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"oh! you must be bakugo"

"yes" bakugo replied to hawks dryly, while on the inside he was practically freaking the fuck out

"haha, hi dad" y/n quickly said to get rid of the awkward tension

"well, it's nice finally meeting you bakugo, come in!" hawks exclaimed with a huge smile

bakugo and y/n entered the house.

"im gonna go take a shower brb" y/n said knowing that his dad wanted to be left alone with the crimson eyed boy

"okay honey" hawks replied quickly waiting for him to finally disappear so that he can ask bakugo a bunch of questions.

"so what are your intentions with my son? do you genuinely like him, or are you just using him for something? do you plan on getting married? if so, why? do you love him? do you care for him? do you want to kiss him? would u like to date? if you would to date, how would you treat hi-" hawks was cut off

"woah woah you're going too fast." bakugo was the one who cut him off.

"sorry bakugo. it's just that i care about my son very dearly." hawks sweat dropped in embarrassment

"im just..." bakugo didn't know how to answer "im not really good with emotions. i don't even know what i feel for him. its...wired"

hawks smiled genuinely "oh bakugo, it's okay. i didn't know u were so confused about your feelings, im sorry"

"...feelings?" bakugo slowly said

"yeah, do you feel anything when u see y/n or think about him?" hawks tried to help the poor boy.

"uhm well i guess.." bakugo trailed off trying to remember if he ever felt anything at all "this one time when he smiled...my stomach felt like..it did a turn? i don't know...i just thought it was from something i ate that day" he continued and looked at hawks with a confused look

"well bakugo, that certainly wasn't from food" hawks chuckled "it's called feeling butterflies in your stomach. it's called love, or liking someone romantically" he explained, trying to not overwhelm the boy

"oh." bakugos eyes widened for a bit but then he relaxed again "well um... i don't quite know what to say.." he grumbled

"it's okay kid" hawks grinned

"thanks i guess" bakugo mumbled under his breath.

"whatd i miss?" y/n asked coming down the stairs, looking at the two with a brow lifted

"uhm! nothing! it was nice meeting your dad y/n, bye" bakugo dashed out the door with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"oh dad what did u do to him?"

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