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"I want to help!" I shouted as I entered Phil's chamber. What awaited me would be burned into my mind's eye forever. A girl had bent over Phil and pressed her delicate lips against his for a brief second, holding her hair back. My heart started thumping in my ears as she looked up at me. "I- I apologise, I didn't realise-"

"No, Daniel, you may enter." A guard said. He then turned his attention to the girl. "I'm sorry, miss, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She stiffened her quivering upper lip and, with a slight bow, nodded, and almost ran past me, a single sob escaping her lips. I watched her run up to what looked like her mother and father, her body shaking with silent sobs. I turned to the man in the room, Christopher.

"Who was that?" I asked, walking into the room, the sound of my boots clicking and my own ragged breathing the only sounds, my heart clenching in my chest.

"The prince's pen correspondent from Smoshland. We invited her to come and help break the curse, thinking she may be it, his true love, though it was a long shot. We have no idea where to start." Chris sat down on one of the chairs near Phil's glass bed, and put his face in his hands.

A young man of only 20 or so, Christopher was one of my only friends when I worked here before. He and I steadily drifted apart as I worked my way up to knave and he stayed in the kitchens, but he and I never really had a falling out or any sort of quarrel, so I'd still say we were friends.

He rubbed his face, sighed, and looked up. "You said you wanted to help? With what?"

"With Phil." I said, kneeling by his bed. He had a slight smile on his face. I wonder if he was dreaming. If he was, what were they about? Maybe.. Just maybe...

"That should do. We do need some guards. Phillip is vulnerable right now; we don't know what could happen." I nodded, brushing Phil's hair from his eye. He was so beautiful.

It took me a really long time to stop cursing myself for loving him. I knew it was forbidden, not only because he was a boy but also because I was only a servant, and he was the prince.

He would be the king one day. And he would have no time for me, a lowly servant that he drifted apart from. He could never love me. I know.

But as I looked down on him, I realised he wasn't the only cursed one. I was also cursed- with a heart that beat for him, with eyes that beheld his beauty in a way no one else ever could, and hand that clasped his gently as Chris began to explain what I would do.

"Promoted to royal guard?" I questioned as Chris paused. He nodded, his eyebrows knit.

"Of course. Only guards are permitted to be in here with him."

I nodded. Phil was Chris' friend too, so I wasn't surprised when he explained he had left the kitchens to be in the guard- though it seemed mildly out of character, Phil's kindness and selflessness were contagious, and I wouldn't be surprised if every single person who worked in the castle decided to apply for a guard position.

"Let's get you suited up, then." Chris said, standing.

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