9 (4 months)

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Dabi P.O.V

A month passed by and me, Tommy, and the baby were sitting on our bed. He was reading a book and I was looking at baby names. "What about...Duncan?" I suggested. "I told you last month and you're already giving me names?" He said with a chuckle. "Well, I want to be prepared!" I looked him in the eye and smiled. He looked at me back and a sudden darkness spread to his face. "a-are you ok hon?" I questioned. The last thing I wanted was him or the baby to be hurt.

"We have to tell the others soon." He said with a dead voice. "Why? We can wait for a little longer!" I said. "No, we have to do it know. Even though they're idiots, they'll start to catch on. I've already started to gain weight, and I'll have to stop going on missions. It's either now or never." I groaned. He had a good point.

God, sometimes I wish he wasn't so smart. "I guess........" I mumbled. I was really trying to avoid this. I know Toga and Twice will fan girl, because they shipped us before we even realized our feelings. But I'm not sure about the others. Mustard doesn't talk a lot, so I'm not sure what he'll think. Kurogiri......he's big on rules and he..he could...oh god I don't even want to think about it. I just hope for the better.

While I was thinking, I heard a muffled sob. I turn around to see Tom crying his eyes out. I pulled him into a hug as he cried into my chest. I wasn't surprised by this. I guess being pregnant gives you unusual hormones. Like yesterday , I caught him eating peanut butter during the night. That would sound normal, but Tomura hates peanut butter with a deep passion. He also cries. A lot. The good thing is that everyone is a fucking idiot. Yeah, Tom ate peanut butter IN FRONT of Toga, and she didn't even question him.

we work with idiots.

I rubbed circles on his back as he sobbed. I think I should ask h-"I'm crying because I'm afraid, Dabi. I'm afraid that they'll hate me." I jumped back. How did he know what I was thinking?! "I'll tell you later, I just...I just don't think they'll understand. But if they do, they could hate me, or hurt the baby, or-" "Shhhhhh, babe it's ok!" I didn't want to seem rude by interrupting, but I don't want him to be sad anymore. "Tom, even if they do hate you, I will kil-I mean we will move out. We can find a nice home, and if we still want to be villains, we can figure it out. Don't stress out, ok? It's bad for the baby." I looked back at Tomura. He had a horrified look on his face. I turned around.

Twice was standing at the doorway, his jaw dropped to the floor. "Y-you're....pregnant?!???" He shouted. I looked back and Tom was silently crying, but what he did shocked me.

He laughed. He laughed that beautiful laugh. He wasn't crying because he was sad, no he was happy. "I can't believe..I can't believe our luck!" He said. I was a little shocked but wanted to laugh along with him. So I did. We just sat there laughing, laughing until our lungs almost burst. When our laughs stRted to quiet down, everyone had eventually gathered around our door. "What are you two idiots laughing about?" Kurogiri said in a snarky voice, cup in hand. "I don't really know!" I said between laughs.

"Oh I'm pregnant"

I wasn't surprised by there response.
"WWWHHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTT?!?!?!??!?!?!??!" Toga and Twice were in there own bubble screaming about how they knew this would happen,Mustard was laughing his ass off, and Kurogiri.....surprised me. He was smiling. A genuine smile. After everyone had finished doing whatever   they were doing, they started to bombard us with questions.
"Wait how can boys get pregnant?"
"Is it a boy or a girl?"
"How far along are you?"
"Can I name the baby?!"

"Enough!" Everyone jumped. Kurogiri caught our attention. "So, I guess you two are keeping the baby?" "Yep!" "Well, I'm proud of you two. We can work out the details later." A wave of relief washed over me. I looked back at my lover and he was smiling happily. This was probably one of the best days of my life.

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