are you Stiles?" Deucalion said with such an Alpha tone that Stiles had to fight not to show his throat to the phone.
"We're outside of Beacon Hills to the west, I am bringing him back, we will be with you as soon as possible. I am sorry for the misunderstanding Alpha Blackwood, but I thought that I was saving Stiles, I thought that he was in trouble," Peter said softly.
"And where were you when your Pack were treating him like shit?!" Deucalion snarled.
"He was sticking up for be, and making be feel better when they dumped me. He gave be the information that the others wouldn't," Stiles said softly.
"Stiles!" Deucalion snarled through the phone.
"Don't hurt Peter when we come back," Stiles said firmly.
"He took you!" Deucalion snarled.
"I am not an object!" Stiles did his convincing growl, and from the silence on the other end of the phone, he could practically picture the pack blinking at it stunned.
"Stiles he can not just get away with this," Deucalion said lowly.
"Fine!" Stiles said and was pleased to see Peter was just looking at him amused, clearly not believing that he was done. Deucalion seemed to realise that as well. "Stiles,"
"Peter you can pull the car over here and I will walk back, in my pyjamas, with no shoes on so that you can get far enough away,"
"Stiles!" Deucalion snarled.
"I will be fine it should only take me six or seven hours, I should be home by tomorrow," Stiles said before hanging up.
"And that is the reason I risked a bunch of Alphas," Peter snickered carrying on driving.
"Did...did he just....hang up?" Aiden asked stunned.
"I think he did," Ennis nodded.
"You don't think Hale will let him out do you?" Ethan asked concerned.
"The Hales have proven that Stiles' health and wellbeing are far below their own," Kali growled storming back and forth.
"He hung up..." Deucalion said stunned before he snarled and stabbed at the last number called.
"He just buttoned you," Aiden said stunned, gawping at the phone.
"He...I..." Deucalion called again, and then a third time when he was buttoned again. This time Stiles picked up. "Stiles you..."
"I'm sorry I am currently getting ready to hike barefoot, and sick, through the forest, I will call once I am in town," Stiles before hanging up again.
The others watched with bemusement at this calling, buttoning, smart comment and then hanging up went on furiously for the next five minutes, their Alpha clearly growing more and more frustrated as time went on.
"FINE!" Deucalion roared. "I won't hurt Hale!"
"Swear it," Stiles said petulantly.
"Thank you Alpha," Stiles said sweetly before hanging up again, leaving Deucalion blinking realising that he had been played.
"Say nothing!" Deucalion thundered standing and storming off as Ennis' shoulders shook with his laughter, Kali, Ethan and Aiden just staring after him stunned.
The air was more than a little tense even before they heard the car pulling into the car park, none of them even bothering to voice the question as to how Hale had been able to gain access into their gated car park, but when they heard the car coming to a stop, and Stiles' voice the tension went through the roof.
Especially when two heartbeats stopped outside the door.
"Seriously, that is how you got in? Lockpicks?" They heard Stiles sigh before they heard something being snatched, and then...
"Are you picking the lock, Stiles?!" Ennis called hurrying to the door a second before it snapped open and Stiles was on the other side holding lockpicks.
"We need to look at the locks, that was way too easy," Stiles said awkwardly. He and Peter stepped into the apartment, Stiles pointedly standing in front of Peter as they moved until the two of them were standing opposite Deucalion, Kali, Ennis, Ethan and Aiden.
Stiles stood there, wrapped in Peter's coat, shifting awkwardly on his indeed bare feet as he looked between them all nervously, but his eyes constantly flicking back to Deucalion.
"Leave us," Deucalion stood. "Take Hale and have him run through exactly how he managed to break in here and make a note so we can fix those holes. I am sure Hale will want to help to ensure Stiles' safety in here,"
"You won't hurt him?" Stiles frowned stepping closer to Peter as the Pack stood.
"None of us will hurt him, we promise," Ennis said. Stiles was tempted to look at Peter for confirmation that his heart hadn't stuttered. But he trusted his Pack wouldn't lie to him, and so he stepped forward and let them walk Peter outside.
And he was left alone with Deucalion.
He turned back to his Alpha, who was standing frighteningly still.
"Are you angry at me?" Stiles tilted his chin up, even though he was aware of how hard and fast his heart was beating.
"I came to check on you, and you were gone, I could smell a foreign wolf over our bed, and for three hours we ran all over the town but could not get your scent anywhere, you disappeared completely. And then you call to say Peter Hale took you, and then...then you...for him?!"
"He thought that he was rescuing me. I can't...he's the only one that has ever looked after me out of all of them, even though he has spent a good while travelling to heal himself. I...I please don't be angry with me," Stiles said, some of his bravado slipping.
"You were gone Stiles and then...and then you argued with me! You manipulated me into not punishing him for stealing my Pack member...my..."
"If all this is going to be is a gilded cage where I am kept like some sort of trophy or art piece for you to show off, then I wish Peter would have kept driving," Stiles said cooly.
"My friend, probably my only friend, was concerned about me and risked his own life against a bunch of alphas to rescue me because he had been told that I was in danger. The minute I told him what was going on and what had happened, he brought me back. I don't want him to be hurt because he cared about me. And I am manipulative, I am sarcastic and I speak too much, if you don't like that then...then whatever we were starting between us is dead in the water and..."
"You stink of him! What is between us is new and fragile, and I am aware of that. Just as I am aware that I am older, blind and we are still getting to know each other. And someone came into our home and stole you, someone, that you know, and quite obviously care about and who cares about you, and you stood up to me for the first time, manipulated me for the first time to defend him!" Deucalion moved his face to the side so that Stiles could only see his profile, his tight jaw.
"Deucalion....Deuc," Stiles stepped cautiously forward, one step, and then two, then three. "Deuc, I don't...I don't want Peter, I never have. I care for him, yes, I think he was the first person to look at me and actually respect me, but I don't want him like that. I think before you guys, he is the closest thing I had to Pack, but he has had to travel a lot, and he hasn't been here,"
Stiles reached out carefully and took Deucalion's hand between both of his own, stroking his thumb over his knuckles, stepping a little closer again.
"But I want you Deuc, I want you in a way that I have never wanted anyone else before. I used to think that I was in love with Lydia, but what I am feeling for you already makes it clear that that was just a child's infatuation. I want you, but I can't be silenced or what I want pushed to the side. That's what Derek did and..."
"I am not that pup!" Deucalion growled spinning on
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