Chichi and Nini

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"Nini! I am going to walk outside okay? Hmm. No one's around." Granny walked outside without Nurse Jane or Jennie.

Jisoo's POV
I was walking at the beach area and I saw an old woman looking at the sand like she was looking for something.
"Hi? Uhm did you lost something? Maybe I can help?" Jisoo offered. The woman looked at her and it seemed like she didn't heard her.
"Hi?? My eyeglasses fell down and I can't see clearly. Please help me." The old woman said. I guess she really didn't heard me at all.
"Yes sure. Just sit there at the bench and let me find it okay?" I said it louder.
"Yes! Thank you!" I guided her to the bench then I looked for her eyeglasses.
"Here!" I helped her wear it.
"Woah. Now I can see clearly! Thank you!" She was smiling then she looked at me.
"Wow. You are so pretty. Hmmm. I guess I saw your face before but I don't know where. What's your name?"
"Jisoo. Kim Jisoo." I said. Then she hugged me.
"Chichi! What a nice name. Just call me Granny, okay? Can we be friends?"
"Oh sure!" i guess she didnt hear my name right but its okay. Chichi sounds cute tho.
"Chichi, I want some icecream." Granny said.
"Thats not a problem. Let's go to the restaurant then I'll order you ice cream. Okay?"
We reached the restaurant and I ordered Strawberry and Vanilla icecream.
"I like Strawberry." Granny said. So I gave her the strawberry.
"Granny, don't you have kids? or grandkids? I mean who's the one with you?"
"I have. I have 2 sons. But they are away. I'm with my granddaughter, Nini."
"I see. Where's Nini? Why is she not with you at the beach?"
"She's busy. I just escaped from the nurse. Nurse Jane is strict with my food thats why I escaped."
"Haha. I see. Is icecream okay?"
"Doctor said its okay. Thats a secret okay?"
"Okay Granny. By the way, what's your room number so that I can bring you there."
"Thats a problem. I forgot."
"Oh. Hmm. How about your complete name or your granddaughters name so that we can ask the receptionist?
"I forgot too. My Nini told me I have amnesia and I easily forget things."
"Hmmm.  I am sorry to hear that. It must be hard. Well, she might be looking for you already."
"It's okay. Nini said people here knows me."
"Really? Hmm. Granny I'll just excuse myself for a little while. I need to pee. Just sit down here and wait for me. Okay?"
"Yes Chichi!"

I went to the restroom and as I finished there's a little kid that asked me.
"Miss? Can you help me wash my hands? I cant reach the faucet. Please?" With her puppy eyes. And so I helped her.

"Nurse Jane have you seen Granny?"
"I am so sorry Miss Jennie but I was looking for her already and I can't find her. She just disappeared when I was preparing her medicines."
"It's okay. I'll go find her."
I went to the places that she usually goes but then she wasn't there.
"Hi Miss Jennie, can I help you?" Rob, the assistant manager asked her.
"Have you seen Granny?"
"Yes. I saw her earlier with a pretty woman I guess they were heading to the restaurant."
"Thanks Rob! See you around."
"Sure no problem."
I headed straight to the restaurant and I saw Granny eating.
"Granny!" I yelled.
"Nini!! Look!!" Granny smiled and showed me her icecream.
"Who gave this to you?"
"Nini it's strawberry Icecream!"
"Yes Granny. That looks delicious. But who are you with?" I saw a Vanilla ice cream on the table too.
"It's Chichi! You have to meet her Nini. She's so nice and she treat me icecream. She just went somewhere short she said she'll be back."
"Granny we are 2 hours late with your medicine and doctor will be angry if he knows about it. We need to go asap."
"But Nini.."
"I'll just leave a note for your friend.. Chichi was it?"
Waiters got me a pen and paper then I wrote.

To Chichi,
Thank you for taking care of my grandma. I hope to see you soon.

Her granddaughter

ps.order whatever you want, my treat.

"Granny let's go." I held Granny's hand then we head off.

The kid was very talkative and it took a few minutes in just washing her hands. I quickly went to the table and Granny wasn't there anymore.
"*sigh* Why does all the people leave me hanging?" I said to myself.
I sat down and finished my melted icecream then I saw the note written by Granny's granddaughter.
"Oh atleast they left a note."
I called the waiter and had a full blast meal to eat my sadness away.

the next day..

It was Free Dive Friday by the resort. I went too the beach and saw everyone wearing their goggles, life jacket and tanks.

"Am I late?" I asked one of the resort's crew.
"Just in time. Here wear this. I am Sam by the way the lead guide."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jisoo." He helped me wear all the gears and he led me to the boat. Each boat has 5 persons.
There was a couple already at the boat and I sat infront of them. They waved their at me at I just waved my hand too.
A few minutes later Sam and and a girl came to the boat. The girl sat beside me while sam was infront driving.
"Hi ith thith yer firth time diving?" The girl next to me asked.
"No. I gueth my third time. but that wasth too long ago."
"I thee. Well I'll guide you then. Okay?"
"Reari? Thankth!" We sound like this because of the goggles that we wore.
"Whath your name?"
"Chithu." What. it sounds different.
"Chi?? Do you know Granny?"
"Yeth! I thaw her yesterday.Then she wath gone all of a thudden."
"Ohh. I am her granddaughter!"
"Nithe to meet you finally."
Then we shook hands. Then there was that feeling. That feeling of like, something like you know that person but you never met before? That kind of feeling.
So we arrived at the part where we dive. Sam was giving instructions. Then after.
"Dont be thcared, just hold my hand." Nini said. Those words are too simple but then it's like it went inside my sould or something?
I held her hand and we both jumped.
As we go down, I saw a lot of colorful fishes and corals. It was a whole different world out here. I looked at Nini.. Then as I looked at her and stared at her for the first time on her eyes behind those goggles, I can see a familiar eyes.
"Jennie?" I slowly said but the bubbles keep getting on the way. I must be dreaming.
After a fee minutes we had to go up. I am badlu excited for Nini to take off her goggles but then Sam approached her and told her.
"Miss! I have to show you something. It's really cool and I know you'll like it."
"Okay tham! Hey Chichi I have to go. I hope I'll thee you soon. Granny liketh you tho much. I'll treat you to dinner thoon okay?"
"Let's go" Sam grabbed her hand and they disappeared under the sea. I was just speechless. Are they together? Maybe Sam was Nini's boyfriend or something?
Another guide went in the boat then we all went back to the resort.


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