Not a chapter butttt today is Monoma's birthday!!
Yes he is my fave
I love him to much to be legally possible. His dumbass smile is amazing and is H O T. Like todoroki level hotness. He is a underrated God and deserves love.
Also Monoshin is best ship don't at me. Yeah I love Shigadabi with all my heart but I love Monoshin with my entire being. They both are criminally underrated and have a hatred for 1-A. And in the manga they are kinda friends. So yeah, here's some pictures of my best Boi
I die. This is one of my favorite games and best Boi mixed together.
I can't stress enough how much I love him
So yeah, just wanted to post something for best Boi. Normal posts will happen so please stay tuned. Bye!
Hah you though I was done nope I still gots best ship to spam
And a series I like to call, Monoma and Shinsou being the ultimate boyfriends in the manga.
Ok NOW I'm done. See yah guys later!
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