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LISA's pov

I don't know but I want to get back with Jisoo. After seeing her, I remembered all the happy memories back then. I was so happy with her. I was such a jerk before, leaving her for another person who really doesn't deserve it. Jinny was there for me when Jisoo was busy studying abroad. But I guess, we we're just playing or, I grew fond of her because Jisoo wasn't there. Jisoo gave me real happiness. Jinny was, I don't know, but I guess we're just meant to be friends. Ugh. I'm confused if I still love her or I just missed the thought of her.

It was a fine day. I was walking to the ring house.

"Unnie!! Where are you going?" Yeri yelled at me.

"Ring house!"

"Not that way! This way! Let's go together!"

"Okay!" I ran towards Yeri.

"They built a new ring house by the way. Jisoo was planning to destroy the old one." Yeri said.

"What?! Destroy?!"

"I'm kidding. Yah, don't you dare try to get Jisoo Unnie again. I don't want you to hurt her again. Do you understand?"

"What if I want her back?"

"You really don't want her to be happy huh?"

"I want her to be happy, with me."

"You selfish brat."


"Well, let's see if you can."

Geez. This kid annoys me a lot. Okay, challenge accepted!

JENNIE's pov

"What if you realized you want her back? Will you still take the risk even if you had a dark past?" I raised my voice. Jisoo was talking about her heart pounding when they we're talking with Lisa.

"Why do you worry too much Jendeuk. I still don't know okay?"

"Ugh. Just don't make stupid decisions Jisoo. I don't want you to be hurt again."

"Thanks Jennie."

The door opened. Yeri went in.

"Yeri close the door." Jisoo said.

"Wait! Hi.." Lisa came inside. Shit. What is she doing here.


"Uhm, I brought you breakfast. I mean, I brought us breakfast. You want me to cook as well?" Lisa said. She is having a good shot at Jisoo.

"You don't know how to cook."

"Yah, I learned cooking since I left the farm. I live on my own so, I do know how to cook already. People change Jisoo..." Lisa said. and.. Jisoo smiled. This scene... why does it hurt?

Lisa went to the kitchen and prepared the food. Jisoo was helping her. I was just in the bedroom.

"Unnie? You okay?" Yeri went inside.

"Yeah.. I guess I'm just hungry." I replied.

"I brought you strawberry milk.. I hope it will cheer you up." Yeri handed me the milk.

"Thanks Yeri."

"Lisa Unnie said, she want's Jisoo back."


"Yeah Unnie.."

"Well, if Jisoo wants her back too then... I'll just let go."

"Unnie :("

"It's okay. "

And from that morning... The thing that I feared the most, Jisoo started to be close with Lisa...

When the 4 of us are together, me and Yeri feels out of place. Jisoo and Lisa always shares about their experiences before. They became so comfortable with each other again.

It's hard..

It's painful..

But Jisoo seemed to be happy, do I have to give up now?

One night when Jisoo and I were about to sleep.

"Jendeuk.. Uhm, are you okay? You seem to be off lately." Jisoo asked. Yeah, after a week, she noticed me again.

"What? Really? I'm okay. Always was.."


"I miss home.."

"Oh.. You can talk to me."

"Just don't mind me Jisoo. I know you are busy with Lisa. I'm okay on my own."

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"Nothing. I'm tired."


"Tired of everything. I want to sleep."


I just covered my eyes the whole night. Jisoo seems to be sleeping already. I though... I should give up already. My heart hurts so much already. Suddenly, I cried. I went outside the house. I sat on a bench and looked at the stars. I poured everything. All the heaviness that I felt inside. I cried it all.

"Hey Miss? Are you okay?" Someone flashed a light on me. I haven't noticed but I slept on the bench.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Uhm, 3 AM?" She answered. I can't see her face.

"Who are you? Why are you here on this very hour?" I asked. She then turned the light on her face.

"Bae JooHyun... Irene for short.." OMO. She was so pretty.

"A...are you a ghost?! OMO!!" I was about to run but she grabbed me.

"White lady? I am a white lady."


"HAHA! No. I was up because my little cousin Yeri lost her cat. And it was my fault."

"Cousin of Yeri?"

"Oh, you know her? Wait, are you the Kim Jennie?"

"Yes I am."

"Ohhh I see. Okay.. Yeah, I just arrived earlier and Yeri placed her cat on my bedroom so I let it out, now it's lost."

"I want to help."

"But you seem sleepy and... your eyes... did you just cry?!"

"Yeah.. I missed home."

"I see.. Well then, I'll give you some time to forget homesickness by finding a big fat cat!"

"Are you older than me?" I asked.

"Do I really look old? What year are you born?"


"Oh gosh. I'm 1991.. So I guess, just don't call me Unnie."

"Irene Unnie."



"I said stop."


"K fine. Let's find that cat."

We we're walking around the farm. Irene was talking a lot. She knew about Lisa and Jisoo but doesn't care at all.

"Let them be stupid for each other. Ugh! Those kids! I already told them they are not meant for each other! Why are they forcing it. Jinjjjja!"

"You are right Unnie! I like that idea as well." Then my phone ring.

"Someone is calling you at 4am! Who could it be?" Irene said while looking at my phone. She is nosy people.

"Oh my bestfriend Rose!"

"Ohhh. Can I be friends with her too?" She asked.

"Yes Unnie of course. Hey Chaeng!!"

"Annyeong Jennie!! I read your message earlier, I was so worried."

"Uhm don't mention it... Wait, I met a new friend. Her name is Irene."

"Hi!! This is Bae JooHyun call me Irene!"

"Hello! I am Park Chaeyoung, Rose for short. Nice to meet you Unnie!"

"What?! Do I really look that old?"

"Haha! No! Uhm, you seem a little older though.. I want you to meet my cousin Wendy.. Unnie! Come here!"


"Oh, she doesnt want to be seen on the camera. Irene Unnie, you seem to be nice! Please watch out for my bestfriend Jennie there. She is sad."

"Do I look like a baby sitter or something?!"

"Haha! No Unnie."

"Jennie, I think I saw the cat. Just got to run after him okay? Talk with your friend there okay? I'll be back!" Irene said.

"Sounds like a real baby sitter." Rose joked.

"Yah! Stay there Jennie." Irene ran.

"So..." Rose said.

"I cried earlier Chaeng.. So hard.. I poured everything.. I asked the stars for a sign.. Then I fell asleep. Then she woke me up."


"Irene Unnie."

"She could be the sign Jennie!"

"Sign of what?"

"She could be the answer.. I mean, she's not the one but she could be the key.."


"Yeah? Well. I have a surprise for you though."




"Haha! Please don't be sad okay? I'm happy you found a new friend there."

"Yeah. I hate seeing Jisoo and Lisa.."

"You sure do. Are you sure of your feelings for Jisoo?"

"I wont be miserable like this if its not."

"Yeah think so too. Hey, you gotta rest already."

"Hmm. Yes. I need to find Irene Unnie and the cat."

"Yep! See you! Bye!"

"WHAT? Hey!" Rose dropped the call.

I turned my back and saw Irene carrying Yeri's cat.

"Here's the bad boy! We need to go home now! Come with me! Let's have a sleep over at my room!"


"What what?! Let's sleep together! I have a big bed!"

"Im sorry?"

"Yah! It's not what you think...whatever you think there but you feel homesick right so, i am here to cheer you up! Don't worry, I am bored so I guess your company would make me un-bored. Well, if there is such a word."

"You talk too much Unnie."

"Oh I do? Let's go! The sun is going to rise already!"

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