5. Fragile

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5 Weeks Later
Apink's Dorm
' Naeun is such a slut. Hogging our L oppa. '
' IKR. She deserves to die. '
' She doesn't even look pretty. '
' She had terrible plastic surgery. It made her face look even uglier. '
' She's not natural. '
' Myungsoo oppa should've partnered with someone else. What were the crew thinking? '
         The comments online ran through Naeun's head as she hugged her knees on her bed and cried her eyes out. The issue of their magazine together was released with the interview and due to that issue, a scandal between Naeun and Myungsoo erupted. She promised Myungsoo she would stay strong for him, her members, and her fans but her fragile heart just couldn't stand the hate. Those comments made her doubt herself. " Naeun - ah. Are you okay? Do you need unnie? " Chorong's soft voice spoke through the door. " No need unnie. I'm ... Fine. " Naeun sniffed. " Are you sure? " Chorong worried. " Yeah. " Naeun buried her face in her hands and let the tears stream down her cheek. " Okay. " Chorong sighed and walked away.

        " Is she okay? " Bomi asked. " No. She's still crying. It's been half an hour. I'm scared. " Chorong said. " Look at these comments. No wonder Naeun is crying. These fans are too scary. " Eunji showed them her phone. " ' She doesn't have any talent. All she has is her face. ' ' She doesn't even belong in Apink. ' ' No wonder she's only the visual. She can't do anything else. ' " Chorong angrily mumbled the comments. " Are they kidding? It was just a photoshoot. " Eunji said. " Nonsense. " Bomi sighed. " These fans are too harsh. " Hayoung said. " Poor unnie. " Namjoo pitied.

         " Look at these comments Myungsoo. " Woohyun sighed. " What? Are they serious? " Myungsoo got angry. " Calm down. Think about it. Naeun has it worse than you. " Sunggyu said. " Naeun you will stay strong for oppa. Right? " Myungsoo said under his breathe. " What are you waiting for? She's downstairs! Go! " Sungyeol encouraged.

Apink's Door
         " Yes? " Chorong opened the door after Myungsoo's loud knocks. " Where's Naeun? " Myungsoo's worried eyes wandered around the dorm behind Chorong. " About time. She's been crying for an hour. " Chorong sighed and led Myungsoo to Naeun.

         " I said I was fine unnie. You don't need to check on me again. " Naeun's soft voice spoke as Myungsoo walked towards her with guiltiness. "
Naeun - ah. " Myungsoo's gentle voice called out. " Oppa? " Naeun looked up. " What did I say about staying strong? Didn't you promise me? " Myungsoo's sat on Naeun's bed with her. " I'm sorry. " Naeun's tearful eyes looked at Myungsoo. " No. I'm sorry. " Myungsoo apologized. " For what? " Naeun questioned. " For making you like this. " Myungsoo said. " It's okay. It wasn't your fault anyway. " Naeun weakly smiled. Myungsoo pulled Naeun into a hug. " Thank you Naeun - ah. For everything you've given me. " Myungsoo whispered into Naeun's ear. " Like what?  " Naeun asked. " For teaching me how to love someone. " Myungsoo said. " You're welcome. " A wide smiled spread against Naeun's face.

It's been days since the scandal appeared. Woolim and Plan A ent. still haven't made an official statement about the two idols. Fans are getting more and more vicious, bashing Naeun to the point where she didn't even have the appetite to eat and was stuck in her room all day. She was getting skinnier and skinnier each day. Only at night when Myungsoo made the time to call her, she was for once... happy.

Show Champion
         " Do you remember? " Apink did their ending pose and fans clapped. As they were walking down the stairs Naeun started to feel a little dizzy and then everything just blacked out. " Naeun - ah! Ottokae! " Chorong's eyes teared up. " Naeun unnie! Wake up! " Hayoung shook Naeun. Murmurs and worries started to erupt among the fans. " Everything is fine! Please calm down! " The director came on the stage. Apink's manager came and carried Naeun into their waiting room until the ambulance came.

INFINITE's Living Room
          " Naeun! Oh my god! " Sungjong exclaimed. " She fainted! " Dongwoo looked the screen. " That's it. I'm going out there. First they make her cry and now they make her faint? " Myungsoo rushed to the door. " Myungsoo! Stop! Think about our fans! Think about the consequences if you went out there! " Hoya pulled Myungsoo back. " Let go of me! I don't care about any of those sh*t fans anymore! Look at what they've done to my Naeun! Do they even care that the woman I love is hurt! Huh? I thought they loved me! Why can't they just see me happy! " Myungsoo shouted. " If you don't care about our fans than care about us a little! We finally made it big and achieve our dreams but now you're going to ruin it all by going out there!  Think! It's not just all about you! I know that you're worried about Naeun but INFINITE can't just fall down due to your stupid mistake! " Sunggyu lectured. " Their manager carried her to their waiting room. Relax Myungsoo. She'll be alright. " Hoya said. " Let go of me. " Myungsoo insisted. Hoya didn't budge. " I said let go of me! Can't I at least see her backstage! " Myungsoo yelled. Hoya let go of Myungsoo and he walked out of their waiting room.

Apink's Waiting Room
         Myungsoo opened the door. Only to find no one there. " The ambulance must've came. " Myungsoo mumbled and kicked the door.

INFINITE's Waiting Room
        " Was she there? Is she okay? " Sungjong asked. " No. " Myungsoo grumbled and plopped on the couch with his phone.

" Is she fine? " Chorong asked. " She is fine temporarily. This problem might happen again if she is put in a position with too much stress and work. First, like I said before, she is dealing with too much stress and work. Secondly, her body is dehydrated. She is also getting skinnier. She should be at least 97 pounds but she is at 72. She will be anorexic if she keeps on acting like this. Lastly, she needs to rest for about a week. Don't make her do anything. That might cause her to faint again and develop a symptom where once she faces stress, she faints. Tell us when she wakes up. After we do a check up, she'll have to stay in the hospital for another 24 hours to be stabilized. Also, Naeun will have to come back for another check up a week from today. " The doctor said. " Thank you doctor. " Chorong bowed.

Naeun woke up with Chorong asleep by her bed and the rest of the Apink members either asleep on a chair or on the sofa. " Myungsoo oppa must be worried. I'll send him a message for him to read in the morning. " Naeun whispered to herself.

Naeun: I'm fine oppa. Don't worry too much.
Myungsoo: Are you sure?
Naeun: Why are you still awake? I was just leaving a morning message for you.
Myungsoo: We were doing a radio broadcast.
Naeun: Oh.
Myungsoo: Are you feeling okay?
Naeun: Yeah.
Myungsoo: You don't know how worried I was.
Naeun: I'm sorry.
Myungsoo: It's not your fault Naeun. Just promise me you'll get rest.
Naeun: Yes oppa.
Myungsoo: Good night.
Naeun: Good night.

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