Kyouka x Reader

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(Adapted from alternate request)

Her hands were small in mine and trembling slightly though my own weren't much better. Small unshed tears glistened in her eyes making them even brighter than their usual sparkle. We were young and didn't realize just what the future would hold for us and how twisted fate tends to be.

Kyouka squeezed my hands gently, an unspoken promise passing between us. "We'll see each other again, Kyo. I'll find you when I'm older," I whispered. Even as a very young child I was motivated to grow up in order to see her again. The relocation of my family couldn't keep us away forever, right?

"I'll be here," she mumbled quietly. And with one last hug I was scooped into the family vehicle and the space between Kyouka and I grew.


The young woman in front of me was almost unrecognizable, almost. My eyes widened in familiarity as she only stared back blankly. Years had passed since we last saw each other and the time had changed her for the beautiful. Her dark hair was tied in two loose tails that fell down her back and she wore a lovely deep red kimono that brought out the blue of her eyes.

I could tell by the puzzled look on her face that she didn't recognize me and my own changes. I've of course gotten taller as well as older and on top of all of that I wore a mask over my face which hid all my important features.

"I'm looking for the Armed Detective Agency?" My question felt silly compared to everything else that wanted to spew from my mouth. I wanted to burst with glee that we have been reunited, that fate and destiny had twined us together and that she's always been at the back of my mind ever since we were separated but I didn't say any of that. Times had changed and the friendship we once had died a long time ago even though the happy memories still lingered.

"This is the right building. I'll go get Kunikida," her small voice rang out gently. I bit my tongue from making any comments on how her voice was still sweet and true after all these years. I watched her leave as my thoughts started to slow from the initial shock.

She didn't know who I was and as much as I wanted to rip off my mask to reveal myself there was something holding me back. She shouldn't even be here, her home was miles and miles away and I certainly never imagined her working somewhere like the ADA. There was also a haunted look in her eyes that didn't quite click in my brain with the usual wonder-filled ones I used to know. Something must've happened after all this time, it only made sense that life wouldn't stay the same for either of us.

If I revealed who I was, would it drive her away? Would she feel some type of pressure from an old life? Maybe it was better that she didn't know my true identity. I could still look out for her, maybe even build a new friendship with her, but either way we would never be the same.


"Will you hurry up?" I stuck my tongue out in the direction of my work partner. "How mature of you," Kyouka responded. Months had passed in a rush of time and it all seemed to have boiled down to this moment, at least for me. My biggest mission with my most dangerous target yet. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't excited for such a big position to play, especially after being somewhat of a bench warmer before.

"Why aren't you focusing?" I tripped slightly before righting myself to prove her point. A new friendship has blossomed between us as we clicked together just as well as all those years ago. I never removed my mask in front of anyone in hopes that she would never find out the truth.

Our dynamic was as beautiful as ever with our mutual protection and care of each other through thick and thin. She revealed facts I had already known and plenty I didn't including the sad departing of her parents and her trip through hell with the Port Mafia. I definitely paid Atsushi my gratitude and respect for setting her onto a brighter path. A sharp slap to the back of my head alerted me to my lack of focus again.

"I get it! I'm totally focused on the mission," I hissed to her. She only glared back, calling my bluff with only a stare. I pouted but set about making a conscious effort to stay alert. This was new territory and I would need all my attention set to staying alive. Waltzing into the den of a tiger wasn't easy or for the weak hearted.

As we neared our destination slowly, the shadows seemed to stretch longer and the walls became higher. I wasn't one to notice but it made me feel insignificant, like the alleyway could devour me without a care in the world. With a single nervous gulp, I steeled my nerves and brushed up against Kyouka's shoulder.

"We're close aren't we?" I whispered in her ear. I felt her nod against me without a sound. Her assassin silence sent a strange tingle up my neck. To be one of her victims would be terrifying though you probably then somewhat deserved it one way or another.

I poked my head around the corner to find nothing but an empty alleyway. No pressure. I gave my partner a single nod, the code that the coast was clear and that phase one would start. An uncertainness crept up into her gaze as she frowned. I knew she wouldn't see it but I gave her a small smile and a gentle shoulder pat before I slinked into the abandoned space. I swear I heard the faintest "be careful" behind me but that could've just been wishful thinking.

Each step I took had a purpose, an objective to swipe a very important document off a smaller gang's higher level thug. Sounded complicated but when broken down was fairly simple. With him not able to see my face it would help to slow down being traced back to the ADA. It wasn't until I was nearly to the end of the alley I realized my mistake. It was bold to assume there would be no watchmen for such an important document and that they were too low level to invest in a sniper.

A searing pain flashed through my side till it consumed my whole body in horrifying waves of torment. I only managed a weak shout but it was hopefully enough of a warning for Kyouka to run. I crumpled to the floor, my arms not knowing whether to try to cover the wound or not. A warm liquid slicked my hands in a delicious red hue.

In the back of my pain stricken mind, I was vaguely aware of gunshots and shouts that sounded terrifyingly familiar. A hand gripped the base of my neck but my vision was too blurred to make out the features. A darkness invaded my sight as someone seemed to be screaming at me.


The day was warm and colored in warm earthy tones with the taste of sweetness in the wind. It was an early memory, one of my earliest that tended to be nearly forgotten about. Two young children ran around giggling in the yard with not a care or worry in the world. The adults sat up at the house with warm smiles adorning their features at the sight of such a sweet friendship, one that appeared strong enough to be unbroken for anything.

The child held a ball the size of their head to their chest with a goofy grin pulling at their cheeks. They watched as the girl caught up to them with a slight reddish hue to her cheeks from the constant running. She, also, wore a wide smile, one that was rare when she wasn't around the kid.

"I wanna play house now," she called to them. Their smile didn't falter as they dropped the ball to join her side. She giggled as they took her hand in theirs and gently pulled her along to one of the nearby trees.

"This could be our house! I'll be the papa and you can be the mama!" they exclaimed cheerily. The girl halted at the proposition that almost sounded scandalous to a small girl. She shook her head gently, her arms crossing at the prospect.

"I can't be the mama," she pouted. The other kid looked confused but didn't change their mind as their stubbornness pushed forward.

"Why not?" They almost sounded disappointed at the idea of rejection that even at a young age they were fairly aware of. The girl huffed as if the reason were obvious.

"You'd have to marry me. I can't be the mama if I'm not married." The child brightened before they ran off. The girl called their name but they were long gone. She continued to pout and call their name.

They had only left for a few minutes before they were back with their hands behind their back conspiratorially. They dropped to one knee before her as they brought out their hands. A small flower was clutched in their sweaty palms. The young girl didn't fully understand the feeling that bubbled up inside her; the very feeling that would haunt her for years to come.

"Will you marry me?" they proposed happily. The girl shook her head once more to the kid's disappointment. They just wanted to play but it was becoming rather insulting that she wouldn't accept them. "Why not?" they whined.

"We're too young," she mumbled half heartedly. She shyly poked her toe into the dirt as she still didn't take the flower from the child's hand. They didn't stop though. This was their best friend and they couldn't understand why she wouldn't take their flower and their proposal.

A new dedication made a bright smile slip past their lips. They stood back up and wrapped the girl's hands around the stem of the flower. She looked up at them as their eyes met.

"Then one day we will get married! When we're older we can have a wedding! I won't leave your side, I promise, Kyo" they exclaimed. She could only nod at their promise.


A large crash woke me from my slumber as the honey colored memory washed from my eyes. The room I seemed to be in was blindingly white and smelled like chemicals. A throbbing pain distracted me from any further observations as I curled into my side with a groan.

"Careful! Dr. Yosano took all night to save you," a soft voice exclaimed. Gentle hands gripped my shoulders and pushed me back against the mattress I seemed to be laying on. I glanced up to find a very exhausted looking Kyouka.

"Kyo?" I rasped out. She looked struck by the name but she nodded in affirmation. My mind jostled awake as my hand came up to rest on her own. Her fingers twitched but stilled as she didn't retract her hand from mine.

A figure stood at the corner of my vision and mumbled a few things I wasn't awake enough to hear or understand. Kyouka looked towards the figure and nodded before turning her attention back to me. The click of a door alerted me that we were now alone.

"You were shot." My head snapped up at the worry in her voice. A spike of pain sliced through my side at the mention of the wound. My eyes glanced down to the red, oozing bandages that wrapped around my naked torso. Heat crept up my neck at the thought of Kyouka seeing me like this.

In a sudden state of panic, my hands flew up to my face, reassured at the feeling of my mask. Kyouka's frown deepened at the gesture in a sad sort of way. I cleared my throat from the new awkwardness of the room.

"I should've anticipated a sniper. I guess I really wasn't focused," I tried to laugh before breaking out into a coughing fit that made my ribs scream. Once I was able to catch my breath, I directed my attention back to the silence of Kyouka. Her head was lowered with her bangs covering her face from my sight. My hand reached out tenderly to lift her chin. A sharp breath left my lips at the sight of tears streaking down her pale face.

"You almost died," she whispered breathily. The shock of the realization struck somewhere deep in my core but I did my best to ignore it as I gently pulled her to my side on the hospital bed. She willingly curled into my side, making sure not to press against the wound. I wiped a thumb under her eyes to keep the tears away but they still trickled down.

"I'm alright Kyo," I whispered to her. Her body tensed as she sat up abruptly. Her eyebrows were furrowed in a conflicted way. I began to wonder if I said something wrong by the look on her face.

"Take it off." The demand was serious, all sadness eradicated from her tone and instead replaced with an urgency. I sat up as well, my side aching at the movement. My fingers gripped my mask as I shook my head like a child. Who knows how she'd react if she found out I'd been lying to her. She pouted slightly, sitting back on her heels in defeat.

"I'm sorry, it's just you reminded me of someone," she mumbled quietly. There was a sound of sorrowful longing in her wavering voice. After everything that has happened in our lives, it wasn't fair for me to hide like this but I just couldn't bring myself to rip off my mask. It could ruin everything we've worked to regain and I couldn't lose her again. But what was there to achieve if I removed this thin barrier between us? Was there a chance we could revive an old dead friendship after all that's happened between us? That slim possibility, though, would be worth all the anger from Kyouka.

I inhaled deeply as I slowly removed the mask from my face, the light of the room washing across my features. For a second, she was silent but she quickly regained herself as she launched toward me and into my arms. I cringed at the pressure on my gash but otherwise ignored the discomfort as my arms wrapped around her shoulders. Wetness dropped down my chest at the merciless tears of Kyouka that were now paired with soft hiccups.

"Believe me, I wanted to reveal myself to you that very first day, Kyo," I chuckled sadly. We could've been this way since I first got here if I had only been strong enough to reopen my barriers to her. Even after all this time it seems I've underestimated the bond we had as kids, back when we promised to stay together.

"I actually had a dream when I was resting," I whispered. Her quiet sobbing ceased as she stared up at me with watery eyes, silently encouraging me to continue. "It was more of a memory actually. It was when we made our promise. Remember that time when I proposed to you and you repeatedly rejected me?" I laughed.

A small grin spread across her face as she clearly recalled the fond memory. Soon enough she was chuckling and we found ourselves laughing and gasping at our own humorous behavior. "I do remember actually. You were very persistent," she giggled.

My laughing slowed to a stop but the burning in my cheeks continued. I gently bumped my forehead against hers, internalizing this moment to never forget.

"I'm so sorry Kyo," I muttered. Her mouth opened to object but I quickly hushed her. "I should've been there. I should've had the guts to face you again."

I tenderly gripped her shoulders as she continued to stare at me. A gentle smile pulled at my lips. "That promise still stands Kyo. I'm not leaving your side." Another tear spilled down her face, my finger wiping it away before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

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