{ Unpopular Opinions}

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These are just my honest opinions on the series and the characters.

- Everyone gets downgraded. Especially Chuuya and Atsushi. I often see them degraded into "uwu soft gay bottom boys". Atsushi has so much sass and Chuuya is so gutsy, how did they get interpreted as that?

- Junichiro and Atsushi have an underrated friendship. I wanna see some bestie shenanigans between them.

- All female characters need more attention, especially Yasano, Higuchi, Lucy M, and Kyoka. These women are absolute girl bosses, we need more on these women.

- Dazai is NOT good boyfriend/husband material. Same for Fyodor. (I don't mind if you like them,  but some people try to paint them as innocent angels. Like dude, how?)

- All and I mean ALL of the Soukoku ships are fucking toxic. (ShinSoukoku, Soukoku, and Old Soukoku).

- The Anime adaptation isn't too bad. (The studio and animators are trying their best. The reason they probably couldn't fit some stuff in is because of budget, since BSD isn't a mainstream anime.)

- I like the BONES art style. They do have some pieces that look pretty scuffed tho.

- I don't like Kaji. He rubs me the wrong way.

- Herman Melville and Fukuzawa are pretty heckin doggo cool. These old men are kings.

- Ango isn't all that bad. I don't like him that much either, but he does his best in the situations he deals with. He's also pretty adamant about treating others like humans, regardless of how ruthless the can be (example: Dazai).

This is kinda a rant but o well. I thought if I shared my opinions that I could find people interested in the way I write/view the series. Have a nice day :D

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