Tomura P.O.V
I never though I could love. I never though I could feel anything besides dread. All I though I could do was hurt. Hurt me. Hurt others.
Boy was I wrong
I had already been in the league for a while, I knew everybody. Toga, Kurogiri,Mustard, Twice, and of course, Dabi. We were a weird, twisted family in some way.
Kurogiri acting like a mom, cleaning and scolding us for our childish behavior. Yeah, a VERY weird family. I am there leader, but nobody treats me like that anymore.
They used to be afraid of me, now they pull pranks and can laugh with me. I sorta like it, in a weird way. Yeah it can get annoying at times, but it still reminds me of good times.
I was enjoying life
I was happy
Yeah it's a pretty small chapter but it's the first. I promise they'll get longer. Bye my smol beans!!!
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