Tears of a Blade

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Songs for this chapter are:

Ellie Goulding - Love me like you do

Ariana Grande- Love me harder (slowed+reverb)

Sam Smith- How do you sleep (slowed+reverb)

Ruelle - Secret and lies

Ruelle- War of hearts

George Taylor- Come follow me down


He groans like a child and buries his face into the pillows. I find myself smiling as he tries to run from me but I pad to the bed side groping his ass.

He groans again from under the pillow and I laugh resting my head against his soft muscles.

"C'mon baby get up"

"I hate you morning people"

"You have work"

"Is that why your wearing that?"

"Oh stop this is a nice outfit for my first day? Don't you think"

"You look like Titus", his foggy grey eyes face mine.

"We still have a full 24 hrs of doing whatever you like? And I'm sure there's lots to do"

"Fuck fine"

I sit besides him on the bed and he rolls over on his back sighing and staring up at the empty black ceiling. His hair is a mess and I'd like him to stay home if I wasn't offered the job but I am so now I'm in a hurry to get to work even though I have no idea what time we're even supposed to be there.

"Come here", Enzo says with his hands opened to me and I smile leaning into them.

His arms wrap around my small body and a squeal escapes my lips when I'm pulled into bed and flipped over until his body hovers over mine pulling on the silk shirt I took my time ironing this morning. My arms fight back but he grabs my wrists pulling them above my head and leaning between my legs. I can't help the laugh that escapes me when he unbuckles my belt with just one hand and tosses it to the floor.

"What the hell? I spent an hour getting ready"

He smirks at my sour attitude and kisses my neck laughing against my skin. His soft lips caress the skin of my neck nipping at my collar bone. I try fighting him but he grabs my thighs immediately causing a warmth to spill through me.

"Enzo", I moan hearing him chuckle against my skin.

"This is what you get for waking me up so early"

"I was being a good assistant"

"Now your just being a brat"

"We can't"

I whisper underneath my breath that's now caught in my throat. His grip around my wrist tighten and his lips tracing a line against my throat until he reaches my jaw.

"I'm the boss we arrive when we arrive"

"No wonder everyone hates you"

I say getting a roll eye from him. My pants are pulled down from my waist stopping just above my thighs. His fingers trace against the lace panties I had chosen for him slipping between the underwear and my skin. A kiss was placed against my cheek and I whimpered at his fingers curling against my entrance.


"Baby your soaking", he said with a soft low voice.

"Enzo we can't"

"You want me to stop?"


"Your mouths saying one thing but your body is saying another"

"Baby I can't"

"You know I don't like that word"

"Enzo fuck"

His fingers pumped into me filling my body and my back arched for him. My mouth gaped open and his lips brushed against my chin nipping my skin and causing a moan to fall from my lips.

He stroked my clit making me moan again. I couldn't help it, he always knew how to torture me in all the right ways. My nails scratched his skin causing him to laugh and fingers to pull out of me before slamming back in.

"Tell me when you're close okay?"

"Enzo please"

"Don't make me punish you baby. You were being such a good girl before"

"I can't", I moaned feeling the knots form in my stomach.

I was so fucking close and he could feel it pumping into me faster. I shut my eyes tucking my lip between my teeth as my walls clenched around him. My toes were curling and my eyes squeezed for dear life as a flush of warmth poured out of me. I moaned upon my release and Enzo let my wrists go.

I opened my eyes panting for breath noticing the clenched jaw and tucked lip staring back at me.

"Don't tell me your mad?"

"Nope just disappointed love. And here I thought we were going to have a good day"

My brows frowned just in time as his arms wrapped around me and he lifted me from bed scooping me into his strong arms.

"What are you doing?", I laughed.

"We're taking a shower"

"What? But my makeup is done and I'm still dressed"

"I don't care about that. It's your fault for waking me up so early"

I'm placed on the sink counter and I glare at him as he unbuttons my shirt standing between my legs that are still in the pants. For once he's in a good mood but I honestly imagined this morning going far from different for us. My shirt is slipped from my arms and Enzo helps me pull down my pants lifting me from the counter to the shower.

"I hate you so much"

"I know"

He kisses my cheek and turns on the shower. Warm water falls from the shower head and I smile at him wrapping my arms around his neck when I'm finally standing again.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you didn't want to go to work"

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know", I shrug running my fingers through Enzo's soft wet hair.

"Everyone's gonna be suspicious about Atlas"

"And your not ready for that? Do they know that you"

The memory of Enzo shooting his father right in front of me flashed across my mind. They'd always seemed so close when I first moved in with him and now I see that it all was just a lie.

"They don't know shit"

His head rests against my forehead and he takes a deep sigh.

"That's why I really need you here today"

"What can I do?"

I ask honestly, Enzo's a completely different man at work and me being there would mean he'll barely have time for me like the last time I was there. Yet now his soft closed eyes and short breathes say something else than what my mind's convincing me. The longer the silence fills the shower the tighter his grip on my body becomes and the longer I see who he actually is.

Slowly I can see how truly sweet and vulnerable he is and I like that about him. How rarely I get to see who he is.

"You don't need me.....I can stay here"

I kissed his lips after he became silent for longer than I'd like.

"Trust me I do need you. You have no idea how calm you make me. You do so much for me that you don't even know"

"I mean that much to you?", I ask with a smile and his eyes open.

"What I think about you aren't healthy thoughts"

"I'm here for you, you know that. Anything you want I'm here"


"Anything except what your thinking"

"So you wouldn't want me to take you to New York?"


"I was thinking about it and now since you don't wanna go I won't take you-"

"You know I'm kidding"

I cover my lips with his feeling him smile against me.


"Of course you'd want me to wear that"

"I am the one who bought it for you makes sense you should wear it"

"I don't see why I can't wear that shirt I was wearing before"

I take the lace bra from Enzo pulling down my towel to my stomach to try on. I feel a pair of eyes on me as I slip my arms through the bra and I roll my eyes when he's sitting on the bed with his eyes focused on me and a smirk on his soft lips.

"Don't forget I won our little bet yesterday so you shouldn't be using that mouth other than when I tell you too"

I roll my eyes grabbing the panties and quickly slipping into them.

"So what am I wearing Mr. Liu?"

"Half of the things in your closet are boring but I managed to find this"

"Says the man with nothing but black and white on his clothes racks"

"At least I make my clothes look good"

"Shut up", I roll my eyes and he chuckles.

"This is what you want me to wear?"

"No snide comments sweetheart", he says with a wicked smile.

A kiss is placed on my cheek and I roll my eyes.

"Sometimes you can be an idiot", I mutter under my breath.

"Too bad your stuck with me"


I am not the jealous type, I remind myself after watching the blonde secretaries dressed in nothing but short black dresses stare holes into Enzo. He's busy signing some papers to even notice the whores and I spot one smirking at him. She does see me right?

"Thank you sir. Will that be all?"

She says with a soft tone touching his arm whilst retrieving her pen. I roll my eyes when he answers her back. Couldn't he have snapped at her or something.

You know what I blame him for this. If he wasn't so fucking attractive this bitch wouldn't be obviously hitting on him. And he's wearing those glasses. Those goddamn panty dropping dark glasses that make him look like a supermodel and all hell breaks loose when his hair is down and left a wavy mess of straight curls.

"Kill me", I mutter after she asks him something handing him another pen.

I thought we aren't the jealous type, my subconscious reminds and I focus on other things around the office.

Other things like the wide spaced grey office with black tinted glass on the windows. The cloudy white sky looks like a pile of grey from in here and our cars look darker than the pitch black it's sprayed in. I'll be working here and I should get to know my colleagues. This is just part time since I haven't sorted out what I actually want to do with my life yet.

I love Enzo and his family and I'm happy about everything they've created but that's there's and I'd have to create something that's my own. I'd create my own business or work under someone not Enzo for long but I'd like to work. Being cooped up in our mansion was starting to drive my crazy.

An arm hooked around my waist pulling my attention from gazing and I walked with Enzo down the long dark hall.

I felt his hand lower to my ass and I didn't mind since I liked the show of affection, who knew if this would be the only time I'd receive it from him at work. The floors were made of a cement grey tile that was spotless the more my heels padded along it. Soon enough we had made it to the end of the hall to closed metal doors.

Enzo pulled his arm from my waist standing back and pulling his vibrating phone from his pocket.

"Put your hand there", was the last thing he said to me before pointing to the scanner on the wall.

I did just as he said and the red line scanned my hand taking a few seconds only to show a surprisingly good picture of me and my name. Even though we've talked about the over and over again the scanner had my name saved as Ivy Liu instead of Ivy Devoe. He'll have to fix that little detail later.

The doors opened and instead of the same hallway we were now standing in the other side of the hall that was painted in black and the floors were of metal with tiny holes in the bottom. I saw a bit of light coming from the floor and some noise I couldn't quite make out but it was grunting I think.

Enzo was still on his phone call with a hand shoved into his pocket and his eyes focused ahead. Two guards continued to follow us as they did from the car to the end of the hall where another door was but it opened before we were even close to it. It was an elevator and I stepped inside of it leaning against the cold metal wall I could feel from my jacket and staring at the backs of the ripped guards standing in front of us.

The lift began to move and the elevator was pulled up. I heard Enzo stop speaking and I glanced over at him watching as he sighed shoving his phone into his pocket and leaning against the wall with his inked hands wrapped around the pole.

"Are you nervous?", he asked with his eyes focused ahead.

"Not exactly"

"The people that work for me can be assholes at times but you shouldn't be scared of them. Be confident and do that annoying thing you do when you don't want people around you"

"What annoying thing?", I raise a brow intrigued.

"Talk", he smirks and I roll my eyes.

The elevator dings and the doors open. The guards step out first and Enzo and I follow behind. The rest of the office space is grey and black and I notice a board meeting room covered in thick black glass with old men and women dressed in all black. My eyes focused on the meeting we're walking towards and I glanced up at Enzo, wrapping my hand in his.

"Who are those people?"

"Our family love. Are you in the mood for a family reunion?"

"Enzo what is your entire family doing here?"

"You'll see"

A crease forms in my brows and he gropes my ass when I enter the meeting ahead of him. The grumbling of talking and whispers stop as soon as we step into the room. Enzo still with my hand in his walks me to the wide black table and I take a seat besides him on his left. Being the Mafia leader he sits at the head of the table and runs his hands through his hair leaning back into his chair and taking a sigh, already annoyed he was here I'm sure.

"I know you all can never shut up for a second so why not tell me why you all flocked down here like the bunch of crows you are"

"Lovely to see you too Enzo"


"As you know nephew as a child The Skulls have always been promised to you since your the heir but your actions prove you'll unsuited to handle your legacy"

"Just because I killed my father"

I glance at Enzo feeling chills down my spine as he seems so nonchalant about the discussion that his Mafia might be taken away from him. I know how much he loves his work but why isn't he taking this seriously?

''It was childish"

"Says the woman who killed her daughter"

"I have my reasons"

"My father was an asshole I had my reasons"

"Not only that but you killed his wife"

He rolls his eyes and my eyes dart around the room to the dark murderous family, that all share the same dark threatening ice cold looks.

"What would taking The Skulls from me change? And who would take my place?"

"We would have to discuss that", a man says looking around the room seeming annoyed,"but we've decided to take your place it would have to be one of our partners since we've all served our time"

"As in?"

The man's eyes dart around the room once more and he takes a sigh,"we've listened to your father following his final wish to make peace with the Chadwicks"

"And?", his jaw clenches at the sound of the Chadwicks.

"Only for a part time they'd be taking over from you  and in return-"

"Fuck no"


"Fuck no. Those assholes that took my wife and used my idiotic father to start all of this shit you want to give my Mafia to. The one I've spent my entire childhood training for and your passing it off to those Ace fuckers"

"We already made a deal with them Enzo. There is no turning back"

"So that asshole Archer would be taking my place?"

"For awhile yes"


"It's stated that all decisions made involving The Skulls should come through me hence your deal with those assholes mean shit and I will not be handing my legacy to some Brit with pussy issues"

There eyes roam around the room and the whispers continue. No one speaks up to which I assume Enzo's right about. Does this mean The Skulls are still his Mafia?

"Your correct Enzo but in order to keep your head a merge will bond between our families"

"Your not gonna let this go are you"

"It's the least we could do since we've already promised The Ace we'd give their son a month at least"

"And what would that merge be?"


Enzo's eyes dart to mine just in time as I glance at him. Marriage between who and Archer?

I thought we were done with them. There's a reason why he left right? Why would he be coming back to ruin our lives once again if he promised he'd leave.

"Who would Archer be marrying?"

"Your sister of course"

"I'll have to ask Eva first"

"You know she doesn't have choice. This all depends on you. Either the Mafia is taken from you or Eva is to marry Archer. We look forward to your decision before the week's out"

With that noise erupts from the room as they all stand to there feet leaving Enzo and his thoughts. I sigh standing to my feet when the room is finally emptied and it's just me and him. My fingers trace along the dark table and I tuck my lip between my teeth facing his closed eyes.


"Go home"


"I have to call Titus and Jade. I'll have Rick drive you to our old house your to stay there until I get back"

"Even though he's on his honeymoon?"

"There's a lot I have to deal with right now Ivy just go home"

He stands to his feet unbuttoning his jacket and sighing. I avoid his stare, I know how temper crazy Archer is and I can't imagine what he'll do to Eva. She can take care of herself obviously but it's Archer I'm terrified of. He's stubborn and controlling and expects the girl's he's with to be nothing but submissive and I'm terrified of what he could do to Eva.

"Enzo what is he going to do to her?"

"The last thing I'll let happen is that asshole marry my sister. I'll take care of it just go to the mansion don't say anything"

I nod and he sighs once again. He takes a step closer to me tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and kissing my cheek.

"We'll talk later"

With that he leaves and once again I'm questioning everything about my

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