"Careful What You Wish For"
Season 2, Episode 17
"So you're actually back together?" Rylin asked her best friend who was packing Christopher's school bag.
"Yeah." Eddie said, a smile plastered on his face.
"You know, despite all that you've told be about you and your insane relationship problems, I'm really happy for you, dude." Rylin said, also with a smile on her face. "She seems good for you. And Chris, too."
"She is, isn't she?" Eddie said in disbelief.
"Okay, get that cheesy grin off your face and finish packing Chris's bag. We're gonna be late if you don't stop gawking over your wife." Rylin laughed as she walked to Christopher's room to see if him and Shannon were ready to leave.
"You two ready?" Rylin said, lightly knocking on Christopher's open bedroom door. She smiled at the sight of Shannon putting a jacket on Christopher.
"Aunt Rylin, what are you doing here?" Christopher asked, moving quickly to give her a hug.
"Thought I'd surprise my favorite kid before your dad and I head to work." Rylin said, kneeling down so she was eye-level with Christopher.
Shannon smiled at the sight of her son and Rylin's relationship. "Hi, Rylie."
"Hey." Rylin smiled back, standing up straight to give the woman a hug. "It's good to finally see you in person. I was starting to think Eddie was married to a robot." she joked. When she saw Shannon's slightly confused face, she soon realized the joke she made wasn't as funny as she thought it'd be.
Shannon was about to say something as Eddie joined the three of them, but Rylin's phone rang. It was a text from Buck.
"Huh." Rylin said.
"What is it?" Eddie asked, swinging Christopher's backpack over his shoulder.
"Buck wants to meet me at Bobby's apartment." she laughed in confusion.
"Let me guess, it's to try to get Bobby back at work." Eddie said.
"Sure is." Rylin sighed, putting her phone back in her pocket. "Tell Chim I'll be a tad bit late for my shift?" she asked Eddie.
"You got it." Eddie nodded as she bent down to give Chrisopher one last hug.
"I'll see you later, little dude." Rylin said before saying goodbye to both Shannon and Eddie. She smiled on her way out, happy that her best friend is happy.
"I really don't think he'll listen to us." Rylin said to Buck as they made their way to Bobby's apartment. Ignoring her comment, he knock on the door.
"Hey." Bobby said.
"Are we bothering you?" Buck asked, rushing through the door. "You would tell us if we were bothering you, right?"
"No, you're not bothering me." Bobby said before looking at Rylin, confused.
"He wants to know when you're coming back." Rylin said. Bobby had been put on suspension. It all shocked the team because they never knew why.
"I don't know." Bobby told them. "I might not be."
"That's unacceptable." Buck said. "We need to get you unsuspended."
"It's really weird without you there." Rylin added.
"Maybe I can talk to the chief, you know, testify on your behalf. That would help, right?" Buck asked.
Rylin shook her head at his idea as Bobby said, "Uh, you might get suspended, too. Let's-"
"We need you back, Bobby." Buck said. "The place doesn't work without you."
"It's been two shifts. But I thought that having Chimney be in charge would be easier on all of you. He's your friend." Bobby said.
"You were wrong." Rylin said.
"Chimney is our friend." Buck said. "Interim Captain Han? He's a monster."
"Not only is he a complete control freak and perfectionist, he can't even cook properly." Rylin complained. "He was making breakfast and he somehow managed to start a fire when making the bacon. My bacon. I miss your cooking, Cap."
Buck nodded in agreement. "Everyone is literally going crazy with Chim in charge."
"We tried pulling him out, but he was struggling so much that he sank even deeper." a worker explained as she led the team to the incident. "Our chocolate is the richest in the country, but unfortunately, that also makes it the heaviest."
"Sir? Sir, how you feeling in there?" Chimney asked once he saw the man in a big container of chocolate.
"W-W-Warm." the man stuttered.
"We had to leave the head on." the worker said. "My foreman was afraid if we didn't that whole batch would just harden up."
"Then we'd be chiseling him out." Chimney said. "All right, let's get to work."
The team put a ladder over the top of the big containter so they could get closer to the man inside it.
"The pressure on his body is probably slowing his circulation." Hen said. "We don't get him out of here soon, he may lose consciousness."
"All right, let's pull him out." Chimney sId.
"Can you reach your hand above the surface?" Eddie asked the man.
"We're gonna have to grab under his arms." Buck said, climbing over the ladder. "Okay, ready?"
Buck and Eddie started to pull the man out. It only took a few seconds for Buck to almost fall into the pool of chocolate. Luckily, Rylin moved quickly and grabbed a hold of his legs to help balance him.
"What's happening here?" Eddie shouted.
"Physics. Physics is happening here." Hen said. "You're creating a low-pressure pocket when you pull him up, and then that pocket is pulling him right back down."
"Geat. So basically chocolate quicksand." Buck said.
"Okay, everybody just stop for a second." Chim said from behind Rylin. "Hen, take out an O2 tank, rip off the mask, create an air tube. It'll buy us some time if he goes completely under."
"Time for what?" Hen asked.
"For me to think." Rylin studied Chim for a moment as he thought of what to do. Then, an idea popped into Rylin's head.
"Chim, I have an idea." she said, leading Chim away from the team.
"I was definitely gonna call Bobby about what to do, but I'm glad you were quick to save the day." Chim admitted.
"Anytime, Cap." Rylin laughed.
"Coming through." Chim announced moments later. Rylin figured it was a good idea to add cocoa butter to the chocolate to make it thinner, and easier to get the man out.
"The hell?" Hen asked as Chim put the cocoa butter in the chocolate.
"It's cocoa butter." Rylin said. "It'll temper the chocolate."
"Decreases the viscosity, too." Chim added.
"Yeah, whatever he just said."
"What? Stir." Chim said when Hen looked at them questionably, handing her a big spoon. She and Rylin stuggled as they stirred the chocolate.
"Yeah. Keep mixing! It's working!." Buck said. It took a bit, but Buck and Eddie were able to successfully get the guy out of the chocolate.
"Here! She's not breathing!" an elderly man shouted as the 118 arrived. "I tried talking to her, but she wouldn't answer."
"She can't hear you 'cause her eardrums are blown out." Chim said. The woman laying on the porch was is bad shape.
"All right, let's turn her." Chim ordered.
"Eddie and I can handle this." Hen said.
"Breathing's shallow. We're looking at a bilateral pneumothorax. We don't release the pressure, she could suffocate." Chim said.
"I did my share of these in combat." Eddie said.
"Get some fentanyl, slow drip." Chim continued.
"Chim, there's post-attack protocol." Hen said. "You're the captain."
"I'm also the most experienced paramedic on-site." Chim said. "Four-inch catheter, ten-gauge."
"All right, Buck and Rylin, there could be a secondary device." Chim told them. "We need to get everyone off the 'X'."
"Sir, is there anyone else in the house?" Buck asked.
"Uh.. no, no. Is she gonna make it? Please, please, please, tell me she's gonna make it." the man panicked.
"She'll be alright, just come with us, sir." Rylin said as Buck tried to calm him down.
"We're gonna check you out." Eddie said, joining them.
"We weren't just going out to dinner." the man said, struggling to get out of Buck and Eddie's grasp. "I had tickets for us to Fiji!"
"You can tell her later, I promise." Eddie said.
"Ooh! When's the wedding?" Buck said as he and Rylin joined Eddie by the firetruck.
"They're already married, Dummy." Rylin said.
"Wait." Eddie said. "We don't have to get married again, do we?"
"Talk to Bobby." both Buck and Rylin said. "Maybe he can get you guys a discount." Buck added as he began to walk away. Rylin followed a few seconds later after laughing at the weird look Eddie had on his face.
"Uh, Ryles, you got a visitor." Buck said once she caught up to him. She looked in the direction Buck was pointing in, and saw Dylan standing at the entrance of the station.
"Hey, Dyl." Rylin smiled at the sight of her boyfriend as she walked over to him.
"Hey, I'm not bothering you, am I?" he asked awkwardly.
"No. It's been actually been quiet for a few hours." Rylin said. "What's up?"
"Uhm, so I was gonna wait until you got home tonight, but then I realized you have a longer shift today, and I'll be sleeping by the time you come home-"
"Babe, what is it?" Rylin asked, slightly confused at her boyfriend's sudden state of panic.
Dylan took a deep breath before speaking again. "My captain's having me transfer to a different station."
"That's what you were panicking about?" Rylin asked. "I mean it's not like he's asking you to transfer far away from your current one, right?" she assumed.
"Right?" she asked again once he didn't answer the first time.
"He's having me transfered to the Austin police department." Dylan managed.
Rylin laughed awkwardly. "You mean, like, Austin, Texas?" she asked.
He nodded. "And you're just going along with it? You didn't even see if you could transfer to a different station in California- or Los Angeles for that matter?" she was so confused.
"There really was no other choice." he shrugged. She understood how much he loved being a police officer, she really did. She just couldn't help but think him suddenly leaving had something to do with her.
She sighed, rubbing her hand across her forehead. "Okay." she said. "Wh-When do you leave?"
"Tomorrow." he said.
"Tomorrow?" Rylin asked as she scoffed in disbelief. "How long have you known about this?"
"About two weeks."
"And you didn't tell me sooner?" Rylin asked, frustrated. She was close to shouting. "Or, I don't know, maybe when I wasn't at work?"
"I wanted to tell you. I swear." Dylan said, grabbing her hands. "You were working a-and we were having so much fun together, I-I just wasn't sure how I was gonna break this news to you."
Rylin made eye contact with him. Tears filled her eyes as she sighed. "This doesn't mean we have to break up, right?"
"No." Dylan shook his head. "We'll make it work. I promise." Rylin sniffled as she burried her head in his shoulder. She prayed that he was right. Then, she was brought out of her own thoughts when the bell rang.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Dylan said. She nodded before he placed a kiss on her forehead, soon leaving the station.
"Everything okay?" Buck asked, noticing the sad and confused look painted on Rylin's face as she walked over to get in the truck.
"Hmm?" she asked, confused on what he meant. "Oh. Yeah. Fine." she lied as she got into the truck.
"All right, make way! LAFD!" Chim shouted as the team arrived. "All right, Rylin, triage the minor injuries. Hen you're with me. Buck and Eddie, check the driver."
After checking on a few people that surrounded the scene, she quickly made her way over to a woman she had just noticed laying on the ground. She gasped once she realized who it was.
"Shannon, oh, my God." she breathed, kneeling down to check on the woman. Only seconds later Eddie made his way over to the two women.
"Eddie, I got her, it's okay." Rylin said, placing a brace around Shannon's neck.
"How bad is it?" Eddie asked, his voice full of fear.
"It's bad." Chim said.
"Spinal injury?"
"Worse." Rylin sighed before Eddie kneeled beside his wife.
"Hey." she mumbled. "Are you here?"
"I'm here."
"Oh, God." she said. "This is so embarrassing."
"Vitals tending downward." Rylin said, her voice shaking. She knew she didn't handle car accidents well, but knowing the person that was involved in it, hurt even more than if she didn't.
"All right, let's get her on a backboard. Get her transported, now!" Chim ordered.
Hen took over for Rylin as Shannon was put into the ambulance. She watched as her best friend got inside and sat beside his wife before the doors closed.
"You okay?" Buck asked.
"It's not me you should be worried about." she sighed as the two of them got into the firetruck to follow the ambulance to the hospital.
About a half-hour later, Eddie comes into the waiting room with a bag of Shannon's things. Rylin sighed, getting flashbacks from the worst day of her life as she got up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her best friend.
"I'm so sorry." Rylin said, choking back tears. Eddie didn't say anything. The two of them stayed like that before Bobby walked into the hospital and took his turn in giving Eddie a hug. Rylin moved to stand beside Buck. She was quick to loop her arm in his.
"Texas?" Buck asked Rylin in disbelief. She nodded as she dug her spoon into a pint of ice cream. She went to Buck's apartment after everyone left the hospital. She was originally gonna stay with Eddie, but he needed to spend time with his family.
"I just wish he'd told me sooner." she said.
"Don't you think you should be home? Y'know, spend time with him before he leaves tomorrow?" Buck suggested.
"I can't." Rylin shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. "He said we'd make the distance work. But, I don't know. I feel like if I say goodbye to him at the airport tomorrow, that'll be it. You know, the last time I'll see or talk to him."
"You can't possibly know that." Buck said.
Rylin gave him a really? look. "Don't make me bring up Abby."
Buck laughed slightly. "That doesn't mean that'll happen to you guys. I mean, I see the way you are around each other. There's no way he wouldn't want to still be together even though there's a distance between the two of you."
"I just can't help but think this is his way of getting away from me." Rylin said. Buck looked at her, confused. "I mean, why is he getting transfered all of sudden?"
"Maybe there's a shortage of officers in Austin." Buck shrugged.
"That's stupid." Rylin said.
"Whatever happens, it'll be okay." Buck said. "And if you need to cry and eat all the ice cream you want, I'm right here. And if I'm not, I'll make sure Maddie is."
Rylin laughed sadly. "Gotta love the Buckley siblings."
"Right? We're awesome." Buck smiled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Eh, just Maddie." Rylin joked, taking a bite of her ice cream.
"Very funny." Buck laughed before looking at Rylin. "I am serious, though."
"I know." she nodded as she looked back at him, her breathing was shaky.
Her face was full of sadness when she looked at him. Buck's eyes softened at the sight of her. "Come here." he said, placing the ice cream that was in her hands on the table before letting her place her head on his shoulder. The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes which lead them to falling asleep moments later.
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