Tom P.O.V
I love my baby.
He is just the light of my life and has boughten happiness AND pain. Lots of emotional and physical pain. For one, I almost died giving birth. Thanks Kage for that. And two, he screams. So much.
But all in all, I love Kage. Also, Dabi has been a amazing help. He learned how to thankfully change diapers, and just adores Kage. And Kage just loves his dad, it to cute.
Back to the present, I really want to go out with Dabi. I sigh as I put on my only nice shirt. I look back and see Dabi putting on black dress pants. "Do we really have to leave Kage with the idiots? Why can't we just bring him!" I whin to my husband. "Well, what if a hero spots us? We can't have him around for that." I sigh again. He dose have a point. He grabs my waist and pulls me in to a soft kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sank into the kiss. "Ewww, you already have Kage, you don't need another one!" We turned around and saw Toga leaning agents our door frame with Kage in her arms. I ran over and grabbed my child away from her bloody ass hands. "Don't touch my child with your blood cover hands women!" I yelled at her. Kage laughed at my sudden outburst. I smiled and spun him around, making him laugh more. "Wow, I've never seen Tom so happy, Dabi what drugs did you use?" "Just the drug of children my sweet psychopath"
"Sooooo, I heard you guys are going on a date night! Can we-" "NO you can't watch Kage." Toga pouted at my claim. "Toga please take Kage, I need to talk to Tom." I reluctantly handed MY son to her as Dabi pulled me aside. "Tom, please do this. We both need a break and this is the best way! Come babe, lighten up a bit." He said, rubbing my arm. I guess we both deserved a break. "Fine." He smiled and pecked me on the cheek. I turned back to Toga, playing with Kage on the floor. "Ok, we have some rules. One, no knives near the baby. Two, he will cry if he's hungry and there's milk in the fridge. Three, don't leave him alone. Lastly, if ANYTHING happens to my son, I will slowly kill you ripping up your pieces and throwing them into the ocean. Tell that to the others and order a pizza if your hungry. Bye!" I finished up as Dabi pulled me out of the door on to sidewalk.
'What did I agree to'
Toga P.O.V
Omg!!!! We all get to finally watch Kage! I'm so excited and he's soooo cute! Dabi really did it right. I picked up Kage and walked into the living room with everyone sitting there. "Guys!! We get to watch Kageeeee!!!!" I said to them happily. My boyfriend, Twice, got up happily and took the cute baby out of my hands. "Awwww, he's so smol and cute!!" Mustard woke up from his couch nap and walked over to the bean. He held out his arms and Twice handed over Kage to him. He started to chew on his helmet and laugh when Mustard tried to take him off. I pulled out my phone and started to tape this adorable moment!! Tom would die!! "Mommmmm, get him off me!" He screeched at Kurogiri.
Kurogiri sighed and walked over to where he was standing and gently took Kage off his helmet.
Then Kage started crying.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT GET HIM TO SHUT UPPPPP!!!!" Twice screamed while Kage cried his lungs out. We tried everything. I was in the kitchen trying to heat up a bottle as everyone ran around doing anything to get him to be quiet. I saw the timer go out and ran over to the screaming bean on the floor. "Come on bud, drink up." I waved the bottle in his face. He quieted down a bit when he saw the bottle, so I put it in his mouth. He instantly went quiet. We all took a breathe of relief.
~times skips yeeto skeeto~
We were all watching a movie, eating a pizza that we bought with Toms money. I was on the couch with my boyf-Twice while Mom was sitting in the recliner with a bowl of M&M in his lap. Mustard was sitting on the ground with a bowl of popcorn in his lap. In the bowl of popcorn was a sleeping Kage in a blue onesie with little knives decorated on them. They were defiantly close, even though they've barley known each other. Like a little brother big brother. Dabi was the cool dad, Kurogiri and Tom were the gay moms, and me and Twice were the cool aunt and uncle. We were a great family and I'm so glad I joined. Even better, my boyfriend is soon going to be my husband! Yeah, he proposed! He is just the light of my life. I snuggled into him more and slowly feel asleep in his arms.
(Later that night, Dabi got his reward with Tom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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