29: hungover

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Dylan's pov:

"How was last night?" Kacey asked me the next morning.

Her car was in the shop so I gave her a ride to school. We had just pulled into the school lot when she asked me.

"Uh it was... good" I said. I decided not to tell her about going to Sandy's or the party. I didn't need any more shit from my friends.

But to be honest I couldn't stop thinking about last night.

Maddie and I were supposed to hate each other yet we spent last night hanging out together. And it wasn't forced on us like the project.

I wasn't sure what was happening. But I don't think I mind it.

"Good? That's it?" She asked, trying to get more information from me.

"What else do you want me to say?" I shrugged.

"I don't know.. did yall go to Sandy's?" She asked me. I sighed.

"Yes we went to Sandy's. We hung out. We ate food. We talked. Happy?"

She rolled her eyes at me and got out of the car. "You're such a dick"

I threw my hands up and got out of the car to follow her. "Look I'm just tired of you guys making big deal out of it, I'm not trying to be a dick"

She stopped walking and looked at me. "I know." She said to me. "I feel bad about that okay? But to be fair usually it's V making those jokes"

"Yeah I know... which is why it's great that she doesn't know about any of it"

Kacey narrowed her eyes at me and raisedย  an eyebrow. "I feel like there's more you're not telling me" she said.

"Oh there definitely is" I said as I started walking away without her. She quickly started walking to catch up.

As we walked into the building, I began to tell Kacey about the whole night. The Mike situation, Sandy's, and the party and how Maddie got wasted.

I loved all of my friends but Kacey was the one person I could tell anything without judgement.


Maddie's pov:

So I may have underestimated how much I was really going to drink.

I drank a lot....like a lot.

I don't know why I drank so much since I get drunk super easily.

But man I was regretting that decision now.

Basically it felt like someone had slammed my head into the concrete, over and over and over.

Every few seconds my head would pound and that pain would not go away.

I sat in math totally zoned out. When the bell finally rang, make my head pound more, I packed up my bag and left the room.

I started walking to my next class but stopped when I saw my sister in the hallway. She had swim practice early so I hadn't yet seen her today.

"Sadie" I called after her. She turned around and raised her eyebrows at me. I walked closer to her.

"Wow I'm surprised you're here" she said. "Didn't think a hangover and school would mix well"

"Yeah well it's not" I said, rubbing my forehead. "So I'm guessing I woke you up last night?"

"Yep" She scoffed and looked back at me. "You could barely get up the stairs"

Shit I guess I don't remember much.

"God I'm sorry. Wait... how did I get home last night?"

"You don't remember?" She asked me. I shook my head no.

"Well there was a girl with you when you came home. Took you upstairs and into bed. I forget what her name was.... I liked her she was funny" my sister thought for a second but I immediately knew.

"Dylan" I said. I covered my face with my hands at the thought of Dylan bringing me to my bed.

"Oh yes, that was her name." She nodded.

"How long did she stay?" I said, lowering my hands.

"Not long. She left when you started to take your clothes off" Sadie said laughing.

"Oh my gosh." I covered my face again.

I might just have to avoid Dylan forever.

"Alright well I gotta get to class or I'm gonna be late"

"Yeah okay bye" I said and she turned back around and kept walking.

I did the same and I started walking to my next class.


Dylan's pov:

After the first two periods, it was time for history. The one class I had with Maddie.

When I walked in, she was already seated at her usual desk in the back.

My eyes were on her as I walked to the back row on the opposite side. She didn't look up at me.

I was about to get up to go talk to her before class started, but that's when Leo strolled in.

I forgot that she was probably gonna be back today. Once Leo sat down, Maddie immediately perked up and started talking to her.

I leaned back in my chair and faced forward for the entirety of the class.


Maddie's pov:

I could feel Dylan's eyes on me when she walked in. I didn't look at her. I was already embarrassed I didn't need her rubbing it in my face. Although I did appreciate her going with me, I wish I told her that earlier.

When the bell rang for lunch, Leo and I got up and walked out of the class together. I still hadn't told Leo about any of it. Not the party. Not Sandy's, not even the game. She had no idea I had spent the night hanging out with Dylan.

I felt weird about it. On one hand I really liked being around her. I didn't feel uncomfortable talking to her like I do other people. It felt easy to be around her.

But on the other hand I had a weird feeling when I was with her. It was different than just being around Leo. I wasn't sure what it was.

"Hey I'm gonna run to the bathroom." Leo suddenly said. "I'll meet you out there"

I said okay and she turned right out of the classroom towards the bathrooms. I turned left towards the doors to the courtyard.

"What are you ignoring me now?"


I turned around and was face to face with Dylan.

"What I thought we were friends?" She had a smug look on her face.

I rolled my eyes and walked outside. She followed.

"Why does it seem like I'm always the asshole whenever we talk?" she asked from behind me. I stopped again.

"Dylan" I groaned.

"What?" She asked, genuinely confused. "I mean I thought you'd be a little friendlier to me."

"Is it not obvious that's I'm just embarrassed?" I asked her. I looked around and I could see her friends all looking at us in the distance.

"No actually it wasn't. Wait why are you embarrassed?"

I just stared at her. Maybe my sister was exaggerating what happened.

"Oh you mean last night" she said. A smile grew on her face. I groaned.

"Look I don't even remember most of it so don't make this worse" I said to her.

"Well if you don't remember it then why are you embarrassed?"

I sighed. "My sister told me you had to help me up the stairs" I said quietly.

"Hmm that is true" she said. She waited for me to keep talking.

I wanted to know how much of the truth my sister gave me.

"And I know at some point I changed clothes..."ย  I said very quietly, avoiding her eyes.

"Yeah well I left before that don't worry, I didn't see anything" she put her hands out in defense.

I looked at her and slowly nodded, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"You did say I was pretty though" she said as she started to walk towards her friends. She looked back and smirked at me. She had her hands stuffed in her pockets.

"You had to tell me that'd didn't you?" I asked her. I tried my best not to smile.

"Hey you're the one who said it" she said, turning her head.

She was getting further away when I yelled something to her.

"Yeah well anyone can see that right?" I said, trying to do my best impression of her.

She stopped walking and turned to look at me. I threw my hands up and started walking the other way towards my table.

I turned my head back once more and smiled at her. She did the same and then kept walking.

Leo was already at the table when I got there.

"What was that about?" She asked as I just stood there. I looked down the table to see the other girls busy in their own conversations.

I looked at her with a blank expression.

"I really don't know" I breathed out.

She had a concerned look on her face and she motioned for me to sit.

I didn't even know where to start.



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