Boy Buffons

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Laney's POV 

As I walked though the woods on the stone path,carring my stuff along, I noticed people giving me strange looks and whispering to each other. Anger grew inside me as I continue the trip to the main grounds. The wide open meadow was where everyone was standing,with their stuff next to them, I guess their doing the roll call. I sped up as to get their faster and to not be late for my own name. There was about ten cabins and kids would be paired into groups of 4 and sleep in the same cabin,work together in games and have certain customizable things. I sigh as I aproched and stoped next to some random campers, drawing attention to myself. I stared forward, but I knew in the back of my head that people were questioning my eye patch. The councillors placed the flu us back on them and chatter rose among them(again). 

 After about half an hour later, role call was complete and the council was sending kids to cabins marked by a shape on the door, soon to be changed by the members of the cabin. I payed no mind to anyone a foucued until I was called. 

 "Laney Penn", the lady in green called as my attention averted to her,"to the circle cabin". I walked behind the crowd as everyone else was still be decided. I strolled along the makeshift path until I stood infront of the circle marked cabin. Slowly, I turned the know and pushed open the door to a huge suprise. My heart sank as I saw my cabin mates. Three boys sat in this beds and stared at me with smiles, not a single girl was in my team, so this was awkward.

 " Welcome, I'm Corey Riffin and these guys are Kin and Kon, their twins," the blunette introduced as he pointed to the other two boys. They waited for a response, but I was speechless, this was NOT happening to me. Their expressions showed confusion as the skinny twin waved his arm infront of me.  I snap back to reality as I notice that that boy has a prosthetic arm and isn't insecure about it. 

 "I'm Kin if you didn't know and that's my brother Kon" he greeted with a small chuckle as the big twin(Kon as I  just learned) waved at me. Kin presented his prosthetic to shake as I complied with a gentle shake. 

"I'm ....Laney", I nervously said with my voice shaking as I pulled my suff in. There were two bunk beds on the left and right side of the room and the Twins had already claimed one side. This left only the right side of the room open and only one bed was free. The top bunk was taken by Corey, so I had no choice but to sleep on the bottom. Corey slid of the top and went down to help me unpack, but I could do it on my own.

  " So... are we okay, no fights and we're going to get along?", Corey asked with a big grin and a reassuring tone. They faced me as I responded with an eye roll and mean look. Corey smiled dropped as I knew they were disappointed, but I didn't come here to impress or socialize, I came here by force. I grumbled under my breath as I layed down with my red hair back on the pillow. This camp couldn't get any worse, can it? Oh how wrong was I.......

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