Brooke: Couldn't you book your appointment for like... literally any time other than lunch time?
Liz: Sorry Brooke worm my mom made the appointment. Trust me, if i could change the time of the appointment i would.
"Brooke worm". Yes that's my nickname. Liz always calls me that because I love reading and, well, because my name is Brooke. If you don't understand it's a play on the phrase book worm and... damn it I'm rambling again aren't I?
Mrs. Lishki: Girls, is there something you would like to tell the class?
Liz: No. Sorry.
she went back to teaching our chem lesson and i pulled the strings on my hoodie to hide the fact that i was beet red. There was a ding on the announcement system.
Speaker: Would Elizabeth Jackson please come to the office, shes getting picked up for an appointment.
Liz grabs her things and waves goodbye to me. She walks out of the classroom and the lunch bell rings. I walk into the cafeteria and get in line to buy lunch. It's Tuesday, pizza day. i grab a slice. Without Liz I feel totally socially screwed. When will her dentist's appointment be over? Lunchtime is lonely without my only friend. Once I get my tray I turn to go to me and Liz's normal table but see the new kids are there. Of course with them being there the popular kids are coming to sit with them. Oh boy. If only Liz was here. I gulp. It's only the first day the Dolans have been here and they're already mega popular. I also already have a crush on one of them. His name is Ethan. I take a big breath in and make my way to the table.
Brooke: Excuse me...
they didn't hear me. I'm too quiet. I tap Ethan on the shoulder.
Brooke: Excuse me...
He turns around and looks me up and down.
Eth: What do you want?
Brooke: I'm sorry to bother you but... I usually sit here...
Hunter: Oh boo hoo.
Hunter. The most popular guy in school. He was my middle school crush, and he likes to pick on me a lot.
Eth: Beat it, sweetheart.
I put my head down and go to the bleachers on the other side of the football field.
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