Chapter 26 - Soobin

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The day is sunny and cloudless, and when Soobin wakes on Friday morning, it dawns on him that he's almost spent an entire month in Camp Heartbroken. With their insanely busy schedule, it didn't seem like four weeks at all. The entire time has been a healing process filled with hours of practice, bonding activities, and growth and learning led by Taylor. And more recently, the nights have been drawing later as the boys try a hand at crafting their own lyrics and melodies. While Taylor holds a guitar and offers them progressions and ingenious tips, they craft their lead track—about a boy who wakes up and finds that horns have grown on his head.

The evidence of their progress lies around Soobin. Beomgyu and Taehyun sleep on a mattress on the floor, while Kai snores lightly near his shoulder. Yeonjun has made a fort of pillows and is passed out near the door, as if protecting the room from intruders. Soobin takes in the sight of his four sleeping members, breathing in a warm comfort. Their decision to stay in one room, talking past 2 am about more song ideas, reminds him of Jay's night owl tendencies. But rather than sinking into listlessness while thinking of his brother, Soobin is energized by his teammates' presence. He shakes his head to rid himself of the morning daze, stretching out his arms in a wide V.

"Time to get up!" he calls out, already acting like a true leader.

Yeonjun rolls in panic and collides hard against the wooden door. "Ouch!" He groans while sitting up. "No need to be so loud, Binny."

Kai is the next to awaken. "Sesame? Sesame?"

Soobin had almost forgotten about the kitten. The dark fluff ball scurries underneath Kai's sheets, emerging to cuddle against his owner's chest. Beomgyu and Taehyun, victims of the kitten's clawing, jerk awake at the sharp jabbing against their hands.

Downstairs, Taylor isn't there to help them prepare breakfast. So they settle for cereal and milk instead. While chewing and glancing out the window—over the view of a waking Honolulu—they continue to talk about their mini album and the excitement of debut.

"Only two months to prepare," Taehyun says. "It's like a drop in a bucket, compared to how much time other groups have overseas."

"Ah. Taylor said not to think of it like that," Beomgyu replies. "She said that she'll continue to mentor us for our entire careers."

Soobin nods between bites of Frosted Flakes. "That means we don't have to be perfect in the beginning. As long as we have a few routines down, a few songs, we'll be good for the time being."

Yeonjun looks toward the ceiling, a smile brightening his features. "I feel as though I've wanted this forever. I know our training is short, but being a singer is something I've dreamed of for a decade or more."

"We're all similar like that," Huening Kai adds. "Taylor chose us because she must've seen the same passion in us." He gestures to his puffed cheeks. "After all, I'm an irresistible choice."

Soobin reaches over to pinch the youngest's face. "Don't brag about being her favorite. Sesame is the only reason why."

After breakfast, Taylor is still absent. So Soobin leads them to work on distributing the lines of their lead single, CROWN. "So my rap will come right after the first chorus?" Yeonjun clarifies.

"That will work the best," says Taehyun. "Taylor talked about something more slow and dreamy for the bridge."

"Let's ask her again when she comes back," Beomgyu suggests. "It shouldn't be too long, yeah? She hasn't missed a day with us."

But even after lunch and dance practice with Mike, Taylor is nowhere to be seen. The Camp Heartbroken house is much quieter without the pop star's cheery presence. Soobin expects some type of surprise—maybe the blowing of trumpets to start an impromptu activity. Instead, he's met with silence that isn't broken until dinner.

The doorbell brings ordered pizza rather than news from Taylor. The personal media training, which brings the group an opportunity to heal, is sorely missed tonight. Even Beomgyu, who usually fills the house with chatter, is quiet. Soobin takes the free time to attempt to write more lyrics, but his mind fills with worry. He visualizes Taylor getting into the same accident as his brother. Their faces blur together, his two role models. He dwells on the shortness of life and how easily a world's bright light can be snuffed out in one moment.

They go to bed like last night, filling the same room like abandoned birds, curling up in one nest. And on Saturday morning, they awaken to the same empty house. No trumpets, no activity on their list, and certainly no Taylor Swift.

A/N: Thank you for reading! And for your votes and comments, I really appreciate it :).

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