The Sun & Moon (Pt. 4)

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Asahi walked around the island with no control over himself. He didn't know it was possible for you not to be in control of yourself. He didn't realize how much control he had before. Now every movement he made and every word he said was a mystery to him.

"Let me out!!!" he cried

It was like screaming without opening his mouth (which technically he wasn't). It was hopeless.


Yume sat by Koharu as she slept, feeling terrible for the poor girl. "There you are!" said Subaru "I searched the whole island,"

"Sorry," Yume replied "But I was talking with Koharu, she said that Asahi hurt her. She confessed to him and he just shot her down hard. It sounds so unlike him,"

"Well we could try talking to Asahi," said Subaru "I'm sure this is just a mistake,"

"Hmm ..."

"Oh come on! Let's talk to him now!"

"Well ... I guess it couldn't hurt," said Yume

The two started another search throughout the island for Asahi now. They stopped when a deer ran right through them. "Whoa! Yeah, still getting used to this!" said Subaru

They turned and saw the deer shift into a human form. "Hey! You're the animal power girl!" said Yume. She nodded and started waving her arms around.

"I don't understand," said Subaru

The girl sighed silently then grabbed a stick and wrote usually fast in the dirt. 

'Kanata and Asahi are in a middle of a fight!'

"A fight?" said Yume "This can't be good,"

She made 'follow me' gestures. "I think she wants us to follow her," said Subaru, she nodded then turned into a cat and dashed away.


"I'M ONLY DOING MY JOB!!!" Kanata yelled

"Well could you do it without trying to kill me?!!" Asahi snapped back

Ako took Yume and Subaru to the rock field, they watched the two fight. "Oh this is bad," said Subaru

"Yeah," Yume agreed as they ran over.

"Guys! What's going on?" Subaru asked

"Whoa! So it's true!" said Aria (who was watching with Nozomu by her side) "You are steam,"

"What happened?" Yume asked

"Well I'm doing my job, you know, making lighting," said Kanata "And then Asahi comes over and interrupts my practice and now he won't shut up,"

"Oh you're one to talk!" said Asahi

"Asahi are you okay?" Yume asked "You're normally not like this,"

"So I have to be perfect all the time?!!" Asahi yelled "And what happened to you two?"

"Cried to death," said Yume

"I walked her home," said Subaru

"You're weird," Asahi scoffed, then left

"Do you think he's cursed?" Nozomu asked "Did his expression or eyes show anything ... out of the ordinary,"

"He was scowling," said Kanata

"He's cursed," said Nozomu "Aria, could you help us out a bit?"


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