there was a slight dip as jay moved to sit beside heeseung on his bed, a towel hanging over his damp hair.
"i'm so tired," jay mumbled, bending his legs to sit crisscross apple sauce as he faced the older boy.
a smile spread across heeseung's face, closing the book he was reading as he reached for the towel on jay's head, "dry your hair before you sleep."
heeseung leaned toward the younger boy, softly drying his hair with the small towel. jay let out a small yawn, eyes closed as heeseung dried his hair.
"are you sleeping here tonight?" heeseung questioned, referring to his bed.
the younger nodded his head, hands in his lap as heeseung continued to soothingly run the towel through his hair.
upon noticing how tired jay was, heeseung quickly threw the towel onto the dresser, leaning over the younger to switch off the lamp. the brunette slipped under the blanket as heeseung softly wrapped his arm around jay's waist, bringing his back to his chest.
jay let out a loud breath, he was so tired, yet he couldn't find it in him to fall asleep yet. "earlier on the bus...," he trailed off, moving under heeseung's loose embrace so that he could face the older, "do you know about the rumors?"
the raven haired boy had a frown on his face, "you shouldn't pay attention to meaningless rumors, love." heeseung tightened his hold on the younger's waist, concern flashing across his face.
"no, it's different this time," jay tilted his head up, eyes finding heeseung's familiar ones, "because they're about us."
the older's brows furrowed, lips parted in confusion as jay continued, "at first, on the bus sunoo and i just talked about random things, but then he told me," jay's voice came out as a mere whisper as he diverted his eyes, swallowing harshly, "people think we slept together."
heeseung paused, face contorting into confusion as he cocked his head back, "why would they think that?"
"because we showed up to school together and i was wearing your jacket," the younger pursed his lips, remembering the sticky residue the coffee had left behind.
"jay," there was a soft smile on heeseung's face as he brought his hand behind the brunette's head, tilting it so that he would into his eyes, "it doesn't matter what they think."
jay closed his eyes for a brief second, taking in a deep breath as he let heeseung words sink in, "you're right, i shouldn't let them get to me."
the older hummed in agreement, "i always am," heeseung brought jay closer to his chest, sighing as he closed his eyes, "now sleep."
wanting to tease heeseung, jay pretended to pull out of his warm embrace, "mmm i'm not that tired."
heeseung gave the younger a look, playfully rolling his eyes, "love, you were falling asleep when i was drying your hair."
jay sat up, mouth opened- ready to fire back at the older, only for heeseung to push back down. jay let out a small huff as the tall boy snaked his arms around his waist, resting his chin on top of the boy's head.
"sleep," the raven haired boy grumbled, pulling the blanket over their bodies.
"fine," jay rolled his eyes, but it would be a lie if he said he didn't enjoy falling asleep in heeseung's arms. eventually the brunette boy relaxed, melting into heeseung's warm embrace.
"do you know what we're doing today?" jay was digging through his suitcase, hoping to find a shirt that matched the sweats he wanted to wear.
"breakfast and then i think we're going on a hike," heeseung's voice was slightly muffled as he pulled a windbreaker over his head, peeking at jay who was hunched over his suitcase, "what are you looking for?"
"this shirt i wanted to wear," jay quietly muttered, throwing his head back as an exasperated sigh leaving his lips.
"just take one of my hoodies," heeseung smoothly replied, running a hand through his raven hair as he bent down to look through his own luggage, "it's getting colder anyways."
jay stood up from his crouched position, cheeks warm, hand reaching for the white hoodie in heeseung's outstretched palm, "thanks," the younger boy said before making his way to the bathroom.
heeseung only smiled in return, plopping on his bed as the sound of the bathroom door clicking shut resounded throughout the room. heeseung reached for his phone that he had set down on the dresser, mindlessly swiping through his phone as he waited for jay to get dressed.
after no more than ten minutes heeseung heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, lifting his head from his phone as he watched jay enter from the small hallway that connected to the bathroom.
"ready?" heeseung asked, pocketing his phone as he stood up. the older reached for his shoes, biting back a smile, his hoodie just looked too good on jay.
"yeah, i'm ready," jay sat on the edge of his bed, quickly putting his shoes on.
heeseung leaned against the wall, waiting for jay to tie his laces. a couple of minutes later the two left the cabin, beginning their walk to the dining hall.
"hey hee," jay turned to the older, tugging the sleeves of the hoodie over his hands, "do you know if sunghoon likes jake?" the brunette tilted his head up, eyes slightly wide in curiosity.
"yeah, i'm pretty sure he does," heeseung chuckled, those two were just so oblivious it physically pained him.
"i think jake's liked sunghoon for a while," the younger pointed out, turning away from heeseung as he tucked his nose into the hoodie. the familiar scent of heeseung's cologne, like usual, comforted the boy.
"why do you think that?" heeseung questioned as he looked down at the younger, having the sudden urge to hold jay's hand, but he ignored it. instead he let a soft smile spread across his face as he watched the younger.
"yup, he talks about him during class class sometimes," jay's eyes found heeseung's, cheeks flushing at the older's intense gaze.
jay's heart raced as heeseung flashed him a small smile, "oh really now?"
jay groaned, he recognized the time the boy was using, "hee, don't tease jake."
"what? i'm not," the older put his hands up feigning innocence.
jay shot the taller an unconvinced look, crossing his arms in front of his chest. heeseung sighed, opening the door to the dining hall as he muttered a heart broken, "fine."
a small smile graced the younger's lips, walking straight to the table his friends sat at, heeseung following right behind.
"remember, be nice to jake," jay's voice took on a stern tone, any minute now he would be pointing his finger at the older like he was some dog being scolded.
"i know," heeseung playfully rolled his eyes, "i know."
jay learned later that the older did not, in fact, know and that he should've just kept his mouth shut.
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