16: one big group

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Maddie's pov:

The next morning when I picked Leo up, she opened my car door with a smirk on her face, and she was wiggling her eyebrows all weird.

"What's wrong with your face?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes and got in the passenger seat.

"Oh shut up, come on just tell me how it went"

She had texted me last night about my night with Mike but I hadn't exactly told her what happened yet.

I sighed and smiled at her. "I... kissed him"

"Ooh La La my little Maddie's growing up" she said, obnoxiously.

"Fuck off leo" I said as I pulled out of her driveway.

"Come on babe you know I'm kidding. I'm happy for you... just a little jealous. I want a hot boyfriend" she added, making me laugh

"What happened to Matt?" I asked her. She crossed her arms.

"I don't know he's just so quiet. It's hard to make a move when he doesn't talk to me"

We sat in silence for a moment while I was thinking.

"Hey what about Cole? He's super nice and he was asking about you the other night"

"The football player Cole?" Leo asked. I nodded.

"He's nice but he's kind of an idiot"

"Oh... yeah you're right. I pretty sure he's in like a sophomore math class"

"Yep" Leo said, smacking her lips. "But it's okay.. I'll just wait till.. college... many months away"

I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder. "I think you'll survive" I told her.

"Speak for yourself" she said as we pulled into the school parking lot.

When we got out of my car we heard someone calling after us.

"Hey guys" Olivia, the new girl, said walking up from behind us.

Olivia was a cheerleader at her old school so we let her try out for the team a little late. She was really good.

"Hey girl" Leo said. "Hey you should ask Maddie what she did last night....or shall I say who she did"

"Leoooo" I groaned, making Olivia and Leo laugh.

I told both of them the full story of what happened last night as we walked into the school building.


Dylan's pov:

The first half of the school day was incredibly boring, so when it was finally time for lunch I was very excited.

Kacey had texted me to wait for her outside her English class, so I walked over there after the bell rang.

A few minutes later she walked out of her class, but she wasn't alone.

"Dylan hey. You remember Olivia"

"Yeah hi" I said, nodding.

"We have English together too. She's gonna eat with us today"

"If that's okay" Olivia immediately said. Kacey gave me a look. "I don't want to intrude"

"Yeah, yeah of course. You definitely will not be intruding" I said, reassuring her. She smiled at me and we all walked together out to the courtyard.

When we got to our table, Valerie and Shane were already there.

"Guys this is Olivia, she's gonna eat with us" Kacey said to the other two. Olivia smiled at them.

"Hi I'm Shane. Nice to meet you"

I hopped up on the table in front of Valerie.

"Dylan get your ass down" she said, pushing me off.

"Hi I'm Valerie. I see you've unfortunately already met Dylan"

"Hey" I yelled at her, getting up from the ground. "Whats up your ass"

"Nothing. But I don't want your ass on my food"

I muttered a 'fine' and took a seat next to her. Olivia sat down next to me on the other side.

"Nice to meet you all and thanks for letting me sit"

"Did you get tired of the cheerleaders already?" Shane asked. Kacey elbowed him in return.

Olivia laughed and shook her head.

"No they're really nice, I'm just trying to meet as many people as I can you know" she said, Shane nodded.

"Hey there they are" Olivia said, looking out in the distance.

Maddie and Leo had just come out of the school. They were carrying two lunch trays. "Hey I'll be right back." She said, and she started walking towards them.

Once she was out of earshot I turned back to the group. "She's interesting" I said.

"Oh come on she's nice" Kacey said back, looking at the rest of the group to get support. Nobody said anything.

"Uh..no yeah she seems very nice" Shane finally said, looking at Kacey. She smiled in return.

Valerie nudged my arm. "Hey shouldn't you be happy a cheerleaders joining our group"

Kacey and Shane started to laugh but immediately stopped when I glared at them.

"Would you stop with the cheerleader jokes. I've literally only slept with one cheerleader and she doesn't even go to our school"

"Oh come on" Valerie said, reaching out and touching my arm. "You know I'm joking"

"Yeah yeah" I said back as I pulled my arm back from her.


Maddie's pov:

"Hey there's Olivia" Leo said. She was walking over to us from across the courtyard.

"Hey guys" she said once she got to us. "Um Kacey Carter invited me to sit with her and her friends today"

"Oh ok" I said looking off in the distance. Kacey and her friends were all looking at us, including Dylan.

"But you guys should join! I'm sure they wouldn't mind"

"Oo I don't know about that Maddie and Dylan hate each other"

"Oh really, sorry I didn't know that" Olivia said, looking at me.

"I wouldn't say we hate each other.. we've been getting along better since we're project partners now"

I looked over at Leo who was looking at me suspiciously. I gave her a questioning look and she shrugged her shoulders.

Olivia looked between the two of us.

"Okay well you guys obviously don't have to.. but it might be better than sitting with the underclassman."

I looked over at our usual table. Since we hadn't gotten their first, the sophomores and juniors had taken our seats at the end of the table, leaving two middle seats that weren't even next to each other.

Leo followed my gaze and frowned once she saw what I did. She sighed. "Yeah okay fine. Just for today" she said, "assuming their okay with it"

"Yay" Olivia said, excited.

Once we got closer to their table, Shane saw us and said something to the others which made them turn to look at us.

"So... i might have brought some guests" Olivia said to them , looking at us. "if that's okay"

I made eye contact with Dylan who gave me a light smile and then looked away. Then my eye caught Valerie, who was already looking at me and giving me a weird look.

"Uh yeah sure" Kacey said. She looked at Leo and I and smiled. "There's plenty of room"

"Thanks" I said to her, returning the smile.

They were sitting at a big picnic table so there really was plenty of room. I went and took the seat next to Shane and Leo sat on my other side.

Kacey, Olivia and Shane all started talking about their English class, and Leo and I just listened and ate our food.

Valerie was occasionally glancing over at me and Dylan was looking down at her food as she ate.

Their conversation started dying down and soon the whole table was silent.

"So" Shane said, speaking up. "How's the uh cheerleading season going"

I looked at Leo who was already looking at me.

"On um it's good. We have a big game coming up against Greenfield" I said back.

"Hey isn't that where Gabriella went?" Valerie asked, looking at Dylan.

"Uh ya" Dylan said, quietly.

"Wait are you talking about Gabriella Sousa? The one who moved away last year?" Leo asked Valerie. Now I was confused.

"Uh yeah, you know her?" Valerie was looking between Leo and Dylan. Kacey and Shane were also looking at Dylan. Dylan was looking at her tray still. Olivia and I were looking between everyone, confused.

"Yeah our sisters were friends. I only talked to herย  like once though. I assume you guys knew her?" Leo asked, looking between Dylan and Valerie.

Valerie didn't answer. She just looked at Dylan like she was waiting for her to say something.

"Ya we um- dated" Dylan said, looking up at Leo.

The table was silent for a moment.

"Oh....huh I had no idea" Leo said awkwardly.

I didn't know Dylan had ever dated someone. Bit surprising.

"Yeah that's what uh dating someone from another school does. Nobody ever knows" Dylan said, nodding.

"Seems kinda nice, having privacy"

"Yeah it was"

"Hey that'll be you guys" Leo said, now turning her head towards me.

I was about to say something but Valerie beat me to it.

"Oh you're seeing someone?" Valerie asked me. She had a weird expression on her face. I couldn't tell if she was being genuine or not.

Now everyone was looking at me. Shit.

"Yeah he uh goes to a private school, you probably don't know him" I said, trying to steer the attention away from me. Dylan let out a small, sarcastic laugh through her nose.

I looked at her but her head was resting on her hand and she was playing with a fry on her plate.

"Problem?" I asked her. She immediately looked up at me.

The rest of the table was looking at us.

Dylan shook her head. "Course not" she said, smiling.

Just then the bell rang which made the rest of the courtyard start to buzz with students getting up to go back inside the building.

Dylan was the first to stand up, and her friends followed.

Leo, Olivia and I also got up, and started walking back inside.

Olivia said bye to Kacey and the others, and our two groups split ways.

"I'm sorry if that was awkward" Olivia said to us.

"No it was fine. It was kinda nice to talk with a bigger group" Leo said to her so she wouldn't feel bad. "Right Maddie?"

"Yeah. Totally" I said, smiling at Olivia.

Olivia had art which was on the other side of the school from where Leo and I had class, so we said bye and split ways.

"Okay you gotta tell me what that was about later" Leo said, before stopping in front of her class.

"Yeah yeah okay. I'll see you after class." I said to her.

She went into her class and I walked to mine.

When I sat down at my desk I went over what happened at lunch in my head.

Just when I thought Dylan and I were on good terms.



Hope you enjoyed. That was kinda messy ๐Ÿคญ

Do we like Olivia?

Who do we think is in the wrong here? Dylan or Maddie? Or are they both wrong? Lmk what you think!

See you next time ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

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