Pleasing a Storm

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Songs for this chapter are;

Dean Lewis - Waves (slowed+reverb)

Phantogram - Black out days

J Cole - She knows

Sleeping at last - Chasing cars

Once again boredom slaps me and I'm left unsupervised in his office. Enzo promised this was his last meeting before he left and yet again I have nothing to do. My eyes stayed glued to the dark ceiling since my mind had become blank again. The games on my phone bored me, there's nothing interesting in this office to do and I can't even sleep.

When I'm tired and my eyelids are heavy I usually sleep like a baby but my eyes are wide and so many thoughts are being processed in my head. If I could I would shut my brain off but atlas I can't. My eyelids finally shut and a long sigh falls from my lips. I'm not tired but I allow myself to think.

My life has changed drastically since the start of October. As usual I thought I'd spend most of my days working and lying on my couch but it was all in my head. Instead my father did the usual thing he always does and pushes me under the bus and finally everything in my life starts to make sense. I fell for a guy who makes my heart thump against my chest and who makes me smile uncontrollably.

I'm a huge friends fan and I never really thought about love the way TV shows would talk about them until my ex. I wished I could see myself a few years ago, I wish I could tell her she's setting herself up for heartbreak. I hope I could stand across the table and rip her smile away as she grinned with him but honestly I don't regret it. I don't regret being hurt in the most painful way and getting stabbed in my back by the two people I once cared for because if it didn't happen I wouldn't have met him and I wouldn't be here.

I wouldn't be angry, happy, excited or annoyed. I wouldn't have met someone who pissed me off yet made me want to kiss him every time he opened his stupid mouth. And if I could see Evan's disfigured face again I'd thank him for making me the person I am and I'd want him to know for the billionth time that he lost the best thing he's ever had and to tell him I found a real man.

I'm not the most easiest person to get along with but when you find someone who's almost quite the same as you it's impossible to let them go so easily. My eyes pop open and I feel relaxed, my body is at ease and my eyes finally feel heavy. It takes a few long blinks for me to finally close them but then the door is swung open.

"Where's Enzo?"

I gaze at the door and clench my jaw when Titus is standing there. Couldn't he tell I was on the verge of sleeping?

"At a meeting, now what do you want?"

"I wanna talk to him but whatever"


My feet rest against the hardwood floor and I'm grateful I took off those agonizing stilettos. I quickly stand to my feet and follow him out the door. I'm not sleepy anymore but I can walk. I rub the tiredness away from my eyes then lock Enzo's office doors. Lord knows I'm tired.

A slight crease in his eyebrows and a hard line pressed into his lips makes me smile. We start walking down the narrow corridor and I stare straight ahead at the few guards at the door.

"How's your day so far?"

"Interesting to say the least. I thought you Mafia men experienced more blood on a daily basis"

"We don't kill everyday Ivy"

"Why not?"

I get an eye roll out of him and we lean against the balcony staring down at the few people working out today. I feel calm with Titus, he seems like a safe sweet person and I wonder why we aren't close.

"Are you seeing anyone?", I abruptly ask.

"Since when are you worried about my love life?"

"It's called small talk", I roll my eyes,"have you and Jade ever dated?"

"What no"

"Why do you both say that?"

"Jade's the cruelest person I've ever met. Why would I wanna date her it's like dating your sister"

"She looks like she has a lot in common with the both of you"

"I might do terrible shit at work but I don't want to be with someone like that"

"So what you like good girls?", I smirk at him.

"I don't label them....I just want someone who's funny and nice and is okay with the things I do"

"I'm sure what you do makes it hard for you to have relationships"

"It does but I like being by myself, don't you?"

"Nah, I like being alone but there's something about Enzo that just has me.....trapped"

"So you two are dating now?"

"More of a couple but yea"

"I'm proud of him he's been through a lot"

"Like what?", I pry.

"I'm sure you know Atlas is a shithole father but before all of that Enzo loved his love loved her"

He smiles a warm smile and I'm intrigued about what Enzo's childhood was. It's confusing how he's described as an angel but I wonder what happened?

"There were closed and Atlas always forced Enzo and Eva to mature at a very young age. I think their mum was the only one protecting them, she wanted them to have a normal childhood in this crazy life they were given. And when she died to me they didn't exactly grieve"

"That sounds terrible"

"Enzo completely shut down and did everything he was asked, he took over at a young age and basically does whatever he can to protect his family and I think he does this because he's terrified that what happened to his mum will happen to one of us"

I sigh and rest against the railing. If I could I'd hug Enzo so tight if he was here with me right now. I feel so sorry for him, he's been through a lot at a young age no wonder he's so closed off the poor thing.

"I don't wanna burden you or anything but... I've known Enzo most of my life and he barely dates but he's never been so open with a girl like you before. The way he smiles, laughs and annoys you is very much unlike him. He's an asshole but he has a heart and I hope you both make each other happy"

Titus soon walks away and I glance back downstairs. Does everyone see how happy we are with each other? I've been trying to wrap my head around this marriage thing for awhile now but I think I can. I promise myself I'll be the best wife to him. I take short breaths as I imagine what'll happen in a few weeks. October is coming to an end and soon enough I'll be Mrs. Liu. Obviously it's soon but it couldn't be perfect timing, I'm happy to marry Enzo and make him happy for the rest of our annoying lives together.

Enzo POV

"No no don't"

In a flash my fist pounds against his skin. Blood has now covered my knuckles and I don't care about the tearing flesh. My fists are aching but fuck is it worth it beating him. I can't quite recall what he did to end up in the cells but all I know is I like punching this asshole.

Blood and a chipped tooth is spat out from his mouth and he manages to look at me with his swollen eyes and puffy cheeks. I like repeating this I know I'm not a good person and that I don't deserve good things but I'm not bad either, I just make bad decisions like this asshole along with the rest of terrible people on this earth. My hand is swollen but with each rep I can't feel the pain from my hands, fingers and knuckles. I pant as I glance down at the dry blood and cracking scabs, I'm surely going to break this hand.

"So do you know where it is now?"

"I keep telling you man...I....I don't know. You've got the wrong guy"

With a sadistic smile I fold my fists again and punch him. The scent of fresh blood is captivating and I can't help but like the lovely smell I've become oh so used to. I've become used to the addiction of adrenaline I would get after hitting something it is such an amazing drug. I craved for it and thirst for it on my tongue, I have such a demon for an appetite. I don't know where the sudden rage came from but I really need it.

I took a step back before leaning down in front him. A pool of sweat paste against my forehead and the shortness of breath that reached me. His blood tastes salty on my lips but I like it.

"So that isn't you in the picture?"

He stares down at the clear photo of him walking down the exact street. Slowly his eyes reach mine and a twisted smile spreads across my face. For once today he becomes silent and I grab my gun. I'm tired of his bullshit and this is getting boring now. With one pull of the trigger his blood spits back at my skin and I lick my lips before letting out a deep sigh.

"Get rid of him"

Slowly my head turns to the door and I'm faced with her. She has no expression as she stares down at the dead man strapped to the chair. I hand a guard the gun and gesture to her.

"Come here"

I know she's terrified but I like the horrid expression plastered across her beautiful face. Reluctantly she forces her body to walk and she comes towards me with her eyes still on the body. Her grey eyes don't met mine until she's standing next to me. Her jaw is clenched and her hands are glued to her sides.

"Are you scared of me?"

"You don't want me to answer that question", she gulps with a shaky voice.

"C'mon darling"

I place a finger under her chin and tilt her head up to face me. My clothes are drenched with blood and so are my inked arms. Fear consumes her eyes and I'm so fucking erected that it hurts.

"I'm bad for you Izzy"

"Your not", she's finally able to look me in the eyes.

"I'm covered in another man's blood and you still find the a way to like me"

"I should be terrified but I'm not"

I think I may be responsible for breaking her. I just killed someone in front of her yet her she is willingly. I kiss her and as if we're both psychopaths she kisses me back. I was afraid of doing this to her, I was terrified of breaking her and having her see me like this but she's just as worst as I am. This girl is a chaotic perfection and my greatest fear is to turn her like me. With the fresh blood on my lips her tongue swirls around mine and I part from her.

"Fuck it. I like you. You're mine"

She nods and brings her bottom lip between her teeth. Her lips brush against mine and I'm scared of what'll come of her if she continues to follow me down this path. I don't want to break her as much as she already is but her being brought into my life might.


I unbutton my shirt and kick off my boots when I finally step into my bedroom. I wanted to sleep all day and finally I can. I knew showering at work was a good idea, I'm always tired after getting back home. I pull the shirt from my arms before throwing it into the hamper. It's a few minutes past nine but still I want to get some shut eye.

I glance up at Ivy, she's been silent throughout the ride home and I hope she still isn't paralyzed about what happened. Her eyes roam through my draw and I like the sight of her braless in the thin cardigan. Her nipples stand up straight through voile material and I find myself biting my lip as I stare at her.

As if I'm in a trance I stare as she slowly starts to unbutton the shirt still with her eyes on my draw of t-shirts. Soon enough her breasts are freed from the fabric and she pulls her arms from them. Like my shirt her cardigan is tossed into the hamper and she pulls one of my t-shirts over her head.

I gaze at how tight the short black skirt is on her hips and how she wiggles a little to push her head through. As much as I enjoyed the show it was starting to get hilarious watching her struggle. I padded over to her and pulled the shirt from her head. Her frizzy hair fell on her shoulders and her eyes stared up at me as I quickly eyed her topless frame. I pulled the shirt over her head and helped her into it. I try my best to ignore how thin the shirt is and how clearly I could see everything.

I grabbed a black t-shirt from the draw and slipped into quickly before looking through the folded clothes for sweatpants.

I heard the skirt rustling down her hips but refused to watch this time. By the time I changed and turned around to her she was already sitting on the edge of the bed with her eyes fixated on the light pouring onto the floor. She changed into shorts and I saw that everything was already in the hamper. Wanting her attention back I kissed her hair causing her to look up at me instantly. My finger twirled against a curly strand of her hair and I wonder if she's worried about what happened earlier today.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine"

Her eyes dart to my hand in her hair and she quickly grabs it and I'm pulled closer to her. A chuckle falls from my lips when she studies my scabbing knuckles.

"You're gonna break this one day", she tells me as her fingers intertwine with mine.

"Don't tell me you're worried about me?"

"I'm always gonna be worried about you", she glances up at me with a warm smile.

I kiss her then pat her on the head before pulling away.

"Thank you but I'm fine"

I crawl into bed and collapse onto the pillows. I open my eyes and stare at her when she slowly starts to shake her head. I pat the empty space besides me and she sighs before joining me. Her head rests against the pillow and curls dangle off her forehead.

"You should get that checked out"

I roll my eyes and slide closer to her. A warm smile is pressed against her plump lips and I stare down at them.

"Fine I'll get the knuckles checked out"

"Thank you", she huffs.

Her eyes close and I watch her. She's a beauty in her sleep, soft breaths leave her as she adjusts herself in my bed. I sit up and do something unusual of myself. My head rests against her breasts and I wrap my arms around her. Her tits are like a water bed and it's surprising how soft and tender they are. I shut my eyes as my eyelids become heavier and her hand rakes through my hair. A few strands curl around her fingertips and I hear her groan before her legs soon wrap around my waist. Is this what having a girlfriend feels like?

Relief and relaxation covers me and I fall asleep with my arms wrapped around her.


"C'mon guys take this seriously"

"Fine fine"

I raise my hands in defeat as I stand near Enzo. All morning we've been practicing for the wedding yet neither of us can take this seriously. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I clear my throat and stare at Eva.

Her eyes dart between the both of us and she rolls her eyes before starting over.

"Alright Ivy you first"

"Okay",I clear my throat again. I wrap my hand in Enzo's and start,"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness"

I forgot the rest of my lines but still tried to continue. I took the ring from Eva and slid in onto Enzo's finger before turning back to her.

She narrows her eyes at me,"What's the rest Ivy?'

"I forgot"

She sighs and I can tell she's exhausted of us. She's been showing the signs much longer now but still.

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine", she says.

I pull the ring off his finger again causing him to let out a wince. I giggle before turning to him and staring into his beautiful eyes. A slight smile appears on his lips and I'm excited to marry him for real instead of in front of his sister and a few guards.

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine", the ring is slid onto his finger again and I smile whilst doing it.

He cups my face with his hands and kisses me. I giggle when we pull away and Eva swats his arm. He picks up my ring and holds up my hand whilst staring deep into my eyes.

"Watch and learn honey", he states and I roll my eyes,"With this hand"

He plants a kiss on my hand before carrying on,"I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine"

My cheeks flush when the ring is placed on to my finger. He turns to Eva and she nods for him to continue with his vows.
He turns back to me and holds my hands as he still stares at me.

"Ivy I promise to always be by your side........or under you or on top"

"That's it"

I chuckle as Eva turns on her heels and heads back inside.

"Awww c'mon", he whines but she slams the door behind her.

"Let's just practice ourselves"


"Enzo there's no doubt that you are an asshole. But you are one of the nicest assholes I could ever hope to meet"

"Aww babe"

We both laugh and his arms wrap around me. I chuckle as I kiss him then bury my face into his chest. I feel him plant a kiss into my hair and I hug him tighter. I've never been so happy with someone before.

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