Alexis POV
Summer flew by quickly. Nothing really happened just me and Jacob hanging out making musicl.lys, vines, YouTube Vedios, Instagram pictures. We had a blast. It was our first day back to school we were going to 8th grade.
My phone went off with a text (a- me j- Jacob)
J- you ready for today?
A- yeah!
J- can't wait!
A- same
J- gotta go we ya at school 💝
A- see ya. 💖
I got dressed in skinny jeans and a hoodie. I walked to school once I got to school Jacob was hanging out with his friends. "Dude why are you still friends with her?" One asked "cause." Jacob said "just dump her already" another said "no!" Jacob yelled "fine." Another said I walked to class. My phone went off
Unknown number - Jacob, he's going to break up with you.
Me- umm who is this?
Unknown - you'll find out soon enough
Soon the bell rang and I went to go to lunch I sat a empty table one of Jacobs "friends" walked up to me and gave me a note
I think it would be better
if we were just friends.
~Jacob S.
I put the note in my pocket. I got up and went to my next class. Soon the day was over. I ran home alone crying. "How could he? I thought I could trust him!" I yelled as I stopped. Soon I got home, my mom wasn't home she was rarely home anymore. My dad wasn't around. my dad didn't really care he was never around. I sat on my bed and cried. "How could he?" I said but no one heard me or cared.
"Alexis... I'm sorry for leaving you." Someone said I looked up, to see my Father. "Dad?" I asked "come here." He said I got up and ran to him. "I missed you." I said "who hurt you?" He asked "No one." I said as I cried in his arms. " I missed you." I said again "I missed you too." He said "Alexis I'm sorry...." Someone said I turned around and saw Jacob "SAVE IT!" I yelled "Jacob just leave I don't want you in my life no more." As soon as I said that Jacob ran out of the house.
Jacobs POV
I was really sorry for breaking up with Alexis. I went to her house to see her with a man I guessing was her dad. I ran home and got out my YouTube camera and set it up. I sat in front of it.
Before I turned it on I posted on Instagram with a picture of me and Alexis kissing with the caption "missing you Alexis😭😖" I posted it and tagged her. went to Snapchat and posted a picture with the caption "totally not crying......." Then twitter "Alexis if you see this..... I just wanted to say I'm sorry... I can't explain how much I love you in 140 letters." I put down my phone and started the YT Vedio. (I think that's how you spell it. IDK) I looked at the camera. "Alexis.... I lost you and I'm sorry...... I just want you to know I lost you and I'm super sorry! I'm Stupid and Dub. I didn't mean to hurt you like this..... Its going to be hard with out in my life. I know im a Fucking stupid 13 year old. Soon us going to find someone better, Than me Rolf Jacob Sartorius. This is Jacob sining off bye." I said as I put my hand over the camera and turned it off. I took it to my computer and posted it with the caption "I'm Sorry Alexis."
YO GUYS! What up! I kinda hate this chapter but I have something planed sooooon so see ya soon with anotha update! ~Alexis.
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