Isn't It Ironic?

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"Hey, do you want to just go by Kat, or do you want to use your last name?" asked Louis.

"Just by Kat," I said.

"Fifteen minuites and you're on," said Tom to the six of us, "Kat, the boys will introduce you, then you'll perform, then go backstage for the rest of the concert,"

"Sounds good,"'I said giving him a half-hearted thumbs up.

"I'm here!" said Blair scurrying in, "You six," she pointed at us, "line up against the wall,"

"Not the mug-shots again," moaned Zayn.

"Okay, Kat go like this and sweep your hair to one side,". I did what she said, "perfect," she said and applied a few bobby pins to keep it there. "Harry, I changed my mind, I want your jacket unbottoned,"

"Sir yes sir," said Harry giving a solute then unbottoned his jacket.

"Okay,'re not supposed to be wearing a hoodie, take it off," she said.

"Sorry," he said.

"Zayn, for the fifith concert in a row, I don't want you wearing glasses with that outfit," she sighed.

"But I like being nerdy," he whined.

"Zayn," she sternly.

"Yes, mother," sighed Zayn taking off his nerdy glasses.

"Liam, you're fine," she said walking past Liam, "Louis......your fly's down,".

"Oh," he said, his face was beet red. He pulled the zipper up on his signature red jeans.

Next came a sound boy. "Here are your microphones boys, and the guitar for the lovely lady, your microphone is on stage," he smiled at me.

"Thanks," I smiled back.

"Five minuites untill you're on," said Tom.

"Okay everyone, time for your sweet," said Louis handing out wine gummies to each of the boys. "It's a pre-concert ritual," he said handing me some. We all ate them. Wine gummies aren't nearly as popular in the U.S. but you can still find them. Good thing too since I'm addicted.

"Let's go!" said Niall, practically jumping up and down.

"Is he always like this?" I laughed.

"Pretty much," said Harry. Oh, why does Harry have to talk so much.


"Boo!" said Harry sneaking up behind me in the hallway. I jumped and hit my head on someone's locker door falling or the ground.

"Oh crap," said Harry reaching to help me up, "are you okay?"

"My head hurts so bad, Harry Styles, I am going to kill you, butterflies," I started falling to the ground again feeling very dizzy. Harry caught me.

"Let's get you to the nurse," he said.

"I'll be right with you," said the nurse when we got into her office. She was on the phone, possible head injury here, no big deal.

"No honey under my purse. No sweatheart you can not borrow twenty bucks. Yes I think you will have to go to school tomorrow..."

"What gives?" I whispered to Harry, "I'm falling to the ground here and she's talking to her kid, puppies," I started to fall again and Harry had to help keep me up.

"Pumpkin, I've got to go, I love you, bye," the nurse finally hung up the phone. "What happened here?" she asked.

"She hit her head up against the lockers," said Harry.



"You can tell me, I won't tell your parents if you don't want me to," said said surveying the two of us in a totally different way. No! I did not want the freaking school nurse to think that Harry and I were snogging in the hallway and I hit my head with him shoving me against the lockers.

"No!" I said, "that's not at all, rainbow," I started falling again, but Harry was ready and kept me up.

"Let's sit her down, and you two can explain," said the nurse helping Harry lay me down on a cot.

"I snuck up on her, and she was really startled so she hit the lockers," Harry explained to the nurse.

"Sure," she said obiously still thinking that we had been snogging. "But for future reference, I would like both of you to know that this school has strict rules about public displays of affection within it, and all of that should be kept away from school,".

"But we're not even dating!" I said feeling less dizzy now that I was laying down, "I'm....really....tired...." I said feeling myself drifting off.

"Why don't you get back to class, Harry," said the nurse.

"I want Harry to stay," I managed to get out before I drifted off into dreamland.


"Time to go boys!" said Tom pushing them on stage.

"Hey!" they all said at different times causing each girl in the audience to scream their heads off.

"I'm Harry,"

"I'm Louis,"

"I'm Liam,"

"I'm Niall,"

"I'm Zayn, and we're One Direction,"

The girls lost it, she screamed and they just wouldn't stop. "Well, to start off the show, we're going to have an up and coming artist perform for you," said Liam.

"We are he number one fans, and I know you guys will be too!" said Louis, "So I would like to introduce Kat!"

The fans screamed. I hadn't expected anything but a curtious applause, but I guess if 1D likes something, all their fans do. I walked on with my guitiar. I forgot everything, and just sang. I sang for myself I sang for Blair I sang for Harry. I forgot about all the teenage girls in the audience and just got lost in the music.

"The light shines

It's getting hot on my shoulders

I don't mind,

This time it doesn't matter

Cause your friends,

They look good, but you look better

Don't you know all night I've been waiting for a guy like you to come around, round, round?

Under the lights tonight

You turned around, and you stole my heart

With just one look, when I saw your face

I fell in love

It took a minute boy to steal my heart tonight

With just one look, yeah

Been waiting for a guy like you

I'm weaker

My words fall and they hit the ground

Oh life, come on head, don't you fail me now?

I start to say,

"I think I love you", but I make no sound

You know 'cause all my life, I've been waiting for a guylike you to come around

Under the lights tonight

You turned around, and you stole my heart

With just one look, when I saw your face

I fell in love

It took a minute boy to steal my heart tonight

With just one look, yeah

Been waiting for a guy like you" I sang playing the final chord.

The crowd roared. This is what I had always dreamed of since I was a little girl, my dreams coming true.

"Yeah! Give it up for her!" said Niall. I smiled and waved, exiting the stage.

"You did so great!" said Blair giving me a huge hug.

"Thanks," I said, "it was just so exciting, I've never performed in front of a crowd that big before,"

"Well, they loved you, you were born to perform up there," she smiled, 'It looks like the boy are getting started," I heard the first few beats of Up All Night begin to play.


"You're the one that I want!" Harry and I sang the last line of our duet in perfect harmony in my living room.

"Okay, let's run it again," I said.

"Haven't we practiced enough?" whined Harry flopping onto the floor.

"Well, what do you think we should do?" I said flopping down next to him.

"Ryan's having a party.." he said.

"You know I'm not suposed to leave the house untill my head feels better," I said.

Harry groaned, "Take a risk Kat,"

"I'm pretty sure that I'm also grounded because the nurse made my parents think we were snogging in the hallway" I said.

"Seriously?" he laughed, "I can't believe anyone would think that,"

"Have you MET my dad?" I laughed, "He wants to put you on a leesh or something, but my mum understands that we're just friends,".

"So, what ARE we going to do?" he asked.

I clicked on the TV and began scrolling through the guide, "Nothing good," I sighed.

"How about we make cookies?"

"No way! You made out with the last batch we made,"

"What? I love cookies,"

'Oh, Twix," I said fuzzing his hair

"Oh, Kit-Kat," he said mocking me and fuzzing my hair as well.

"I'm hungry," said Harry walking towards the kitchen. I swear he's like a bottomless pit.

"I'll make toaster waffles," I sighed.


"Sure, you get out the syrup,". I shoved four blueberry toaster waffles in our four slice toaster.

Harry pulled the syrup out of the cabinet and I pulled two plates down from the cabinet above the toaster. Then we sat and started at the toaster for what felt like forever. Finally, the waffles popped up causing us to both jump back and me to grab Harry's sleeve. "Sorry," I said letting go of his sleeve.

"It's cool," he said, "I know waffles are really scary," I shoved him lightly and put the waffles on the plates. We sat down at the table and covered the waffles in syrup.

"We should really keep working on our song," I said.

"Will you quit worrying!" said Harry with a mouth full of waffle, "You've got an amazing voice,".

"You're just saying that because you don't want to practice,"

"No! I'm dead serious," he said looking me right in the eyes like he always did to show he wasn't fooling around, "I think you're going to be a famous singer someday!". I blushed, "Just make sure you don't forget the little people like me, promise," he said.

"Harry Styles, I swear I could never forget someone like you," I laughed.


As I heard Harry belt out the final line of Everything About You along with the other boys, I realized the true irony of my situation.

AN: hey! Wheee new chapter! :D so I hope you liked it, vote comment yada yada. Howzabout the first person to vote gets dedication Kay? Kay! :) I love you all! This chapter was fun and relieving after crying about the new chapter in my other story :,(

Love you like Liam hates spoons (okay that one didn't make sense)

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