Love Life

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"My niece! What a wonderful surprise! I thought you had ignored my note." Said Robertus.
"Please Uncle, it was a simple prank. The guys are more stylish are they not?" Said Kyra.
"Definitely definitely! You haven't introduced them yet." Reminded Robertus.
"You know my BFF already AJ. The guys are part of a German band called Rammstein. This here is Oliver, Flake, Christoph, Paul, Richard, and Till." Introduced Kyra.
"Nice to meet you all." Said Robertus in English.
"Ah uncle only AJ, Richard, and Till speak English everyone else only speak German. I'll translate." Said Kyra.
They engaged in some chit chat as best they could before calling it quits. The seven of them went down and Kyra was about to follow when her uncle called her over.
"When are you going to open up again? I know it's been six years since that prick." Said Robertus.
"Um I may have some feelings for someone." Said Kyra shyly.
"Oh who is it! Who is it!" Said her uncle excitedly.
"You kinda met him." Said Kyra rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.
"Kyra I just met six guys. Oh wait it must be the short one! Oh uh Paul!" Said her uncle.
"No not him. But I think he likes AJ." Said Kyra.

"Hmm who can it be? It can't be the tree. The scary one?!" Concluded Robertus.
"Yeah." Said Kyra poking her index fingers together.
"That one... I so APPROVE!" Shouted her uncle in joy.
"What?" Said Kyra a little taken back by his outburst.
"One he's huge so you don't have to worry about protecting yourself and let a man do it for once. Two despite his size and demeanor I feel that it's just a mask he wears. Three you like him." Explained her uncle.
"But the age gap is-" Started Kyra.
"Please me and your aunt have a twenty five year gap and look how it's working for us. You guys are at max twenty years apart." Beamed her uncle.
Kyra gave him an uncertain duck face as she thought about it.
"Look Kyra you can't be all alone for the rest of your life. Even Sebastian has grandkids that he looks after when he's not taking care of Castle Black. Whatever your choice is I'll support, well except for being single. Seriously Kyra if you don't find someone before I die I'll come back and haunt you until you do." Said Robertus.
"I think that will scare away the suitors." Laughed Kyra.
"Think about it. Anyway, are you staying for long kid?" Asked Robertus.
"Not really those trouble makers need to go home soon. Pretty boy is running low on his favorite makeup." Said Kyra.
"Alright then I'll say goodbye and good luck. But do come back often this is after all your home." Said Robertus.
"Thanks uncle, but home is also where the heart is." Said Kyra heading for the door.

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