A.N- Hi! Hello! I'm updating again wooo sorry it's been so long but I've been busy lol it was Christmas and all lol hope you enjoy this chapter
"What happens now?" Stiles asked tiredly where he was still curled against Deucalion.
"Now, we go to bed, you rest, and in the morning we will see what you want to do school wise. Stiles, Kali went to check your home when you were here with us last time, there was no scent that your father has been in the house for a while," Deucalion said carefully was he wrapped his arms around Stiles more firmly.
"He and I have a difficult relationship," Stiles sighed, sounding more put together than Deucalion had been expecting with this conversation, he shifted so that his face was tucked into the Alpha's shoulder again before carrying on. "My mum died when I was eight, frontotemporal dementia,"
"I am sorry Darling," Deucalion hummed rubbing Stiles' back while making a note to look into the illness later.
"My dad, he left me in the hospital with her a lot while she was sick, he just carried on working. I was alone with her when she died. After that, his drinking became a problem. He had been a drinker before, he and mum argued about how much he drank a lot before she became ill. After, if he wasn't drinking he was working, and if he wasn't working he was drinking. I looked after myself, I made myself meals, shopped for the house, I cleaned it and kept it, made my own way to school. That lasted until I was eleven. Then he cleaned himself up because he nearly lost his job,"
Deucalion was aware that he was growling lowly, the thought of a small Stiles having to take care of himself. It was no wonder that he was so mature and independent, why he was so unsure of being looked after, it was something that he just wasn't used to.
"Things were good for a while, he never apologised, but I had a parent again, and we got closer. Then the supernatural happened, and I had to lie to him, I kept getting into trouble, or ending up in the wrong places, always involved in the trouble in the town. He just...moved out, it's not really been announced or talked about. He and Mellisa started dating and he just stopped coming home," Stiles shrugged.
"We could get you legally emancipated," Deucalion offered, only to feel confused when Stiles lifted his head and blinked at him.
"I thought you knew, you have pretty much clearly stalked nearly every part of our lives after all," Stiles said, sounding more amused than accusing.
"Know what?"
"I am eighteen, I was held back a year when mum got really sick," Stiles said.
"Oh...oh!" Deucalion smirked as he realised what that meant.
"No one has any legal say over me," Stiles nodded.
"Move in here?" Deucalion requested.
"I loath the thought of you in that house by yourself Stiles. Especially after what Derek did," Deucalion's eyes flashed red as he stroked over the still over the top bandages around Stiles' neck. "Though in the interest of starting this out with honesty,"
"Yes?" Stiles looked at him curiously.
"I would like for you to share my bed Stiles, this is not prerequisite to you being in the Pack or living here, if it is not something that you are interested in, I will never force you, and I would never want you to feel as though you had to, to be in the Pack. But I am very interested in you,"
"Oh," Stiles sounded so stunned that Deucalion tightened his hold on him.
"I am aware after the accusations that Derek threw at you that it may be something that you would not feel comfortable with and I understand and..." Deucalion blinked rapidly when Stiles brushed their lips together, nothing more than a brushing of lips, but its intent was clear, as was the slightly spicy, honeyed scent that came from Stiles.
"No one has wanted me back before," Stiles whispered.
"Back, so you do..."
"I would have to be stupid and blind to not want you," Stiles was blushing furiously.
"Will you sleep with me tonight, and hopefully many more nights after Stiles?" Deucalion asked a little more formally. He allowed Stiles to slip from his lap and tracked him intently as his footsteps made their way over to Deucalion's bedroom, making the wolf perk up hopefully.
"I hope that in the near future we do a little more than sleeping," Stiles said before disappearing into the room, laughing to himself as he heard Deucalion hurrying after him.
To a different time yall
"Well well well Hale whelp," Kali smirked as she walked into the loft, looking around distastefully. "Such a provider you are,"
"What are you doing here?!" Derek snarled lunging to his feet.
"And why do you smell of Stiles' blood?" Erica growled.
"What does it matter to you?" Ethan snarled.
"What does that mean?" Boyd frowned crossing his arms.
"When was the last time you spoke to him to get anything but information off him? To clean up your messes? To interrogate and accuse him because he was hanging out with us instead of just asking? When was the last time you treated him as a friend, never mind Pack?" Aiden sneered.
"What have you done to Stiles?" Erica had a hint of panic in her voice.
"What we did was patch him up!" Kali snarled before she was in movement.
The three of them moved as though they were in a dance, showing what a knowledgeable Alpha who trained his Pack could do, showing what teamwork was and how a Pack should work together as they moved to quickly take out the Hale betas.
The roar of pain Derek let out as Kali pierced him through with the metal pole shook the loft, and Kali twisted the bar with a small smirk of satisfaction on her face.
"What do you mean patch him up?" Erica coughed.
"Why do you care?" Kali tilted her head.
"Because he is our friend," Erica growled.
"You are his friends, he is not yours, not with the way that you treat him," Kali said sharply.
"We patched him up after your lovely Alpha shoved his claws into Stiles' neck, barely a breath away from his jugular and accused him of giving us information on you simply because we showed him a bit of attention, he also accused him of spreading his legs, he didn't say for which one of us, but the implication was probably all of us," Ethan growled, spinning and grabbing Isaac by the throat when he tried to sneak up on him, slamming him to the floor with a crunch.
"He probably has been, he is desperate for any type of attention!" Isaac spat.
"I wonder why that is? Why would he be desperate for attention when his father has left him alone in his house to live with his girlfriend, McCall and you to play happy families? Why would he be desperate for attention when he is clearly meant for the supernatural world, meant for a Wolf Pack and is rejected comfort, touch, belonging? When none of you will even listen to him when he is trying to tell you that there is another danger in town. Why would he look elsewhere when he is offered a little kindness?" Ethan shook his head.
"And he told us nothing about you, nothing, not one word by the way. Even when you were treating him as though he were the enemy, he didn't give us one hint of information on you," Aiden smirked, his heartbeat clear to all the wolves that he was not lying.
"That is right Hale. You drove away probably the best member of your Pack, straight into our arms. He was coming here to give you a chance, to prove to him that you saw him in at least a slither of a way of Pack, and he probably would have stayed. Instead, you dug your dirty fucking claws into him," Kali snarled, her control slipping as she remembered the scent of fear of Stiles, the stink of blood coming from the vulnerable human that healed so slowly. "You scarred him! He will hold those scars the rest of his life!"
"No, he was...betraying us!" Derek choked out wetly as Kali twisted the pole through him again.
"No, he was giving you a chance, a chance you didn't deserve!" Aiden growled.
"He thought you were going to hurt him," Ethan walked over and sat just outside of claw range so his red eyes could meet Derek's red. He tilted his head, and his smile was cold. "He thought you were really going to seriously hurt him, he said that, what he didn't say, but what he stank of, was that part of him thought you were going to kill him. Yes, you have scarred him, but you scared him so much he wasn't sure that you wouldn't kill him,"
"And he ran straight to us. He found us safe after spending only a little time in our presence, instead of going anywhere else," Kali growled.
"He is ours now, our Pack member, and we are his. We will appreciate him in a way you lot never did!" Ethan sneered disgustedly at them before standing and making his way towards the door with the others.
"That's it, you're not going to kill me?" Derek choked.
"This had nothing to do with why we are here. This had everything to do with Stiles," Kali turned, her eyes furious as she looked at him pinned in a kneeling position. "If you put your claws anywhere near my Packmate again, you won't have hands left!"
It was a little awkward at first. Stiles hadn't shared a bed with anyone but Scott before, and then they had topped and tailed, which was not something that he thought Deucalion was intending.
He had to wear Deucalion's clothes for bed considering he had nothing with him, but the scent of the Alpha...his Alpha surrounded him once he had the slightly too large shirt on and the comfort it offered was, well after everything that had happened today, it was heaven.
He was physically exhausted and mentally drained by the events that had happened, not only today but the last few months.
He turned when Deucalion wrapped his arm around him, pressing into the Alpha's warmth as it chased away more than the cold covering his body. The other just held him for a few moments, rubbing his hand up and down his back soothingly before he led him over to the large bed.
He felt so looked after as Deucalion helped him into the bed, before sliding in behind him, carefully pulling the covers over them. There were only blankets on the bed, but Stiles realised that he would not need anymore as Deucalion pressed against his back, sliding an arm and a leg over him to hold him protectively in the cage of his body, his heat soaking into Stiles.
With a happy sigh, he sank into the hold and the mattress, allowing everything to wash out of him and just soaked in the feeling of safety and of comfort. Of Pack.
He had no doubt that if he were a wolf he would smell strongly of the Pack, with how much they had touched him over the last few hours. Though he had to be stinking of Deucalion now.
He had Pack, a proper Pack, a Pack that wanted him. He had people around him again.
Stiles was humming softly as he stepped out of Deucalion's bedroom, ready to go an hunt of food now that he had showered and dressed. He was once again wearing Decualion's clothes, though he had said that they would go and get whatever Stiles wanted and needed from the house.
The thought that he was actually moving out of his house, his dad's house, with all it's bad memories and loneliness. He wouldn't be drifting around that house alone anymore, he would be living with the Pack, and have someone around all the time.
He paused when he stepped into the kitchen and found Deucalion sitting at the table looking serious.
"Stiles, come and sit down please," He waved at the seat next to Stiles, and the human felt fear going through him. Just as Deucalion's nostrils flared, clearly smelling the change in Stiles' emotions, Stiles blurted out his fear.
"Have I done something wrong? Do I have to leave, I don't know what..."
"Stiles!" Deucalion used his Alpha tone with him as he lunged to his feet and had Stiles wrapped in his arms in seconds. At the tone Stiles tilted his head automatically, revealing his vulnerable throat to his Alpha, who quickly buried his face into the skin there, his wolf teeth brushing tantalisingly over his skin.
Before anything more could be said Deucalion pulled back and brushed their lips together, once, twice and then settled their lips together in a firmer, longer kiss. Stiles gasped into the kiss, before dropping into the Alpha's arms as he just enjoyed the kiss, it was a simple kiss, but it felt like he was being lit on fire.
"You have done nothing wrong, I want you to stay here, not leave, in our home and our Pack," Deucalion said softly.
"Oh right, sorry I just..."
"Considering what has happened to you Stiles, I more than understand you jumping to conclusions. Hopefully with time, as a Pack, we can help you with those fears. I do need to talk to you though. I said that we would see how you are feeling today to see what you were going to do with the day. I am sorry, but I want you to stay here today,"
"Ok," Stiles said slowly, seeing what else the Alpha would say.
"I am sorry for pulling rank on you, but I am worried what the Hale betas are going to do, their control is appallingly lacking, and you do not have the Twins with you in every class. While you are more than capable, I fear that you would struggle to hurt them even in defence,"
"Ok, why are you worried about them hurting me today when you weren't as concerned yesterday?" Stiles asked.
"Clever boy," Deucalion chuckled, the neutral look melting away as he brushed his hand over the table to take Stiles' hand. "It seems that Kali, Ethan and Aiden could not control their anger with Derek and what he did to you,"
"Oh, what happened?" Stiles frowned.
"Kali decided that it would be a good idea to stab a post through Derek, and the betas' that were there were a little beaten, they will be feeling it today. Apparently, Kali also warned Derek that if he put his claws near you again he would lose his hands," Deucalion sighed rolling his eyes. "I am sorry, but they also revealed that you have joined our pack. I was not sure when you would want to tell them, but I am worried at how they will react to you today, I would rather you stay at home, safe,"
"Oh, ok," Stiles nodded even though he was thinking about the fact that his Pack had been so upset over a few scratches that they had gone to get revenge for him. He should probably feel bad that the Hale Pack had been hurt, hell Derek had a hole punched through him. But he remembered his teeth coming at his face, the claws digging into his neck, the fear he had felt.
He remembered the other times that each member of the Pack had thrown him around, hurt him, when they had ignored him, treated him with disdain and used him. Why should he feel bad for people that had treated him so badly? That he had given chance after chance to and they had just taken advantage of him. What would his life have been like if Deucalion and the others hadn't wanted him?
"I would probably have ended up dead," Stiles said out loud starling Deucalion.
"What?" He gripped Stiles' hand a little tighter.
"If you hadn't wanted me, I probably would have ended up dead, pretty soon," Sitles realised.
"I fear so yes, or forced into a Pack," Deucalion scowled. "You're too valuable to kill, anyone with half a brain would see that, but there are a lot of Packs, especially those looking to claim land that take others by force. Or Hunters would have taken you to use your brain and knowledge of the supernatural. That isn't going to happen though, you have us,"
"Yes, apparently willing to put holes through people for scratching me," Stiles chuckled.
"It is more than a scratch," Deucalion grumbled. "I am sorry that I am pulling rank so quickly on you, but I really do insist that you stay here,"
"You're keeping me safe, I understand. I do expect to talk things through if it is something that I disagree with," Stiles said firmly.
"I would expect nothing more from you, Darling. Now, how about we have breakfast together? Ennis is in the library once you are finished, I have to speak to the council to update them on what has happened here, and the fact one of my beta's decided to puncture the Alpha we're here to assess," Deucalion rolled his eyes.
Another time skip because I can<3
"Hey Stiles," Ennis smiled brightly at him.
"Hey Ennis, What are you looking into?" Stiles asked curiously looking at the piles of books around the wolf.
"Trying to figure out which ritual the Darach is using, hopefully, it might help us figure out why as well," Ennis sighed.
"I have been able to narrow down information on the victim, hang on!" Stiles jogging out the room before hurrying back in with his backpack, already fishing out three notepads out to thump them down on the table Ennis was seated out, before settling opposite him and holding one of the pads out to Ennis in offering.
"Oh, that reminds me!" Ennis hummed after he reached the third page, he fished around in the draw of the table before throwing a couple of things over the table to Stiles.
"What is this?" Stiles asked confused as the werewolf went back to reading with interest Stiles' notes.
"The twins mentioned that you like writing and taking notes in different colours and highlighting things in different colours, it sounded like it was a process for you, so Deuc had us buy some new multicoloured pens and highlighters for you," Ennis smiled softly before going back to his reading.
Stiles stared down at the pens in his hands. It was something small and simple, but it meant more than they would probably know to him. It was something for him, something he liked that the twins had taken note of, and Deucalion had gone out his way to get for him, just because he thought that it was something that Stiles would like.
"Ennis?" Stiles asked a few moments later.
"Yeah?" Ennis looked up and blinked to see the chaos that had taken over Stiles' side of the table, but it seemed to be organised chaos and he could see the human's brain working at a thousand miles an hour.
"Do you think we could get a whiteboard? And some pens. And some string, different colours?" Stiles muttered, still scribbling away.
"I think we can have that for you in an hour," Ennis nodded, hurrying to the door to let Kali and the twins know what was needed. "Have you got something?"
"I think so," Stiles nodded carefully dropping a heavy tome in front of Ennis and pointing to the ritual there.
Fivefold knot.
"I think she is on warriors," Stiles slid the information he had on the victim to Ennis.
"Time to call in Deucalion," Ennis nodded standing again. He reached out and rubbed Stiles' shoulder. "Good work Kiddo, this is amazing!"
Alrighty it the end of another chapter hope you enjoyed reading it <3
Also I didn't proof read this one so sorry for any mistakes I Will update again soon ✨
-3410 words-
Love yall -
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