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–I'm Coming Like A Storm Into Your Town

The first thing that could be heard when you entered the great hall of Hogwarts the schools of witchcraft and wizardry was the noise. The sounds of hundreds of kids as they all talked, laughed and moved around the room.

But then the doors to the great hall opened and people came walking into the room, the Blacks, The Malfoy's, the Weasley's, Tonks and a bunch of officials from the ministry.

"What are you all doing here?!" Sirius looked at his family with disbelief as he saw his grandparents, his uncle's and aunt along with his parents and cousins.

"Be more respectful boy." Cygnus said as he looked at his nephew.

Sirius went to yell back before his grandfather and grandmother caught his eye's and to the shock of Hogwarts he sat down quickly.

"Yes uncle." Sirius bowed his head respectfully.

The great hall looked on in shock but Regulus and Narcissa, his sister and his cousin respectively both just look on in understanding after all none of them had wanted to ever disappoint or get on the wrong side of Their grandparents, honorary in the case of Narcissa, the two of them were what their parents and their generation tried to be like and some were but some of them weren't at all like that.

"May I ask what you all are doing here?" The Headmaster questions them as they all start taking seats.

"We don't know." Arcturus Black holds out a chair for his wife to which she smiles beatifically up at him warmly.

"Auror Moody and these other fine officials came to us and told us we were requested at Hogwarts and considering that most of our heirs are here we came." Melania face then turns neutral as she tells the man sitting on his throne like chair.

The other purebloods all nod in agreement with similar looks on their faces barring a few who's hatred of Dumbledore far exceeds that of their political training.

The Matriarch's words serve to make everyone look at the ministry officials, Auror's and Unspeakable's and ambassadors for other wizarding communities across the world, in a search for the answer.

"Someone came back from the future." Alastor Moody seems to take joy in the insuring chaos as his co-workers all shake their heads and sigh at him.


"No Way!!!"

"That can't be!!"

Is all that's heard throughout Hogwarts as even the purebloods look at them all in surprise.

"Before you all say it isn't possible." Auror Callisto Greengrass -uncle to future Daphne Greengrass - interject's when he see's a few of them about to start a rant. "We had the person use perfectly brewed Veratesium that was made by someone in our time."

That manages to cut off all who thought it was impossible from questioning it as you couldn't lie using veratesium.

"Who is it?" Abraxes Malfoy asks the youngest Greengrass who looks at him with a hint of mirth in his eyes.

"I can't tell you much yet." Callisto has to stifle a laugh as he looks at the unknowing platinum haired Lord. He had been one of the one's who had met Dracona Malfoy when she had came to the last and he could see every bit of her coloring apart from her eyes came from her father's side by looking at her lord Grandfather.

"What I can tell you is that she is a girl and we are to watch her life along with some of her mother's to prevent a future tragedy." Callisto continues.

What nobody notices thankfully is the way most of the officials eyes glance at the youngest child of the most ancient and noble house of Black who was the dark haired version of her future child, so much so that it made some of them do a double take when they saw her, and when they found out of her death it made most feel a certain amount of pity for the future version of Lucius Malfoy who would have to see the platinum mirror image of his dead wife.

"Both she and her mother are important." Callisto's eyes sweep across the plains of Regulus's face subtly yet this is noticed by A few who stiffen up as they connect at least one dot.

After Callisto is done the rest of the people in the break into whispers of excitement that they will see the future but most of the adults realize that it won't all be happy as they said they were to watch to prevent a future tragedy.

"Prongs isn't this cool?" Sirius asks with excited tone as he even manages to forget about his family being there for a second.

"Yeah it Pads." James smiles at him before he glances at Remus. "Right Moony?"

"Of course." Remus replies as he looks at Peter Pettigrew who nods.

They aren't the only ones as other's all look on in excitement even the Slytherins all seem pretty excited to see the future, more specifically the jeweled squad consisting of Regulus, Barty, Pandora and Evan.

"This will be awesome." Barty turns to look at his friends excitedly. "Do you think we might know the girl who came back in the future."

"Maybe." Evan answers him with a smile as he lays his hand across Barty's own hand.

"I just want to know who she is and if we might know her mother." Regulus bites her lip thoughtfully as she looks at her friends with her thinking face.

The rest of them also look thoughtful as they hadn't thought much about the future girl's mother.

Moody then does something that made a screen made of magic appear as everyone gets seated.

"We will begin." He states to the room as he then takes his own seat.

Everyone look's at the screen expectantly.

Words - 969

HOTSW Speaks!
This is just the beginning chapter and the actual reaction one should be up soon. Callisto Greengrass is my OC and is pretty important to the plot of this story along with the entire Greengrass family. We also get to see Sirius's relationship with his family he doesn't really care about the opinion of Cygnus but does care about the opinion of Arcturus. We also get to see the thoughts of the people who have already met Dracona and are seeing Regulus and what they think about how much they look alike.

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