y/n was so happy the next day he came to school, saying hi to bakugo with a grin on his face.
surprisingly, bakugo grumbled and muttered out a small 'hey' as he entered the classroom with y/n.
"so how r u today? are you feeling okay? have you eaten? are you hydrating?" y/n started asking bakugo a bunch of questions as they sat down in their seats.
"good. yes. yes. and yes." katsuki answered all of his questions as aizawa came in the room.
∆ after class ∆
"hey um, you wanna meet up today again?" y/n asked bakugo on the way home.
"fine."bakugo said again, sounding annoyed, but secretly liking to hang out with the h/c boy.
so as time passed and it was 8pm, y/n was waiting on bakugo at the field, ready to win again
and bakugo showed up.
they started playing, as the ball went from one boy to the other, then in the basket as one of them scored a point, and they went on like this for hours again.
it was 11:40pm, as they stopped playing.
y/n didn't want to leave the ash blonde yet, as he asked a very bold question.
"hey do you um, maybe wanna go buy drinks?"
bakugo starred back at y/n, a frown showing on his face
"sure" he answered because the boy was genuinely thirsty.
"alright!" y/n exclaimed, happy with the results.
they got to the shop, bought two cans of cola and seated themselves on a bench.
"so, how's ur life at home?" y/n asked bakugo, interested.
"tch. it's boring. my old hag- i mean my mom is annoying as fuck, and my dad is silent all the time so nothing special i guess." katsuki answered as he took a sip of his drink.
"how about you?" he asked y/n.
"oh uhm..well im not really supposed to talk about it but since you're my only friend i guess he won't mind..." y/n trailed off a bit as bakugo nudged him in the ribs.
"cmon, i don't have all night" he pushed, surprisingly not being mad about y/n calling him his friend.
"well alright. my mom died when i was little, and i lived with my dad since then, but when i came out as trans, he well um.. didn't support me y'know. so he left me at a pro heros door. i don't know why, but..im happy he did, because my life is so much better now" y/n explained, taking a sip of his drink also.
"oh." bakugo looked down at the ground "well that sucks man." he turned his head up, looking at y/n.
"nah, it's okay. my life's great now!" y/n cheered, happy that bakugo didn't question who the pro hero was.
"oh well, it's getting late i think i should um, go now i guess-" bakugo awkwardly said, as he jumped off the bench. "I'll uh..see you tomorrow" he mumbled and left.
y/n blushed as he watched bakugo leave, hiding his face in his hoodie.
"dad, im home!" y/n yelled as he entered his house, looking around trying to find his dad. suddenly the lights turn on.
"what time is it." hawks says scaring y/n's soul away.
hawks was sitting in his sofa, looking into y/n's eyes with a death glare.
y/n looked at the clock, suddenly his whole face dropping.
"it's uhm.." he nervously stuttered "it's 12:15am..." y/n dragged the sentence out
"yes, correct, and what's the rule?" hawks asked the young boy.
"be home by 12:00am every day and you won't need to tell your elder what you did outside." y/n repeated the well-known rule
"good job. so now you're gonna sit here beside me and tell me where you were and what were you doing." hawks pointed to the seat next to his on the couch.
y/n sat down and told his dad about seeing bakugo at 8pm to play basketball, and how they got distracted by talk and cola and how they played for longer this time.
"hmm, okay and this boy goes to your class?" hawks asked
"yes. and he knows about um..well y'know- me." y/n said, so that he can gain hawkses trust in bakugo.
"and?" hawks asked worriedly
"he supports me dad, it's okay" y/n said and blushed unconsciously, thinking about the ash blond boy.
hawks of course noticed this.
"oh you're blushing~" hawks started teasing a bit
"what? oh- no im- no im not!" y/n covered his face with his hands trying to hide the embarrassment
"y/n likes bakugo, y/n likes bakugoooo~" hawks taunted and teased as y/n's face grew more red until he was a tomato
"daadd stopp ittt"
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