《t h i r t e e n》

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          CHAEBIN had been avoiding Doyoung ever since she admitted she low-key had a crush on him. She knew Doyoung was most probably sulking and roaming around the apartment like a lost ghost since he was still sure he had a heart disease.

What a dumb rabbit.

"Ahem! Seo Chaebin!" A loud yell made her soul jump out of her body for a split second‚ snapping her from her daydream about a certain prince. "What do you need sir?" She asked and switched her expression to a professional looking one. Taeil squinted his eyes and stared at his subordinate in suspicion making her melt down in her seat.

He slowly lifted his arm and placed three files on her office table‚ Chaebin assumed she had to look through them and lifted her hands to grab them. Taeil quickly got hold of her hands and slipped into the office chair infront of her table‚eyes sparkling and a happy aura surrounding him.

"Do you have a crush? I can see it in your eyes! Tell me tell me!" He spoke in an excited manner‚ shocking Chaebin. "Why are you so interested in my love life?" Chaebin glanced at his hands and then his face. "I also want to be involved in the company's gossips you know." Taeil pouted and let go of her hands‚ spining on the chair. How is he my boss? Chaebin sweatdropped at his childish attitude.

She sighed before telling him‚ thinking it won't do any harm in spilling her feelings. "Maybe I do have one." She said in a quiet voice‚ she blushed and hid her face in a file. Taeil gasped loudly and inched forward‚ "Who? Who? is it someone from the company?" He asked and wiggled his eyebrow at her. "No he's not from the company." Chaebin answered. "When will you confess to him?" Taeil asked totally forgetting he also had his own work to deal with.

Chaebin became redder‚ "I am shy." She said‚ Taeil sighed and stood up.

"Wouldn't last a day in itzy."



"Anyway you better tell him because in my office no one is a wimp okay?" Taeil pointed at her and then at the files he left on the table‚ "Also give me those today." Chaebin groaned in agitation after Taeil left her office. After a few minutes of moping around she gathered all the courage she had and yelled to herself that she will tell Doyoung about her feelings. "Yeah I shouldn't feel scared when the one I like is dumb enough to think he has a heart disease."

"What will happen after I tell him? Will the curse break? AH! what if he goes back to his time!? Nah he won't right? Argh!" Chaebin ruffled her hair and rested her head on the table. "Stupid bunny making my mind go crazy."

Soon the day almost ended and Chaebin was on her way back home. She purposely drove in circles around her street since she was still shy thinking how she will talk to Doyoung. She stopped the car in the parking lot of the apartment building‚ staring at a small rose bouquet she bought lying on the passenger seat. "Okay! Let's do this!" She said and clapped few times before picking up the bouquet and getting out of her car.

She awkwardly fumbled with her keys and opened her apartment door. "I am home!" She yelled and took off her shoes. She noticed how the apartment was really quiet and dark since Doyoung didn't switch on any lights. "Weird." She mumbled to herself and grabbed a small broom placed near the shoe rack‚ her grip on the bouquet tightened. "Doyoung!? Did you get a heart attack or something? Hey!" She called him out but he didn't answer.

Or more like couldn't answer since he turned back to his rabbit form‚ unintentionally. Doyoung didn't know why and what happened but his curse became stronger. Without his will his body transformed back to a rabbit.

He hopped towards her in worry‚ hoping she would be able to see him in the dark. Chaebin moved her hand around the wall and looked for a light switch‚ after a few minutes of struggle she found it and sighed in relief. As soon as the light bulb illuminated the quiet apartment her eyes met with a rabbit's who was staring at her in anticipation. "What... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" She exclaimed and let go of the bouquet and the broom while rushing towards Doyoung.

She fell on her knees and quickly held him in her arms‚ Doyoung felt relaxed in her hold‚ all the fear and anxiety he was feeling when she wasn't around vanished. "How did you turn back? What happened?" She asked him and look at him for answers but Doyoung could only stare back. His ear twiched as if he was trying to say something. "Right you can't speak in this form." Chaebin sighed. She stood up and went to sit on the couch. She gently placed him on a pillow and fell back on the couch.

she leaned her head back and closed her eyes in exhaustion‚ what do I do now? why can't he turn back to human? she asked herself. Feeling a soft nudge on her hand she turned to look at doyoung trying to cheer her up. "This looks like the time I found you on the street." Chaebin started laughing but soon cried when doyoung but her finger. "What was that for!?" She glared at the rabbit who was glaring back. She could tell by his face that he was yelling‚ Do something about this stupid girl!

"How am I supposed to know what to do?!"

I don't know you should know!

"Just turn back to human is it that hard!?"

I would have if I could dumbass!

"AAH!" Chaebin yelled in frustration  looked away from Doyoung. "Usually in fairytales.... to break curses like these." Chaebin mumbled to herself. "There is no way I am doing that!" She blushed and also felt grossed out. Kiss? kiss... KISS A RABBIT? NO "I ain't doing that!" She shook her head. Doyoung felt agitated and hopped towards her‚ he started nudging her arm and lightly hit her arm by his head. He felt dizzy by doing that so he fell back. His ears moved back in forth in worry and frustration.

Chaebin felt bad for him after seeing his failed attempts on moving her arm. She huffed‚ "Fine!" She yelled and gently grabbed him. Am I really about to kiss a rabbit? She thought. Doyoung was looking at her unimpressed. What is she gonna do now? he thought.

He started screaming internally when he saw Chaebin leaning forward‚ why is she coming closer!? Oh my god!? Chaebin shut her eyes tightly and leaned forward. Doyoung stopped struggling when he felt a light peck on the top of his nose‚ his heart bursted with happiness and he felt giddy. He found himself changing and returning back to his human form.


Chaebin opened her eyes in shock when a loud sound was heard and Doyoung fell on top of her on the couch‚ both blushing hard. "I-I guess the curse broke! Uh hm Congratulations....?" Chaebin became a stuttering mess as she tried to balance Doyoung preventing him from falling down the couch.

She yelped in shock when Doyoung hugged her tightly and made himself comfortable on the couch‚ snuggling close to her. "Thankyou." He whispered softly. Chaebin stayed quiet and hugged him back‚ her heart beating faster due to his touch.

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