Kunikida x Reader

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"Spill it!" 

"Seriously! We'll find out one way or another." 

"Just tell us already!" 

The ADA crowded the blond man with pleading expressions that he could definitely resist.  They weren't going to get any information from Kunikida no matter how much they begged, he was just too tough to crack.  Not to mention the trouble he could be in if a certain someone were to find out that he had revealed their shared secret. 

"This is getting annoying.  Tell us who you're dating already," Ranpo whined, popping another mint into his mouth in impatience with the stubbornness of Kunikida.  The quiet man didn't say anything though, only sighing while taking off his glasses to rub off invisible specks. 

He wasn't keen on revealing much about his love life in the first place but someone had tricked him into spilling the truth of a mysterious lover.  Now everyone in the ADA was set on finding out who it was.  Even Kenji was poking him with curiosity for who his coworker had chosen as a partner. 

"Leave me alone already, I don't plan on telling you anything soon and there's work to be done," Kunikida chastised with a serious frown.  No one was going to listen though as they erupted in jeers for the man's silence.  There seemed to be no escape for the blond at this point as Dazai stepped forward with a sly smirk.  Kunikida silently crossed himself in prayer at the mischievous look of his coworker. 

"C'mon Kunikida.  You would leave your dear friends in the dark to such an important part of your life?" Dazai mused with fake offense, one of his hands resting against his chest dramatically.  The other merely rolled his eyes before turning away from the irritated group.  The sound of grumbles and shouts echoed across the office but Kunikida didn't care for their disappointment.  He had promised his lover to keep their relationship secret and it was going to take more than a couple of pleas for him to drop a name. 

The sound of a door slamming open caught everyone's attention as the chaotic group stared at the intruder of their interrogation.  Atsushi gave an apologetic look to the clear interruption he had caused as he shuffled into the room with a fluffy bundle in his arms.  Dazai was the first to perk up and address the weretiger. 

"You're back, congrats!  You can help us get Kunikida to spill the name of his lover now," the brown haired menace cheerily stated with a flourish of his hands.  Kunikida groaned with Dazai's persistence before his eyes landed on the delicate package in Atsushi's hold.  The boy noticed Kunikida's focus on his arms as he gave him a small smile. 

"Do you like them?  They followed me around town and so I figured I'd take them here to hang out for a bit.  Sorry for not asking first," Atsushi apologized through his smile.  Kunikida's mood instantly lifted as he gazed down at the fluffy black and white cat nuzzled against Atsushi.  He chuckled softly before pushing his glasses up his nose. 

"I do in fact like them, they're pretty cute," the blond man confessed.  The others in the group looked at each other in confusion.  Kunikida wasn't one to dote on an animal but as the man lifted the cat gently from Atsushi's hold, they couldn't help but admire the attention he was giving the feline. 

The cat began to purr lovingly as Kunikida walked over to the couch to place the fluff ball on his lap, running his fingers through the thick fur gently.  Yosano slid by his side to gaze at the feline with curiosity. 

"They're eyes are a little unusual for a cat but they are pretty cute," she admitted, her hand moving to scratch the animal's ears.  The cat began to purr even louder, their head bumping forward to lean into the warm touch of the doctor.  Kunikida let out another chuckle, casting a loving stare down to the feline. 

Ranpo squinted his eyes at the interaction, his head trying to solve this very strange behavior of his coworker but soon he couldn't resist the soft look of the creature's fur and so he sat on the ground to allow his fingers to play with the cat's tail in concentration.  Dazai pouted as everyone became distracted by the animal, the whole group moving in to coo to the fluffy cat. 

"Did you all forget what our mission is?  We need to get the name of Kunikida's lover," the brunette announced with a wave of his arms.  The blond man gave a sigh, a small smile still plastered on his lips.  The cat in his lap perked up suddenly, slitted eyes widening as it stretched its paws onto Kunikida's chest with its tail lashing.  He looked down at the feline slightly shocked before letting out a defeated groan. 

"Fine.  You want to know so badly, you can hear it from my lover directly because I'm still not saying a word," he announced as everyone looked to him in confusion for how he expected his lover to tell them.  It was then that the cat began to morph as light curled around the once fluffy animal. 

The group retracted away from the strange occurrence as the cat had disappeared behind a cloud of light.  When the brightness died down, they all shot up to their feet to stare in shock.  In Kunikida's lap where the black and white cat that they were all swarming over only mere moments before now sat a grown person with a cheeky grin. 

"Hey there!  Nice to meet you all!  I'm y/n and I heard something mentioned about me," the shapeshifter waved cheerily.  The rest of the ADA's jaws dropped as Kunikida wrapped his arms around the person's torso to bring them in for a small kiss that caused the other to hum happily.  Atsushi pointed in accusation at the shapeshifter with betrayal along his features. 

"You're not a cat!  You tricked me!" he yelled in a panic.  Y/n feigned innocence as they gestured to themself in confusion.  The rest of the group started to feel flustered that they had all doted on Kunikida's lover, though Dazai only held a victorious smirk with the new information. 

"I was a cat and I didn't mean to trick you but I noticed you were an ADA member and I wanted to see Kunikida's amazing coworkers he talks about all the time.  I'm sorry if I made you all uncomfortable," the shapeshifter apologized with a small frown. 

Kenji was the first to perk up, stepping forward with an outstretched hand.  Y/n rested their hand in the other's grip curiously.  The blond boy smiled cheerily, shaking the shapeshifter's hand in a friendly greeting that caused a small grin to form on the other's face. 

"I'm Kenji!  You make a really cute cat by the way!" he stated unashamedly.  One by one the rest of the group overcame their shock as they each took turns introducing themselves to the shapeshifter as Kunikida gently held his lover in his lap without muttering a word.  He hadn't expected his lover to reveal themself so soon but he definitely didn't mind the smile that stretched across his lover's face as they conversed with his coworkers cheerily. 

"You look incredibly beautiful when you're happy," Kunikida muttered into his lover's ear affectionately.  The person in his lap shivered as the whisper tickled their skin.  Dazai took notice of this and narrowed his eyes at the interaction.  He never expected Kunikida to be so fond of someone but he couldn't help the pride he felt seeing Kunikida so happy with his lover.

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