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"I want you to stop right now!" Corinne heard her brother yell from below, Corinne lowered herself onto the ground and stared at him evenly. "What the hell are you doing? Fighting the people you love?" he asked confused, "Corinne, this isn't you. Snap out of it," he shouted. Corinne blinked and laughed before walking towards him, "Who's going to stop me? You?" she asked curiously before raising her arm. Carter nodded and quickly grinned, "About time we had a rematch," he muttered before cracking his knuckles. 

Corinne rolled her eyes, "What makes you think you're going to win this time?" she asked curiously. Carter looked behind him and smiled, "I have company," he muttered, from behind appeared Alex, Scott, Jean and Hank. Corinne laughed, "I do too," she whispered before Storm crashed onto the ground. She then frowned as she recognized Scott, "Scott," she muttered, what was he doing here? Was he a mutant too? Since when- It doesn't matter. Kill them. Corinne nodded and raised small parts of the collapsed buildings into the air, "You should've stayed in your lane," she muttered before throwing them at the others. 

Carter phased away and quickly stood in front of her, "Corinne you're fighting for the wrong side!" he shouted, "You have to stop, I- we're your real family," he grabbed onto Corinne's arm and squeezed tightly. Corinne blinked and pulled away angrily, "I have no family," she whispered, "I have no one, I'm just a monster!" she shouted making a car float in the air and soon she saw Psylocke who nodded. "You were never there for me Carter, so don't talk about family," she snapped. 

"I'm your brother, and he-" Carter pointed at Alex, "Is the love of your life, why don't you see that we care about you," he whispered, "We care." Corinne looked away and scoffed before walking past Psylocke and Storm, "Do whatever you can to kill them," she muttered emotionlessly. "I'll see you in a bit," she whispered before jumping up into the air and flying towards Erik. She noticed Raven and Peter? Corinne blinked then shook her head as she suddenly remembered Logan, how was he? What happened to him? "Peter," she said before the teen looked up and stared at her in disbelief. 

Peter blinked and frowned, "What are you doing? Are you going to help us get Erik back?" he asked curiously. Raven then held onto his hand and shook her head, "She's against us," she muttered, "She doesn't need us anymore," Corinne frowned and lowered herself next to the two, she shook her head. "That's not- that's not true," she whispered, "I-" she started. They don't need you, they don't even like you. Don't listen to them. Corinne then stared at them angrily, "Where do you two think you're going?" she asked before dropping a piece of metal between them. 

"Away from you," Peter muttered before racing away, Corinne scoffed and quickly looked below to see Psylocke struggling against Hank, she frowned. She brought her arm out and aimed at him for a second before feeling someone push her down, as Corinne fell to the ground she noticed Scott and she stared at him confused. "You have to stop this Corinne," Scott shouted, "You have the power to end all this so please, don't pick the wrong side," he said. Corinne's eyes widened in shock as he spoke, she wasn't on the wrong side. "I don't want to hurt you, I want to help, please, you do have family Corinne, you have me." Scott said softly, "So please, come home." 

Scott reached out his arm and Corinne was a little hesitant, she felt tears in her eyes and she shook her head. "I-I can't," she whispered, "I'm not worth it," she muttered before bringing her hands to cover her face, Corinne crouched down as tears fell down her face. "I'm worthless," she whispered, "I'll always be a monster, no one loves me," she cried softly, "I'm useless, I'll always be a monster, nobody loves me,". Corinne surrounded herself with a forcefield and quickly closed her eyes, "No one loves me, I'm just a monster, I'll never be loved. No one loved me," she repeated to herself. "I'll always be alone, I'm a monster, I'm ugly, I'll never be loved. No one loves me," she whispered. 

"Stop!" she heard Scott cry, "You're wrong! You're not a monster," he shouted, "You're my sister!" Scott then started punching the forcefield as Corinne whispered the words over and over again, Corinne then opened her eyes and the forcefield shattered making Corinne cough out blood. How did he break- Scott had this red beam shooting out of his eyes, Corinne wiped her mouth and quickly coughed out again as she felt pain in her chest. "What did you do to me?" she whispered. 

Scott placed his glasses back on before walking towards her, "I'm stopping you from making a horrible mistake," he said, Corinne frowned and scoffed before holding onto her stomach before standing up. "You think a small wound will hurt me?" she asked before coughing out more blood. Corinne closed her eyes and quickly blasted him onto the ground, she ran and jumped off the building and landed on the ground to face her brother, "Move," she muttered angrily. Carter phased in front of her and quickly froze her, "I won't," he said. Corinne scoffed and broke out of the time freeze before phasing behind him, she tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. 

Corinne opened her palm and pushed him onto the ground before grabbing onto his arm, "You bitch!" she shouted, "I hate you! I fucking hate all of you! Stop saying I'm making a mistake!" she yelled before using her ability and cutting Carter's arm slowly. He cried out and quickly tried to stand up, "I'm more powerful than all of you!" she screamed before making a huge blast, dust and pieces of the building falling onto the ground. Corinne then raced away and scaled the walls to run towards the pyramid, she was then met by Erik, "Corinne, enough," he said sternly. 

Her eyes widened in shock and she scoffed, "What the fuck?" she asked, "You're betraying us?" she whispered angrily. Corinne blinked and shook her head in disbelief, Erik sighed, "We betrayed them Corinne, they are our family," he muttered, "Don't think this will end up good, it will only lead to war," Erik said. Corinne stared at Erik and laughed before looking away, she raised a wooden stick from the ground and smiled. "Useless," she snapped before throwing the stick at him. 

Erik blocked it with a metal bar and sighed before walking closer towards her, he grabbed onto Corinne's hands and she flinched. "Do you think that En Sabah Nur will have all the answers? Because right now, he is killing Charles, the one person who gave us a home," Erik said quickly, "Are you going to betray Charles like that? Or are you going to fight with him?" he asked before letting go of her hands. Corinne shook her head, "I-I don't deserve to go back with them," she whispered, "I don't deserve it,"  she muttered. 

"Let Charles decide that, not you," Erik said softly, "You are not a monster Corinne, you are beautiful, you're a goddess. Don't let others bring you down, choose your own path." he then sighed before walking past Corinne. "I'm going to fight for my family, are you?" he asked before floating in the air. Corinne frowned and looked back at him, "They won't take me back, not after what I've done," she muttered, "I don't deserve them," 

Erik looked back at her and sighed as she walked towards him, "You don't know that, if they don't take you back. Come with me, I won't leave you," he said gently. Corinne nodded and quickly followed Erik into the air, "Okay, you promise?" she asked quickly, he gave her a certain look and nodded slowly. Corinne smiled and looked at En Sabah Nur, "Then let's kill him," she grinned. 

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