Shut Up!

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"WAKE UP!" I heard a familiar female voice scream into my ear.

"In five minuites, mum," I said snuggling closer into my pillow. Interesting my pillow seemed harder than usual.

"Wake up you lazy children!" yelled another voice...Louis?

"Okay, I'm up" I said opening my eyes realizing I was snuggled into Harry's chest, I blushed and sat up realizing that Harry's arms were wrapped around my waist. Awkward. My blush deepened. And Louis smirked at me.

"Haz, wake up," said Louis gently shoving him, but Harry was still asleep. "HARRYYYYY! WAKE UP AND FIX YOUR HAIR!"

"Whaaaa?" moaned Harry, stirring and opening his eyes.

"I'll be honest, I didn't think that would actually work," said Louis. Harry lifted his head and we made awkward eye contact and he slowly removed his hands from my waist. Damn, I wish I could read his mind.

"Why did you wake me up?" moaned Harry as moved off of him. So awkward.

"We've got stuff to do!" said Louis jumping up and down. "Plus we were all afriad you two were doing dirty things with Niall right there, do not give that innocent little leprechaun any ideas," my face turned to the colour of a tomato. "I'm kidding," smiled Louis. I realized I should probably talk to Louis about Harry, being that he's the only one who knows about the whole situation.

"Get up, you two, there's nutella in the kitchen," said Blair, and her and Louis went into the other room.

Harry and I looked at each other. "You want to go back to sleep?" he asked.

"Yes," I replied almost instantly. I rested my head on his chest again and closing my eyes. I was so exhausted and drifting off...a loud horn sounded in my ear and I jumped up kicking my legs around, Harry did the same and our heads bumped into each other's.

"Ow," we said in unison and I rubbed my head. I looked over to see Louis sitting on the ground smiling like a little kid in a candy shop holding an air horn.

"I'm going to kill you Boobear," said Harry.

"I'll torture you slowly before Harry kills you," I said.

"I LOVE YOU GUYS TOO!" yelled Louis giving us both a big hug and pulling us down off the couch. What is this boy on?

"Is he drunk or something?" I asked Harry.

Harry laughed, "no, he's just normally like this,".

"Wait, did Blair say you guys have nutella?" I asked.

"I think she did..." said Harry.

"NUTELLA!!!" I yelled running to the kitchen.

"CARROTS!!!" yelled Louis running after me. Louis and I are going to be best friends, it is decided, Louis is my new best friend.

"Kill me now," groaned Harry following us, "it's like there's two Louis'.

"But you love me," smiled Louis.

"But you love me more," I smiled. Where was I getting all this energy from? Must be the nutella. I smeared globs of the chocolately deliciousness onto a piece of bread from the fridge.

"Got enough nutella there?" snickered Harry.

"Shut up," I said.

"Someones bipolar today," he smirked.

"You two," said Blair walking in, "Stop flirting, eat your nutella and get ready, we have to leave in a half hour,"

"Where are we going," asked Harry finally prying the nutella out of my hand while I was distracted and putting some on another piece of bread.

"You boys have an interview," she said, "I already have your outfits picked out, yours is in your room,"

"Why can't I just stay here, I'm tiiired!" I complained taking another bite of nutella with a little bread under it.

"Because your being interviewed too," said Blair. I started coughing and choking on my nutella. I eventually manged to swallow it.

"What?!?" I said.

"You're opening for the boys, so they want to interview you," she said.

"Kill me now," I said finishing my bread.

"If you insist," said Harry grabbing the knife he used to spread nutella with.

"Harry! Do not kill Kat, that's not nice," said Blair, "Kat, you'll be fine,"

"But I'm no good with people," I whined, "and I have plans tonight,"

"Yeah, you're pretty much an antisocial loser with no friends...who's going to dinner tonight with a friend..yeah that makes sense," smiled Harry taking another bite of his nutella sandwich.

"Both of you shut up," said Blair.

"Yes mum," muttered Harry.

"Kathrine! Go to your room and get ready!" I sighed and walked over to my room to see a flowy tank top and some white short-shorts sitting out for my to wear. I got changed, did my makeup quickly, and prayed it looked alright. Then I walked out into the living too in Blair's hotel room. I found Louis seated alone at the couch.

"Kat," he said.

"Louis," I replied.

"We need to talk," he said.

"About what," I said pretending that I didn't know what he was talking about.

Louis rolled his eyes, "You're a terrible liar, I don't know how you have Harry fooled,"

"I really don't understand what there is to talk about," I said walking towards the door to the boys' room.

"Kat," he said strictly, "sit down,". I reluctantly obeyed.

"What?" I said sitting down next to him.

"I know something about you that I'm not suposed to tell Harry and I know something about Harry...well I know everything about Harry," he said.

"And your point is..." I said.

"Kat, you're going to have to tell him eventually," he said.

I sighed, "I know," I burried my face in a pillow that was on the couch.

"I just think that if you wait, you'll end up hurting him later, he's my best friend, and that's the last thing that I'd ever want to happen,"

I sighed again knowing he was right, "I know, me too,"


"Hey," said Harry sitting next to me at our regular lunch table. Ryan was on the other side of me, Alice was across from me and my friend Renee sat next to Alice.

"Hey, Haz," I said looking I've to him and smiling at my best guy friend.

"So do you guys remember the old ice rink a couple miles away from Holmes Chapel?" said Harry.

"Yeah," said Renee, "Didn't it close like two years ago,"

"Yeah, but they remodeled it, and it's going to open to the general public in like a week, but I entered some raffle and now I have 5 passes to go tomorrow, would you guys want to come?" he asked.

"Oh my gosh, that sounds like so much fun," I smiled, "I'm in, what about you Ryan,"

"Er, um, I don't know," he said looking at the floor.

"Pleeease?" I said, "it'll be fun!"

"Okay, I'm in," sighed Ryan.

"I think I can go," said Renee.

"I guess if you all are going, I'll go too," said Alice.

"Yay," said Harry with a stupid little grin on his face.

I laughed at the curly haired boy and ruffled his hair.

"Stop making fun of mee!" he whined.

I laughed, "it's okay because I love you Twix,"

"I love you too Kit-Kat,"


"There you two are!" said Blair walking in to the room, "Harry's dressed, now let's get going,"

"Yes mum," Louis and I said in unison.

"Stop calling me that," snapped Blair basicly pushing both of us out the door into the hallway. The rest of the boys were out there along with Tom.

"ZAYN!" yelled Louis running into the Bradford boy's arms.

"I feel so unloved!" said Harry pretending to cry. Blair had him dressed in a white t-shirt, blue blazer and khaki pants. He looked over at me, "You look nice," he said.

I felt my cheeks get warmed up, why was I blushing?!?!? "You too," I answered.

"I know, everyone looks absolutely gorgeous, now lets get going," said Tom walking towards the elevator.

"Tom's grouchy in the morning," explained Liam.

''I heard that!" yelled Tom who was over pressing the down button on the elevator at least a million times like a little kid. We all caught up with him just in time to get on the elevator.

"So when we get there, I'll touch up everyone's hair and makeup," said Blair, "and you'll go talk and be cute, and no matter what you say, millions of girls will be tweeting about how cute you are within seconds,"

Blair was right, the boys could seriously be like murdering someone or something and directioners would think it was absolutely adorable. Harry could be stabbing someone and they would be all like "The blood splattering on his face brings out his eyes! He's so dreamy" I was going to say something, but then remembered I'm suposed to be a fan. Oops.

The elevator reached our floor and we walked out and all piled into a limo. Tom sat up in front next to the driver. " Carl!" I said when I realized who it was.

"Hello Kat," he smiled back at me.

"What are they going to ask us at the interview?" asked Niall.

"Same-old same-old," said Tom, " but no swearing, Niall,"

"I know," he said.

"And no animal noises,"

"Okay," they all answered.

"And no flirting with each other,"

"Can we flirt with Kat?" asked Harry.


"Please," said Zayn.

"You guys are not flirting with me durring the interview!" I said.

"It'd be fun though!" whined Louis.

"I'm so booored," whined Niall.

"Pleeeease?" added Louis.

"Fine," said Tom finally giving in to it.

"Um, hello! In the car! I am not okay with this!" I said.

"This is going to be fun," said Liam with a little evil grin.

"Aren't you suposed to be the responcable one?" I said.

"We're here!" said Karl. We pulled into the parking lot of a news studio.

"Um, how many people watch this channel?" I asked nervously.

"It doesn't matter, there's going to be a studio audience of about 100, but you performed in front of way more than that for the concert," said Liam. We got out of the car and walked in and I saw a huge audience. My knees got weak and Harry had to help me stand.

"Harry?" I whispered.

"Yeah?" he said.

"Please don't let me fall,"

He smirked, 'I'll try my best," I smiled and he held onto my arm protectively, " By the way, what did you want to tell me earlier?"

"When?" I asked.

"Last night, before you fell asleep," he said.

"Oh," I said, "I don't remember,"

But I did.

All too well. 

A/N: hi! Sorry I'm too busy to write an authors note I will try to update soon vote and comment love you all thanks do much bye :)

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