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Songs for this chapter are;

Camila Cabello- Feel it twice (slowed+reverb)

Olivia Rodrigo- Hope your okay

Camila Cabello- I have questions

Billie Eilish- Watch

Fleurie- Hurts like hell

Noah Cyrus- Make me cry

Aquilo- Silhouette


The atmosphere was cold, colder than Enzo's behaviour towards me and the silence at breakfast was louder than usual. It seems I'm the only person in the room who thinks Jay's life should be spared yet no one will tell me how he's doing and I know Enzo wouldn't allow me to visit my friend. I love Jay very dearly but what he did was selfish and inconsiderate and I just want to ask him why he did it yet I'm not allowed to.

Everyone was dressed for work and Eva spent her night sleeping over with Elijah. Since I'll be spending my day doing nothing I'll begin a new application to a new college, it's stupid of me to only write it now but Enzo ruined my chances. A new semester will start in just a few days yet here I am about to write yet another one, it seems I'll have to wait until another semester to go to a college.

I sigh and place the fork of waffles into my mouth. Just like I asked him too Enzo and I aren't on speaking terms and it's easily spotted by everyone else. Titus and Jade sit on the other side of the dinning table whilst Enzo and I sit next to each other even though we haven't said anything to one another yet.

He looks seductive today and I'm sure the desperate blondes at work will go crazy over him today yet thinking about it doesn't make me anxious or even jealous. For the past hours all I've thought about was seeing Jay and wondering if my friend's okay. We've known each for so long and having him backstab me seems much better than thinking about my marriage.

As selfish as it sounds I want to make sure Jay's okay and an explanation would be good. Thoughts crowd my already confused mind and I take a sip from my glass of orange juice whilst Enzo's busy on his phone once again, as if its a surprise. I wonder what other college he's bribing.

Everyone's dressed in black today and only Enzo wears a hint of white. Titus is in a black t-shirt that shows off his muscular torso and Jade is in a short black crop top with high waisted black jeans. She looks rather pretty today only with thick mascara and liner on her eyes. The brunette's hair is curled to perfection allowing the waves to fall down her back.

Since I am staying home all day, I decided to wear an oversized white hoodie and black leggings. My hair has been really easy to tame since I straightened it so I allowed to soft strands to fall down my back.

"Ivy we're moving Jay to the headquarters down town", Jade says interrupting my intrusive thoughts.

"Really?", how come Enzo didn't tell me.

"Yea, Enzo doesn't believe we're safe if he's still here"

My friend may shot at me but he isn't a dangerous person. I glance over at Enzo surprised he didn't tell me but all he does is rolls his eyes when his name is brought up.

"Well can I see him before you leave?"

"Fine but I'm not leaving you alone with him"

"He isn't that dangerous"

His grey eyes face mine and he seems angrier than usual. His jaw is tightly clenched and it seems I'm annoying him by being in his presence.

"But okay"

We fall silent again and soon a tall blonde bounces into the dinning room seeming more joyous than all of us in the room. The bright eyed girl takes a seat at the head of the table in a white vest that we all clearly see her nipples through and turquoise shorts that are way short, short enough for her to crave attention.

"Good morning"

"Who's this?", Jade asks and I'm reminded that we didn't tell her about Atlas.

"Poppy Atlas' new wife"

"Atlas got married", Jade's mouth falls open and I recall that that was my same reaction.

"Yes I'm not in the mood to deal with any of this", Enzo stands to his feet and shoves his phone into his pocket slowly starting to leave the room, "you come"

Like a child I follow behind Enzo leaving his friends and our unwanted guest there. I walk besides him into the foyer and we keep quiet whilst he takes me to see Jay. I'm nervous and I feel bad that he's considered 'dangerous' now even though growing up the blue eyed boy would never hurt a fly.

I'm taken down a long hall to a brown wooden door at the end of it. The door is opened by Enzo to reveal long stairs leading into the dark. I gulp and take the first step into the dark room, by the time I reach the steps the room reeks of blood and the inside of a hospital. I stand in the dark until Enzo flips on a light and I face the empty cells.

A few windows reflect light onto the blood stained concrete floor and I cringe at how bad it smells. The room holds at least twelve cells and I notice someone in the fourth one on the left side of the room. I sigh and walk down the hall to Jay feeling my heartbeat thumping in my ear. Enzo's besides me and I consider holding his hand but I change my mind.

I stop in front of the cell and sigh when I face my friend. His face is almost bashed in and his right eye is swollen and purple. His lips has a few cuts on it and it seems whoever punched him just aimed for his beautiful face. His head leaned against the cold brick wall whilst he sat on a old mattress that was torn at the sides. Enzo stood beside me and I glanced up at him.

"Can we get just a few minutes alone?"

"No Ivy"

"Can you at least wait at the end of the stairs?"

He sighs and stares at my friend in the cell before walking away. I noticed his purple knuckles and the peeling skin from it, at least now I know who hurt my friend. I stooped down in front of the cell sighing as I held onto the rusty bars.

"Why did you do this?"

"Did he send you in here too?"

"No I wanted to come because you're my friend and I love you"

Jay's eyes dart to Enzo's who's leaning against the wall with his arms crossed whilst staring daggers at him. I can feel the tension between the two and I don't like it at all.

"Why did you do this? I never thought you would hurt me"

"And I never thought you'd marry him so it seems we don't all get the answers we want"



"We've known each other for our entire lives, you basically wished me luck when I was walking down the aisle, why would you try to kill us now?"

He sighs, "I'm not sure that you're well aware but I still have feelings for you and it broke me watching you marry him. And after you left the wedding Archer told me he wanted me to do something for him"

"And you never told me?"

"He got into contact with me more than once, that night I told you I did something bad I actually agreed to what he asked me to do"

"Which was?"

"To kill Enzo"

"Why did you agree?"

"Because he was threatening me and my family and you"

"Me?", I'm confused.

"He said if I didn't he would kill you and my mum. Of course I didn't believe him but he showed me pictures that only someone who was around you would take"

"What pictures?"

"I saw one of you sitting on your bed at this house unboxing a box he sent to you"

He sent me that dress.

"You were unboxing an orange dress he bought you and I knew he was fucking around"

"What else did he tell you?"

"He'd kill all of us if I told Enzo. He made me wear a wire every time I came here, he wanted to know some of your secrets"

"Do you know where he is?"

"No, we'd often meet in his cars"

"Are you sure that's it?", Enzo's voice asked from beside me and I hadn't realized he was here.

"I'm not talking to you", Jay snaps and Enzo rolls his eyes.

"Talk to your friend", Enzo told me and I glanced at Jay.

"Is that it?''


"You could have just said that", Enzo snaps at Jay and I stand to my feet.

I follow Enzo out of the basement and up the stairs. Two guards in all black are ordered to get Jay and transport him to the headquarters and my heart is beating hard against my chest imaging Archer in my room leaving the gift then taking the picture.

Enzo and I slowly walk beside each other in the hallway and I want to know why Archer would do this. When I first met him he was sweet and kind and now he wants Enzo dead. We're both silent as we make our way back to the foyer and I'm certain Enzo has more questions than I do.

"What are you going to do?"

Enzo turns to face me staring me straight in the eyes and for once they're speechless, for once in his life I don't think he actually knows what to do.

"I'll figure it out. Did you meet Archer before?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think he would randomly give my wife a dress for nothing, have you met him before?"

I fiddle with the pearl bracelet on my wrist whilst keeping eye contact with him and he steps towards me grabbing my wrist and stopping me from touching the bracelet he had bought me. My eyes widen at his but he seems too calm to even care about how I feel right now.

His grip on my wrist is hard and doesn't hurt me. I know even if he pissed at me he wouldn't hurt me and I'm glad he can control his anger when it comes to me.

"There...there was this one time. I saw him at the store when I was getting things for the garden party but I didn't know who he was and he seemed so nice"

"And you didn't think to tell me?"

"I didn't know him until that dinner I didn't think I should mention it"

His grip on my wrist tightens so much that I can feel the blood rushing away from my hand and leaving it numb.

"Enzo you're hurting me", I say and he instantly lets go.

I pull my hand away from his glancing at the mark imprinted into my skin and he steps towards me causing me to take a step back as I look anywhere except his eyes.

"Fuck I'm sorry"

I stare at the mark and hear him sigh soon after.


He's interrupted by groans and we both glance up to face Jay. My friend looks terrible and I feel terrible that this has happened to him because of me because of my marriage. I'd never want my friends to be threatened because of the man I thought I loved. I feel tears form in my eyes and Jay's eyes dart between Enzo and I.

He glances at my wrist then at Enzo and I think he figured what happened. But I clear my throat hoping that he'd at least listen to me.

"I'll visit you okay?"

"I'm sorry I did this to you"

"Whatever happens I'll make sure your mum and sister are taken care of"

"Thanks Ivy"

His eyes dart to Enzo's and I glance at Enzo who's glaring hard at him.

"Archer is up to something and you have to keep her safe"

I roll my eyes

"I'm right here and I can handle myself"

He completely ignores me and looks at Enzo,"we both know deep down you actually care about me Enzo", my friend smiles and I consider laughing but I don't.

"Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I care. Your death would be a minor inconvenience that's all"

Jay smiles and Enzo rolls his eyes turning on his heels to head to the door. I smile at how sweet he's being even though I know the only thing he'd want to do is to kill him. I turn back to face Jay and my smile fades. What feels like a flash happens in a seconds and I realize this... this is the time to choose.

It all happens so slow and I watch between the two. Jay turns to one of the guards and yanks his gun from the man's holster, the guards try to stop him but its too late his hand is already on the trigger and I'm just watching. Watching as my friend kills the man I love.

The gun is pointed at Enzo's back and I feel the tears burn my cheeks. Somehow my body jumps into protection mood and I stand in front of the gun allowing the tears to burn my cheeks. I don't know what I'm doing but I know he can't kill Enzo.

Enzo POV

A loud shot echoes throughout the room and I turn around. My heart drops to my feet and I stare at her. Ivy's in front of Jay and he shot her. He fucking shot her and I can't force myself to believe the image in front of me. I can't imagine a life without her if she....


I run towards the two and the guards look petrified yet their not doing anything but just standing there and allowing the asshole to kill my wife. There eyes are all widen and I'll kill him I swear to God I'll kill him. Within seconds I'm besides Ivy yet Jay's the one who falls to his feet. The brunette falls on his knees staring only at her and I spot the gun shot wound. She shot him?

Blood trails down his chest printing onto his shirt and his eyes stare open at her and I glance at her. Tears cloud her bright grey eyes and soon enough the gun falls from his hands and he falls back. His head falls against the concrete floor and soon he lays in a pool of his own blood.

I can't believe what I'm staring at. Ivy my Ivy who seems to be a know it all that laughs the loudest yet never cries and loves the people who surround her just killed her best friend for me?

I don't understand why would she save me and not him?

At the corner of my eyes I spot Titus and Jade rushing out from the dinning room and there eyes all widen in surprise as they face Kay's dead body. Surprisingly Ivy falls to the floor besides him placing her hand on her chest in hopes to keep him alive but he isn't.

She sobs and holds up his head and his eyes slowly close. I'm paralyzed in place as I stare at them. She clutches his corpse against her chest crying harder each time her eyes dart between his shut eyes and his wound.

"Enzo help me don't just stand there"

I manage to blink and I step forward noticing Titus and Jade coming towards us. My arms wrap around Ivy's waist and I pull her onto her feet. Her eyes are focused on his body still and I force her to stand up as her eyes frantically dart around everywhere except at me eyes. Sobs and cries escape her and I don't know what to do since I've never seen her like this.

"What are you doing help him!", she yells at the guards but they do nothing.

"I can't"

"Enzo please", her voice cracks and I hate seeing her like this.

I cup her cheeks and force her to look at me, her soaking eyes and blood covered clothes terrify me and I don't want her to be like me.

"I can't help him. Even if I do....even if I help him then what? I can't take any chances he has to die", my voice has betrayed me and speaks soft to her.

I'd always believed that was the boy inside me who lost his mother and I never truly let him speak yet now here I am talking to her like she's a child who got hurt.

"You can't-"

"I was going to kill him anyway. He has to die"


He stares back at me with cold selfish relentless eyes but I don't recognize him. I can't help but wonder if he'd do the same to me if I wasn't his wife, if I was a normal person he met on the streets. My eyes wander off to Jay and I watch with a tear damped face as he chokes on his own blood.

What kind of friend am I? He's always been there to support me yet I shot him in the heart as if I haven't hurt him already but I can't I can't loose him. We've been through so much together. He was there for me when my mum left and I was there for him when his dad left him.

I break away from Enzo's grip and I go back to him. His eyes are closed and I glance at his bleeding chest. Maybe if I stop the bleeding he'll wake up. My eyes dart to his shut eyes and I realize I'll never see the sparkle in his eyes when he laughs I'll never hear the stupid sarcastic tone in his voice. I'll never eat ice cream on the couch with him and I'll never laugh at stupid movie characters again with him.

The tears burn my cheeks and I feel blind with how much I cry. My hands wraps around his neck and I bring him to my heart crying into his hair as everything we've ever done flashes across my mind.  He can't leave me just yet I still need him. I need him to tell me how annoying I am I need him to tell me how much he hates me when I win at domino.

Please come back to me. I shouldn't be here sitting in a pool of my best friends blood he should be here sitting on the couch telling me about the girl he's dating.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I never should have done this to you. This is all my fault, this is a mistake I'm so sorry. I'm sorry you don't deserve this. Your supposed to be here with me laughing and eating ice cream. I'm sorry I did this to you. This is all a mistake. I love you so much I'm so sorry"

I hear whispers around me but I don't know who it is.

"Enzo help her", Jade I think says.

"I love you and I'm sorry. Oh god I'm sorry I never meant for this to happen"

Strong arms wraps around my waist and I'm pulled away from him again. I apologize again to his lifeless body and I'm brought to my feet. My eyes face Jay and I feel Enzo's hand intertwine with mine. Jade kneels down besides him and I can't force myself to look.

My face is buried into Enzo's chest and I feel his arms around me. A hand is placed at the back of my neck forcing me to cry against him and I'm faced with so much guilt after what I did to my best friend.

Enzo POV

Some time has passed and I finally got Ivy to stop crying. Titus and Jade are dealing with the disposal of Jay's body and I have to help her. She wanted to be alone in our bedroom and I don't think she cleaned herself up yet the last thing I would want for her is to sit around and cry whilst staring at his blood on her skin.

My hand wraps around our bedroom door knob and I push open the creaking door stepping inside the dark quiet room. I don't hear sniffles which is a good sign. I shut the door behind me feeling used to the dark but I don't want her in it.

She's too good way too fucking good for me and I don't want her to do shit like this. She shouldn't have to kill her friend for me and I hate that she did. I'd appreciate it if she left all the killing in our relationship to me.

A deep breath

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