it's Kim Jisoo

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2 weeks has passed. Jennie and Jisoo were so busy since they toured around the city and went to several meetings with the business managers. Jennie was still ordering Jisoo like a servant. Jennis was still trying to build up the score board for Jisoo's gayness, yet she still failed since most of the people they meet were only business partners.

One night after their last meeting for the week...

After taking a nice bath, I was lying on my bed and played with the house's remote control.
"This is fun." I was turning the lights on and off. My phone beeped and I place the remote beside me and my elbow accidentally clicked the red button. All the lights turned off...I was shaking..

"Dad... Mom... Help.." Little Jennie was crying.
"Shut up!!" One of the kidnappers said.
"If they wont give us money you are dead!"
The kidnappers put Jennie inside a barrel. Jennie collapsed. Luckily police came and she was rescued.

Jennie cried so hard. One of the reason why her favorite color is black, she is trying to overcome the darkness she felt when she was young. Jennie was shaking, luckily her phone was beside her. She called Jisoo.

Time for a hot bath! Visiting the construction site makes me feel so dusty! I soaked myself in my bath tub with all the rose petals around me. I closed my eyes while listening to classical music.
Then suddenly my phone rang...
Eiiii. Who could be calling at this very hour? its past 11pm already! I ignored it at first ring.
But it rang again! Aish. I need to answer this. I reached my phone. I didnt read who the caller is and my eyes were blurry because of the water.
"Who's this please?" I asked.
"Mfff... Jisoo... *sniffs*"
"You're Jisoo? Hey. I am Jisoo too!"
"Mfff.. im not joking.. mfff.." I looked at the caller id and it was Jennie.
"Sorry, are you crying? what happened to you?"
"*sniff* can you come here? help me mfff"
"I will be there quick okay? Hold on a sec." I quickly got up, grabbed my bath robe grabbed my bike and went down to Jennie's house. There are 2 houses between our houses if I ran there it would take time. And, I look pathetic. It feels uncomfortable biking with just a bath robe on. Good thing its only me and Jennie who stays in this place. Cant believe I am doing this.
I opened the house with my finger print but it wasnt responding. I think she accidentally shut off the whole electricity in the house. Good thing I hid a spare key underneath the carpet.
I turned on the main switch and looked for her. I found Jennie hugging her legs and heads down while sobbing.
"Jennie! Hey. It's alright now. I guess you accidentally clicked the red button right? Hush now okay?" I pat her back. Aish. She was still crying. I move closer to her.
"Psst. Jennieyah? Stop crying now?" She looked at me with her sad eyes and grabbed me and hugged me tightly. She cried so loud.
"Shhh. Its alright okay? Im here now." I hugged her back.
"Please dont leave me?"
"Hmm. Okay. You can sleep in my house okay? Its bright there!"
"O..okay.." I help her stand up, but she seems so weak.
"I'll carry you on my back okay?"
She just nodded. She is such a baby.
I carried her on my back.
"Sorry, Im kind of wet. I wasnt finish in taking a bath when you called." I said. Her haid moved and I can feel her lips touching my neck. I felt my stomach tingled.
"I smell great right?" I said to ease the awkwardness i felt inside. But she wasnt responding. I looked at the mirror of the window and i can see she was sleeping. Well, okay. I thought she did it on purpose. Dont assume Jisoo. After we arrived at my house, I placed her on my bed. She was already deep asleep.
"Huh. She seemed so badass but such a baby when she is scared." I said.
"I heard that.." She responded. Yah i thought she was asleep?!?!?!? Then after, she snored. Lol. I think i need to finish my bath.

Where am I going to sleep? I should have placed her on the couch! I hate sleeping on the couch but I have no choice. I was preparing my pillows and blanket on the couch and I heard she cried again.
I came close her..
"Nooo! Mom!! Dad help!!" She cried while her eyes closed.
"Shhh. Jennie. You are having a bad dream." I whispered to her while patting her shoulders. Then she grabbed me again. She hugged me.
"Jennie.. uhm, i will be sleeping in the couch..." But she hugged me tighter. But she stopped crying...

Oh. Where am I?! I scanned the room with my eyes. and I was on a king sized bed. I was on the other side of the bed. Omo!! Someone slept beside me!! I can see the other side with a used pillow. I quickly looked underneath the blanket sheet to check if I was still wearing something. Ugh! Thankd goodness. I still am. Then I remembered everything that happened last night. My trauma hits me again. Then I remembered calling Jisoo, I rode on her back. Oh! This is her house! I remembered her saying I will be sleeping in her room! Wow. Omo! We slept together! Yah! did she touched me?! hmmmmm. Oh, It was I who hugged her. *giggles* Hey why am I giggling?! zzzz
Then I decided to get up and look for her. I went out the room and it was on the second floor. As i went down the stairs, I can see a very big painting with Jisoo's face on it. Woah! Why is she so pretty? The Kim's probably loved her so much by giving her this huge house. The painting seems so expensive. I can tell. I was staring at the painting then I saw a little writing below. I came closer to read it.


Hey wait. KIM?! KIM JISOO?! Heyyy. Shut up. I take a closer look again. Yah! Its really KIM JISOO! Ji Soo.. JS... omg, is she, is she the JS of all those shhhut up Jennie Kim. I looked over her house and all the pictures she has with her family. Yes, she is Kim Jisoo. The one that I thought just an employee of KIGC, the one that I ordered around to do something for me. She is the heiress of the KIGC, omg, whag am I going to do?? Should I say sorry to her? Yah she lied to me after all. But I feel so embarrassed!

I was sitting on her couch then the door opened.

I woke up early and as I opened my eyes I can see Jennie's face so close to mine. Omo! I slept here! I was going to sleep at the couch! I slowly got up not trying to wake her up. Then I went jogging. I ran around the park then I suddenly remembered the pictures in my house! My huge painting! Aish. Jennie would know I am Kim Jisoo. Ugh. Nevermind, she would know it eventually.

I arrived at my house and opened the door. Jennie was staring blankly at me.
"Hey Jennie, did you realize how clingy you are to me last night? Jendeukkie!" I was trying to ease the awkwardness I feel for her after all those hugging and that moment when her lips touched my neck. I still feel that tingly feeling inside when I remember that.
"Kim... Jisoo... Good morning." She answered me. Shit. She already knows.
"Oh, you know my last name? Woah how did you guess?" I joked.
"Yah!! How could you not tell me!! I feel so embarrassed. I was ordering you here and there. You never complained! You lied to me when I asked about whats the meaning with all that JS initials and you said you are not close to the Presidents' second daughter! Yahhh how could you?!"
"Uhm. First, you never asked for my full name. And second, I wasnt too close with myself so.."
"Yah! Stop joking!!"
"Okay2. Sorry??"
"I should be the one thats sorry. I am sorry Kim Jisoo? "
"Haha. Yah! Its fine. It was fun acting like a normal employee. I mean, no one ever ordered me around like that in my whole lifetime. You were the first one. See how lucky you are?"
"Jinja! Thats making me feel bad more!"
"Haha. Its okay Jendeuk!"
"Yaah. I am not Jendeuk!"
"Oh you're not? Do you remember last night how you said, "Jisoo dont leave me" eyyy jinja. dont be shy." I laughed.
"Yaaah! I am wondering no one ever called you Miss Kim?"
"I asked them not to."
"Thats why.. But I promise to lessen my orders to you okay?"
"Woooah. Jinja? Lessen?! Haha! You are unbelievable Jennie."
I pinched her cheeks then suddenly it turns so red.
"Woah! are you okay Jendeuk?! Do you feel hot?!"
"Im okay.." I tried touching her forehead but she hugged me quick and ran outside the house. Whats wrong with her?! Haha! Such a Jendeuk!

The butterflies in my stomach were so wild when she pinched my cheek! Why did I hug her? Aish. Am i starting to like her for real?! Yah JENNIE KIM! No feelings attached right? I looked myself at the mirror and my cheeks were really burning red! Omo. Why.. Then I remembered what Seulgi whispered to me..

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