Finding the tank

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Caboose missed the match against St. Gloriana as he was trying to find where his tank is but Caboosewas still cheering them on from the sidelines during the match. Today he was continuing his search for his tank when he saw the Angler Fish Crew walking towards the neighborhood district. He also noticed that Yukari is missing and, interested he called out to them.

Caboose: Hi friends!

Angler Fish Team minus Yukari: Hi Caboose!

Caboose: Where is Yukari?

Miho: That is what we are trying to find out.

Hana: Want to join us?

Caboose: Sure.

The group walked to a building with a sign outside the door that read " Akiyama Barbershop". 

Caboose: I wish I can come with you guys but I have to pick up my tank. I will come back later.

Miho: Oh...ok we will see you later.

Caboose parted ways from them and continued on his way.

Caboose (thought): If my memory is correct my tank should be right around....Ah there it is!

Caboose ran up to an abandoned garage and lifted up the door. He was shocked to find an M26 Pershing in almost perfect condition. He hopped in and decided to try his one man tank operating system.

Caboose: Ok lets try this out now.

10 minutes of trying to operate a tank manually later.

Caboose: Ok that hasn't gone well. I destroyed 5 trees and created another 10 craters on the ground but hey it can be worse.

5 more minutes of practice later.

Caboose: Ok it can't get worse.

Caboose's tank stood in the center of a bare spot in the forest as the rest of the forest he managed to save my extinguishing the fire.

Caboose: Ok new plan, I am going to flip on the safety for the gun and move to see where the Angler Fish team is.

Timeskip brought to you by Caboose doing the floss.

Props to the creator of the video.

He pulled up towards the barbershop and decide to see if they are still in there as he got out of the tank he noticed that their was a lot of screaming upstairs so he quickened the pace towards the barbershop. Once he arrived he opened the door. The door's bell ringed a light sound and he was greeted by a man and a women which he assumes to be Yukaris parents.

Mr. Akiyama: Hello sir, I don't believe I have seen you before, well I am Mr. Akiyama. The woman next to me is my wife Mrs. Akiyama.

Mrs. Akiyama: Hello, would you like us to cut your hair.

Caboose: Thank you for the offer but I was here to see Yukari.

Mr. Akiyama: Are you with her friends?

Caboose: Yes, I just had to do something else on the side before coming here.

Mrs. Akiyama: That is ok, both Yukari and her friends are upstairs.

Caboose: Ok, thank you again Mr. and Mrs. Akiyama.

Caboose heads upstairs and knocks on a door that has a sign on it that says "Yukari's room". He was answered by Yukari who was surprised with his apperance.

Yukari: Hi Caboose. What brings you here?

Caboose: I was told you love tanks alot.

Yukari: Well I do but what does that have anything to do with anything?

Caboose: I found my tank.

Yukari proceeds to have a panzer high while the rest of the crew were shocked.

Miho: So that was what you were doing before coming here.

Caboose: Yes, wanna go see it?


The group followed Caboose to the M26 Pershing. When they arrived both Yukari and the rest of the Angler Fish Crew where shocked.

Yukari: OMG it'd a Pershing.

Miho: Where did you find it?!

Caboose: In the woods.

Hana: Wow, it looks so new.

Caboose: That is what I thought!

Miho: Well that is cool but we need to discuss strategy.

Saori: How about we go to the tank restaraunt?

Hana: Sounds good. Alright everyone lets go.

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